Chu Yang killed the entire bottle of Red Bull in one gulp, and instantly felt that his blood volume was full, and his strength value also increased instantly!

"Bullet time?!"

Chu Yang's eyes immediately felt that everything around him became very, very slow.

In his eyes, he locked on the remaining enemies.

An SMT submachine gun.

A MK3 light machine gun.

A handful of large pineapples.

A C8A1 plus grenade launcher.

Weapon ballistics, range, damage range, ammunition capacity, all understood.

Chu Yang ran straight to the road of the flour mill, and shot with two guns, killing heads one after another.

Stimulating, enjoyable, cool, so cool!
Chu Yang had a great time killing, and there was only the last bald player left!
The bald player sneered: "If you mess with me, you will be in trouble."

The bald player actually took out two revolver grenade guns!

Chu Yang laughed instantly. He now has the gold medal for avoiding death, so he can't be beaten to death at all!
The man's biceps bulged, he raised two grenade guns and fired wildly at Chu Yang!
The [-]mm military explosive grenade had no effect on Chu Yang at all!

The bald head froze, but Chu Yang had already arrived in front of him, and with a wave of the evil god sword in his hand, the man was split into two.

At this moment, a girl's cry came from inside the house:
"Help! Help me!"

The girl kept shouting, and Chu Yang also ran in.

At this time, there was a girl with blood all over her body, and two men were lying on the ground.

And the girl is wearing only a pair of leather boots all over her body, and her figure is still very wow, no matter how you look at it, it makes people feel a little violin.

The girl rushed up and immediately hugged Chu Yang!

"This?" Shen Wanyun, who had snipered the remaining players outside, rushed over, "Chu Yang, what are you doing?"

Without saying a word, Chu Yang directly stabbed the girl in front of him to death.

"Look." Chu Yang took out a spike business card from the girl's hand.

"I know her." Shen Wanyun lowered her head, "This girl's horror game nickname is Poison Lady, and she is good at assassination and melee combat."

"So, this signal is a trap?" Rex rushed over and asked.

"No!" Two men came out of the house, "I, we are the ones who sent the distress signal! That poisonous lady brought her here!"

Two people were holding chain rifles, which were very old weapons. Obviously, these two people were relatively timid and did not dare to be tough with the enemy.

Because a distress signal was sent, the poisonous lady came down with her own hands, and the bald head just arrived, so the two groups of people fought.

"Okay, let's go." Chu Yang said.

"Brother, you have saved us, can you give us a car and two good guns?" Suddenly one of them asked.

"This gun of yours can also be used." Chu Yang said, "Find a place to get up and sneak up on the opponent. If the two shoot at the same time, it can destroy a B-level body armor."

"No, then you don't give me a car. If you save me now, we will definitely die when we meet someone!" One person shouted very anxiously.

"Brother, I have a daughter at home. My daughter is now in elementary school. Here, this is her painting." One of them was obviously about to have a nervous breakdown. He took out a photo from his pocket, and the photo was glued to a painting.

Chu Yang shook his head: "We only have one car."

After speaking, they were ready to leave.

When I came to the location of the lobby, several players suddenly appeared around!

"damn it!"

Those players were armed with DP28 light machine guns, S12K and S686. The weapons were not very good. Some even held compound bows and throwing axes and attacked everyone.

"Damn it, these are players who came back from the dead!" Rex said, "Someone got the props from the biochemical base!"

Chu Yang picked up two bison submachine guns from the ground, and fired directly at the surroundings, knocking down most of the enemies.

At this moment, suddenly the rescued two people aimed their guns at Shen Wanyun and fired!
"Remove me! Unless you don't want the antidote!" The two shouted.

"The revived player is here!" Rex said, "What is this? This is the spring flower virus, and it is also a rare item."

"What's the antidote?" Chu Yang asked.

"There is an antidote at the biochemical base, or..." Rex pondered for a moment, "Use your extreme bully, understand?"

Chu Yang glanced at the pink logo on it, and immediately understood.

This is like the union +1 + separation in martial arts novels, it can only be resolved through the special + special way of that man and woman!
Toxin spread, only 35 minutes!
"I'm here to lure the dead away," Rex said, "I'm leaving!"

Chu Yang was driving, he needed to find a place to detoxify!

At this time, it was night.

He and Shen Wanyun came to a small wooden house.

"Right here." Chu Yang said.

"Okay." Shen Wanyun had a nosebleed, obviously the virus had already broken out.

"System, tell me how much essence...the antidote is needed?"

"The system shows: five times of XX are needed to detoxify."

"Are you ready?" Chu Yang asked.

"Do it, sit down." Shen Wanyun had already felt the speed at which the virus was eroding cells.

Human life is at stake, and Chu Yang didn't stop talking. After a simple pre-battle game, he immediately started the vigorous detoxification process.

He couldn't help feeling that this detoxification method was really not difficult.

But the race against time, five times, must be detoxified five times before the virus breaks out, and every five times must not be less, otherwise she will die!

At the critical moment, Chu Yang also jumped into it instantly.

Never thought that Shen Wanyun's investment is also very good.

fire!burning!The heart that burns everything is burning!
Chu Yang and Shen Wanyun are also burning at this time!
As the virus continues to spread, this is the only way.

Once this virus is infected, it will undoubtedly die!

Moreover, Chu Yang will also be infected!
So, this is equivalent to saving the lives of two people!
Chu Yang couldn't help speeding up, he wanted to end it early.

Shen Wanyun let out a cry of bliss, she was happy but also in pain.

Chu Yang glanced at his watch, there were 3 minutes left!

If it can't be over in 3 minutes, she will die!
Increase the intensity and increase the speed.

Because, this is a matter of life and death!

Chu Yang already felt the pain, but he had to persevere.

What a joy it is.

It is also very painful.

At this time, Chu Yang kept attacking Masinot's line of defense.

At this time, Rex was running wildly in the jungle!

"Their location should be here!"

Rex looked at the screen. At this time, there were only 40 players left. Soon, the copy of the horror game would end.

Now, there are no reminders in the system at all, which proves that everyone must work hard to live.

Rex had several wounds on his body. If he hadn't carried enough medicine, he would have died on the road long ago.

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