The few people had just left the tomb when they were suddenly shocked by the route in front of them.

"Is this a maze?"

"No, it seems more complicated than a maze..."

"There are several roads, how should I go?"

All the players felt a headache. You must know that the ancient tomb is not like an amusement park. If you go the wrong way, you will be smashed to pieces!
Ajie said: "I just took a look, and there are dead people on the few roads ahead."

Just when everyone was hesitating, Chu Yang smiled calmly: "Can't we just let the corpse find the way for us?"

Gaining the power of the corpse beetle, Chu Yang waved his hand to let a few corpse beetles go to scout the way to find where Wu Xie was.

Soon, the corpses came back one after another, and left bloodstains along the way, which were used as road signs for Chu Yang.

"Everyone follow the blood trail left by the corpse." Chu Yang said, "You will find Wu Xie."

Everyone was surprised: "I'll go, can the corpse be used like this?"

Chu Yang smiled and said, "Everything is possible."

With the blood mark left by the corpse, it was very convenient for Chu Yang to take the players with him. The journey was unimpeded, which was better than turning on the green light.

Fatty Wang walked a few steps and suddenly shouted, "A note!"

Chu Yang saw a note left on the ground. The note was cut from a cigarette pack. It was a 19-yuan pack of Yellow Crane Tower.

Chu Yang said: "You friends, you shouldn't smoke."

"That's right, maybe he asked others to stay." Fatty Wang said, "We have called quite a few people when we entered Seven Star Lu Palace this time."

"Look." Chu Yang took the note, "He said that Wu Xie and the brigade separated, and explored the maze separately, in pairs."

"Act separately, a taboo in horror movies." Ajie muttered.

"So, now this road is Wu Xie and the smoker." Fatty Wang said, "Damn, isn't Wu Xie in danger!"

"It also said that Wu Xie was carrying a weapon, but he was injured, so the situation is not very good." Chu Yang said, "Let's go, save people!"

Everyone threw away the note and walked forward, and suddenly found that the exit was blocked!
And the one who blocked the door was actually a person!

That person was torn apart, his whole body looked like a huge spider web, flesh, tendons, bones, and internal organs were ripped out!
"Damn, isn't this Lao Wan?" Fatty Wang recognized it, "Where's Wu Xie!"

Lao Wan is like a spider web made of flesh and skin, but he seems to be able to speak: "Iron-faced..."

"What?" Fatty Wang moved his face to the front, "Who is Tie Miansheng?"

"Wu Xie...copper coffin...spider..." Lao Wan tilted his head after saying these three words, apparently dead.

Looking at Lao Wan, Chu Yang also admired this man's vitality, because a normal person would have died long ago if his belly had been ripped open like him.

"He said a few words," Fatty Wang said, "Wu Xie, copper coffin, spider, can the Riddler die?"

"The problem is, he is indeed dead now." Chu Yang said, "These words should indicate where Wu Xie is."

Ajie had a flash of inspiration, and said, "Could it be that Wu Xie was transported away by the coffin carried by the spider?"

Chu Yang was a little speechless, and said, "Couldn't it be that Wu Xie was imprisoned in a coffin with spiders carved on it?"

Now that all this has been clarified, everyone immediately left the cave, and the players continued to move forward.


Feeling something was wrong, Chu Yang immediately stopped all the players from moving forward.

"What's the matter, brother?" The players behind didn't understand, "What's in front?"

Chu Yang turned sideways and said with a smile, "Look for yourself."

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