Chu Yang looked around and found that the terrain here was very complicated.

"That is to say, the inside of this tomb is like a maze, and the location of each room can be changed at will?" Ajie is also very smart, "Pervert!"

"Seven Star Lu Palace shouldn't have this." Chu Yang thought to himself, "It must be that the horror game has increased the difficulty and changed the terrain of the original book."

Ajie looked around, the hall seemed to be filled with clay figurines, and there were clay figurines of Lu people everywhere, and the shapes were very realistic.

"There's a coffin here!"

"Damn it, gold!"

"Bronze tripod? This is an antique!"

When these players saw the money, their eyes lit up.

Chu Yang shook his head. People die for wealth, and birds die for food. This principle has not changed through the ages.

"Everyone search for any useful clues, and then leave," Chu Yang said.

Everyone immediately got busy.

Ajie scratched his head and said, "Boss, why do I feel cold all over, what's going on?"

"" Chu Yang walked in another direction, "Look, the stele."

"Is this an edict of guilt?" Fatty Wang walked over, "The ruined stele, I can't see what is written on it."

"King Lu Shang asked someone to write it himself." Chu Yang added, "It probably means that he appointed his ministers to make a tough face, which led to the decline of the country's government."

"Isn't Tie Miansheng a good friend of King Lu Shang?" Fatty Wang asked, "Why did the two break up?"

Chu Yang shook his head, here he has only read the original book, and the Qixing Lu Palace in the original book does not have such a secret room, nor does it have this monument of guilt.

Ajie's back was facing Chu Yang. He looked around and finally found a stone statue that looked like Confucius looking at him.

The carving of the stone statue is very exquisite, but it looks like the eyes are closed, but it gives the impression that the eyes are open.

"What are you looking at?" Ajie muttered uncomfortably.

"Hey, why are you?"

Ajie's hair stood on end, he shouted:
"Damn it, the stone statue can talk!"

"That's what I said." Chu Yang came from behind, "Isn't it? Why do you think a stone statue of the Lu State can speak Northeast dialect?"

Ajie laughed and said, "Boss, you almost scared me to pee my pants!"

"The atmosphere is too dull, just kidding." Chu Yang said, "Why do you keep staring at this stone statue?"

"Although the stone statue has its eyes closed, I always seems to be looking at me." Ajie said.

At this moment, several players behind shouted: "Dead!"

Chu Yang and Ajie rushed over and found that there was a dead body under a pile of gold!
"This is the person who followed Wu Xie!" Fatty Wang was shocked, "Did something happen to him?"

"Look," Zhang Qiling pointed to the head of the corpse.

Everyone glanced at it, frowned immediately, and scattered away.

Chu Yang squatted down and said, "Something got into his head and ate up his whole brain."

"It's disgusting." Ajie said, "Is it the flying maggots you mentioned just now?"

"Flying maggots are parasitic," Fatty Wang explained, "This thing bites open the skull directly, burrows into the human body to eat self-help, and the method is different."

Ajie said: "Wait a minute, the stone statue's eyes were closed just now... now they are opened."

Chu Yang and Fatty Wang looked back, and the stone statue opened its eyes!

"Be sober!" A player walked over, "Why did the stone statue open its eyes?"

"Don't scare us, we are cowards!" an older player said angrily.

Ajie said: "I promise, the eyes of this stone statue just now are absolutely closed."

At this moment, suddenly the stone gate of this tomb closed!


The mouth of that stone statue actually split open!
Ajie turned pale with fright, he hurriedly raised his gun and pointed at the stone statue for a burst of output!
However, the bullets in the magazine ran out, and the stone statue in front of him was unscathed.

"Get out of the way!"

Fatty Wang pulled Ajie away, only to see a bunch of black bugs suddenly burst out from the eyes, nose and mouth of the stone statue!


Chu Yang recognized at a glance that these densely packed poisonous insects were terrifying corpse weeters!

However, this kind of corpse looks even more terrifying, covered with spikes, like a weapon specially designed to tear apart flesh and blood!

Ajie was about to step on it, but was pulled over by Zhang Qiling: "You can't step on it."

"If you step on it, your foot will be pierced." Chu Yang directly smashed a corpse fly that flew over with his fist.

"What's the matter?" Ajie was stunned, "I'm out of bullets!"

"Everyone form a circle and stand beside me!" Chu Yang said.

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