Horror: I didn't use all my strength, but the copy was worn?

Chapter 197 Escape from the Underground Tunnel

Chu Yang asked, "What is the Shield Guard Association?"

Soma Mitsuko said, "You know Yukio Mishima, right?"

Chu Yang nodded.

"Yukio Mishima wanted to establish a new politics at the beginning, so he established a shield society, and then the mutiny failed." Soma Mitsuko said.

"I've heard of this before." Chu Yang said, "It's a crazy organization."

"The Shield Guard Club was established by some wealthy students from the Changyuan Business School next door to us and a large group of bullies. They are all rich and good at fighting."

Listening to Soma Mitsuko's words, Chu Yang had a new understanding of the opponent in front of him.

First of all, they have the opportunity to touch firearms, and they also have high military qualities.

Moreover, these people also have strong physical fitness, have received strict training, and can be said to be born lunatics.

"For the sake of the empire, go!"

At this time, on an isolated island without humanity and without any legal constraints, these horrific students turned into demons with guns.

Their heads were wrapped with the Rising Sun Light flag, which symbolized the military + national + communism + righteousness. At this time, these boys who seemed to have no excitement in their lives began to regard Chu Yang in front of them as their enemies.

"Samurai of the Imperial Army, go forward! Get rid of the bastards corrupted by capitalism!"

From that hole, more and more pursuers jumped in.

"I'll take the lead!"

The first one was a boy holding a M3 submachine gun with a long barrel and a cross sight. He shouted Long Live the Empire, and ran towards Chu Yang and the others while shooting.

This kind of shooting is not accurate at all, but inside the narrow tunnel, it can produce a very large lethality. Chu Yang turned his head and shot, which can be regarded as killing the boy.

"I cover you."

Soma Mitsuko fired and knocked down the cannon fodder who was charging behind with a machete and crossbow.

At this moment, a student from the school team with a light machine gun appeared behind him. Seeing Chu Yang running away, he immediately ordered all his companions to fire wildly.

Chu Yang said: "The firepower of this group of people is simply too strong."

Photon said: "They are punks from another school, they are all uneducated bastards."

Chu Yang smiled and said, "I seem to be injured."

"Injured?" Bullets flew by for a moment, countless light machine guns and heavy machine guns fired together, and the edge of the corridor where the two were located was riddled with holes.

"Why did you tell me this?" Soma Photon looked at Chu Yang and asked.

"I think you are a companion. If you are a companion, you must trust each other." Chu Yang said, "Abdomen, one shot."

At this time, Chu Yang was deprived of his skills and defense value by the horror game system, so it was only natural for him to be shot.

"Are you going to surrender?" Soma Mitsuko tore off the wall covering from his face, "These guys are not human, and it's very miserable to be caught by them."

At this time, some Shield Guard students with single-shot rifles rushed out, and they actually had a brother with a shield in his left hand and a submachine gun in his right in the front row.

"Bayonet on!" shouted a student who appeared to be the leader. "Brothers, it's time to show the spirit of the bushido!"

"Use the bayonet, pierce the enemy's armor, and revive the glory of the Yamato nation!"

The crazy students put all kinds of bayonets on their single-shot rifles, and then sang the military song of the J Army.

Soma Mitsuko stretched out his assault rifle and fired, but unexpectedly, the shield blocked the rifle bullets.

Members of the Shield Guards, who were singing military songs, tried to engage in a decisive bayonet battle with them.

"These lunatics." Soma Mitsuko scolded.

"Such intensive shooting is also very deadly." Chu Yang said, "But the submachine gun is even more terrifying. These two things are fatal."

"I can't rush through it now." Soma Mitsuko looked very embarrassed, "The main reason is that the shield is too tight, and melee weapons can't be used."

Chu Yang looked at the front. Just by sticking his head out, seven or eight OVP submachine guns tilted at him with more than 40 bullets.

These bullets cracked the wall, and the wall dust sprinkled his face.

The members of the Shield Guards in the entire underground base were shooting wildly, and they regarded this place as a battlefield.

A round of rifle bullets roared towards Chu Yang and the others, and what was even more frightening was that a man came out carrying a Type 41 flamethrower.

"Cowardly and incompetent, repent in hell!"

"Kill them, as long as we can kill them, we will be selected as the best students by Mr. Kitano!" The boy next to him encouraged.

The Shieldguard student raised the flamethrower and pulled the trigger, but no flames spewed out.

"Damn it, who prepared the weapon!" he cursed.

At this moment, Chu Yang pulled the trigger, and the last bullet exploded the guy's head on the spot, and the flamethrower fell to the ground.

Chu Yang immediately became happy, picked up the flamethrower and sprayed it forward, instantly roasting the few people who were going to attack them into barbecue slices on the spot.

"let's go."

Looking at the members of the Shield Guards who were burned to death on the ground, their bayonet charges also became a huge joke.

Chu Yang and the others climbed out of the cave. At this time, they basically had some wounds on their bodies. They took a look at the weapons on their bodies, and they basically used up all the bullets.

Soma Guangzi knocked off the dirt on her body. She looked at Chu Yang's body and said, "Although the wound is not serious, it is a piercing wound. I need to find a place to deal with it."

Chu Yang looked around the forest, and found in the distance that there was a house similar to a fan of an animal protection organization.

The house is a concrete building with a chimney above it, apparently capable of cooking, and a generator at the back of the house, all well protected.

"I can live here temporarily." Soma Mitsuko pushed open the door, "The environment is much better than I imagined."

"As long as there is a place." Chu Yang opened the first-aid box in front of the house, and found a series of emergency treatment measures.

Because it is a house built by an animal protection organization, the first aid kit contains medicines and related surgical instruments for gunshot wound treatment.

"Lie down, take off your clothes." Soma Mitsuko, like an emotionless robot, pushed a small bed over.

"Why do I feel like I'm visiting a bathing club?" Chu Yang suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange.

"Take the medicine, don't you want to live?" Soma Mitsuko asked.

"Of course." Chu Yang lay down and unbuttoned his clothes.

"Fortunately, your physical fitness is relatively strong, and the bleeding is not as severe as before." Soma Mitsuko began to apply medicine, disinfect, and prepare to suture the wound.

"Wait, do you know how to perform surgery?" Chu Yang suddenly asked.

"Yes." Photon said.

"Here, aren't you an ordinary school? How could it be?" Chu Yang was worried again, and asked one more question.

"Watching movies." Soma Mitsuko said, "If you watch too many movies, you will learn."

Chu Yang suddenly had a bad feeling.

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