At this time, there was a burst of terrified shouts in the entire barbecue bar, and almost everyone ran out.

The man with a swinging stick in each hand swung it wildly, and hit the girl in black with the head of the stick casually.

The girl in black collapsed to the ground. Before she could wake up, the man with the knife rushed over and held her down!

"You're dressed so coquettishly at night! Tell me, did you come out to catch girls? Why, do you think I'm ugly?"

The man stabbed the girl in black's thigh with a knife. Hearing the girl's wailing, he seemed to be more excited, and his eyes became more bloodshot.

"Aren't you aloof? Get in the car with me earlier, why are there so many things going on? If I hadn't been so tight in sweeping pornography now, would I have taken a liking to someone like you?"

The man stuck out his tongue and licked the girl's face frantically. At this moment, he suddenly felt something lift him up behind him.

"Did you have fun licking?"

Chu Yang turned around and kicked him directly in the abdomen. The man flipped a few times in the air and fell to the ground in an instant.

"Are you looking for death?" The man clutched his stomach and got up, "I'm going to kill you, just like I killed that inspector and buried you in the playground!"

Chu Yang was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Dude, have you killed other people?"

"You will be next soon." The man's face suddenly showed a fierce light, and he took the lizard saber in his hand, and swiped towards Chu Yang!

In this short moment, Chu Yang found that the man's strength and speed had undergone a qualitative change. His attacks were more fierce, and he even learned fighting skills.

"You actually learned to fight in such a short period of time?" Chu Yang couldn't help being curious.

Because this kind of social elder brother who was born as a thug is generally steady and ruthless, and he doesn't know how to learn martial arts. It all depends on his physique and ruthlessness.

Unexpectedly, the man in front of him was actually making fierce moves. Although it was not enough to threaten Chu Yang, his progress was very fast.

"Chu Yang!" Brother Hao had already controlled the man holding the stick, but the man didn't seem very honest.

"What do you think of your mother?" Here, the man in glasses with a knife stabbed him again.

At this moment, the man that Brother Hao was suppressing suddenly seemed to have a strong force from somewhere, and he broke free from Brother Hao's shackles!

The man threw away the stick in one hand, pulled out a troodon jumping knife from the back of his waist, and walked over with a grin.

"Brother, calm down." Brother Hao gave an ultimatum, "Come here again, and I will use the tricks in the army to remove your arm."

"You are quite strong, if you cut your intestines out, I will use your intestines as a cup for an airplane!" The man said foul words in his mouth, and his expression was extremely excited.

"Call the police!" Brother Hao shouted at the frightened waiter.

"Call the police?" The man smiled viciously, "It would be better if they came, because they locked me up and sentenced me to five years, and my wife and children ran away!"

"It deserves it." Brother Hao and the man engaged in the next confrontation, only to see the man swinging a stick and hitting him, Brother Hao dodged it, and clamped his wrist with his backhand.

However, the next second, the man actually stabbed Brother Hao in the stomach with the jumping knife in his other hand!

Brother Hao put his knee against the man's elbow, instantly immobilizing him, leaving him no room to attack.

Chu Yang confronted the man, and saw the man attack with swords and swords. Chu Yang found the opening, picked up a bench and smashed it on his forehead.

"Not awesome anymore?" Chu Yang squatted down and punched the man on the ground!

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to chop off your fingers one by one and stuff them into your nostrils..."

The man was already insane at this moment, and just as he was about to stab Chu Yang's feet with a knife, Chu Yang grabbed his hand and twisted it with a click!
"Is it cool?"

Chu Yang picked up his other hand and held it between his legs.

"Don't you want to serve?"

"Give you!"

Chu Yang twisted his legs, and with a click, the man's other hand was also broken!

"Still have two legs, eh?"

Chu Yang directly grabbed the man's leg, and with a click, broke the man's leg too!

At this moment, he looked at the man on the ground who was twisted like a maggot, and said coldly: "You have one leg left, and it will be used for corporal punishment in prison."

At this time, Brother Hao was still arguing with the stick-throwing man, so Chu Yang walked over, grabbed the man's hair, and tore off his scalp with a click!

"Ah! I love your mother!"

This time, the crazy man also felt a little bit of pain. Chu Yang stepped up and kicked him directly in the face. This kick sent the man's teeth and flesh flying out and hit the cash register. On the stage, there was no movement.

"He, are they dead?" The lobby manager was trembling with fright and hurriedly asked.

"No." Chu Yang waved his hand, "He's not dead."

"No, you broke the stool in the store." A man came down from upstairs, "I am the proprietress here, can you go out and fight?"

Brother Hao said indifferently: "We are called doing what is right. If the two girls die here, you will be even more troublesome."

The proprietress walked over and pulled Brother Hao's clothes: "No! You have to pay! If you don't pay, I won't let you go!"

A few diners who were watching said: "He is brave enough to see justice, why didn't you come out just now?"

The proprietress said: "I don't care, he smashed things in our store, let's not talk about other things, just the chair you used to beat people just now I bought it for four hundred and eighty, you have to give me the money! "

The diners around said one after another: "It's too much, I am brave enough to stand up for righteousness, and you still want my money, the young man helped you just now!"

"I don't care, you have to lose money if you break things!" The proprietress's attitude was very arrogant, "I tell you, if you don't pay me, I will lie down in front of you, and I won't leave!"

Chu Yang said coldly: "If I don't give it, what can you do?"

The proprietress snorted coldly, then dragged her fat body to the door of the store, ready to lock the door.

"It's unreasonable to lock up a good person!"

"Yeah, this barbecue restaurant deserves to be closed!"

The diners around started talking, but the proprietress didn't seem to give this face.

But just as she was locking the door, a sports car suddenly rushed in and knocked the old bridesmaid to death on the ground!

"You cut my brother, shit, I'm not going to live anymore!" A person who got off the sports car seemed to be a follower of these people, or maybe a friend.

He directly held a seven-hole shark machete, and swung it towards Chu Yang!
At this time, Brother Hao looked at the proprietress who was crushed by the car. The proprietress spewed blood at this time, her stomach was crushed, and her lungs were pressed out. It was obvious that she couldn't survive.

In an instant, Chu Yang broke the man's arm, and then punched him to the ground.

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