Seeing the reactions of other players, Chu Yang couldn't help but smile. The road in front of him aroused his great interest!
There is a ghost, so he will leave!
There is no blame, so how do you lose the equipment when you fight monsters?

Chu Yang smiled calmly, and walked directly towards the road!
The players couldn't help being taken aback, he didn't expect that a new player would have such courage and courage!

In the live broadcast room at this time, many viewers also spoke:
"This new player is very brave."

Chu Yang took the lead, but he suddenly heard footsteps behind him. It turned out that he took the steps himself, which also encouraged the players behind!

He couldn't help but smile in his heart, that's how people are, as long as one person dares to try, others will follow up one after another.

At this time, he inadvertently discovered that his popularity had risen!

Chu Yang searched carefully, and found that there were bullet casings and matchsticks on this path, obviously someone passed by here.

He suddenly found a rag of a piece of clothing, which was obviously an outdoor jacket, and the price was not very cheap.

"There are clues."

Chu Yang couldn't help being delighted, since there were traces of fighting, it proved that they were getting closer to Wu Xie!

When this group of new players found someone, they were immediately overjoyed and said one after another:
"Is it the Wu Xie mentioned in the side mission?"

"Wouldn't it be possible to meet Zhang Qiling?"

Chu Yang did not open the champagne at half time like these people did. He found that the flowers, plants and trees in front of him were actually covered with a layer of frost.

You know, although it is night here, it is not cold enough to form a layer of frost.

Sure enough, at this moment, a mist rose all around!
Chu Yang smiled lightly. After waiting for so long, there was finally some movement!
At this time, pale fog appeared on both sides of the entire road.

Those new players huddled together, and some of them even hugged each other, their hands and feet trembling, and they almost couldn't stand still.

Chu Yang knew that this mist was just an appetizer, and the real danger was yet to come!

"It's over, it's over, there's a ghost!" A young man wearing glasses and a suit and leather shoes cried out in fright, "What should we do!"

"What should I do? Fight!" One of the social-looking burly men took out a sharp butterfly knife from his pocket, "Either you die or I die, do it!"

Chu Yang stopped him suddenly and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"What?" The man was confused, "Why ask this?"

Chu Yang said calmly, "Then you are in such a hurry to get the boxed lunch?"

"Don't stop me, it's fine if you're cowardly, but you still want to drag others to be with you?" The man became angry, "I'll kill him!"

Chu Yang shook his head, and when he rushed out with that man, he actually found a rock and sat down slowly!

After the thick fog, there was a sudden scream!
Then, a chubby thing flew out, spun around a few times, and landed in front of everyone.


The players were all shocked, because this "chubby" thing was the head of that big man!

The human head still maintained a frightened expression, and a bloody spine even dragged behind the human head like a braid.

The new players were suddenly out of their wits, they couldn't say a word, they just shouted in horror!
Even some strong men with big arms and round waists who had been soldiers and practiced boxing were scared out of their wits at this time, and their faces were pale!
Some very young players were so frightened that they vomited!

"It's hard to persuade a dead ghost with good words, and great mercy will never save someone from suicide. I advise you not to worry, you have to give the head away."

Chu Yang shook his head. He clearly persuaded that person just now, but he didn't expect him to move forward.

"System prompt: A player is [dead in battle], and the [instance reward] is reduced by 10%."

Chu Yang was surprised and said: "It doesn't matter if you donate your head to become an actor, my dungeon income will be reduced!"

"It seems that in the future, we should lead these teammates more often."

However, he also judged the type of monster in the smoke through the corpse of this big man!
Chu Yang tugged his sleeves and stretched his muscles.

"Hey, what are you doing?" asked the other players, "You don't want to go in, do you?"

Chu Yang said indifferently with a relaxed face: "Fight monsters, if there are monsters, if you don't fight them, what are you doing here?"

"Are you crazy?" A man was surprised. "Just now, the brother was tall and big. He got his head when he went in. Do you know what's behind?"

"There are scratches on this head, and the wound is not regular, it's just scratched by a zombie." Chu Yang said calmly.


Hearing the word zombie, the faces of these players turned even paler.

One girl even fainted from fright!

"It shouldn't be..."

Chu Yang was a little surprised, these people were too irresistible!

Then, he said something that shocked everyone:

"Aren't zombies in this kind of game the little monsters in Xinshou Village?"

Chu Yang glanced back at the players, and said calmly, "Come on, I'll give you the whole job."

At this moment, he threw the head and walked straight into the fog!

There was a vast expanse of whiteness in the fog, and Chu Yang strolled leisurely in the courtyard, just like taking a walk.

And his actions shocked the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Is he messed up?"

"Putting it out? Going to be the last one, come out to seek death?"

"Could it be that you're scared and stupid? Are you going to smash the jar?"

Netizens are puzzled!

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