"This key must be the key to decrypting it." Zhou Wenjie said.

"It should be. Although I don't know why a little boy has such a key, there is nothing wrong with keeping it." Chu Yang said.

A few people suddenly heard a miserable cry, and they hurried to find a passer-by on the first floor who was actually tied to a chair!
At this time, the passer-by man shouted loudly, he was sitting on the wheelchair, and behind him, there was a sexy and beautiful female nurse.

Xu Kun's eyes suddenly brightened: "Wow."

Zhou Wenjie patted him: "Be normal, don't go crazy."

Looking at it, Chu Yang saw that the female nurse had slender legs and looked very sexy, making people feel extremely enjoyable, like a work of art.


However, the passer-by who was tied up on the wheelchair went crazy in an instant. He yelled loudly and seemed to be in pain.

At this moment, Chu Yang noticed that the female nurse's face seemed to be dripping blood to the ground!


In order to ask about the situation, Chu Yang became violent in an instant, but the female nurse suddenly turned around, which shocked Chu Yang!
The nurse's head was covered with eyes, and her face was densely covered with eyes!
The nurse stretched out her arm, and her fingers were covered with huge and sharp scalpels!


The nurse ran towards Chu Yang with distorted steps. Chu Yang stretched out his hand, and the spell inside turned into a yellow light, piercing through the nurse ghost in front of him!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

At this moment, the passer-by who was tied to the wheelchair was screaming like crazy, he didn't look like a human being at all!

"What's the matter?" Xu Kun walked over, "Brother, can you speak human language? Can you speak English?"

"His tongue seems to have been cut off." Zhou Wenjie walked over, "So this person can no longer speak."

Chu Yang walked over, and just as he was about to untie this person, suddenly a powerful force sent that unlucky ghost far away!
The wheelchair is out of control, and its forward speed is also very strange. This is not a wheelchair, it is obviously faster than a motorcycle!
"It's hopeless." Chu Yang couldn't even hear his voice, which proved that this person had been dragged into the depths of darkness and couldn't get out.

Chu Yang and the others didn't bother, and headed upstairs.

Soon, they came to the door of Ward 402.

"It's here!" Everyone exclaimed in surprise.

Jiang Wu pushed twice, then shook his head: "It can't be pushed."

Xu Kun volunteered: "Brother, come."

He took out two iron wires, aimed at the lock and manipulated it for a while, and opened the door instantly.

"What do you do?" Jiang Wu asked.

"I used to make master keys, and they sold well online." Xu Kun smiled, "Can you get in?"

Jiang Wu gave him a blank look, and finally walked in.

Several people walked in and found that this place was actually an office full of bookshelves. 402 was different from what Chu Yang had imagined. It looked like an old library that had been abandoned for a long time.

In 402, there are bookshelves full of classic atmosphere, chandeliers, and mahogany desks. The things on the desks are already covered with cobwebs and layers of dust.

"The books here are all related to religion." Chang Nuo glanced at them, "There are Taoism, Christianity, Orthodox Church, and Pantheism in country J, Zoroastrianism, etc."

"So, who left these books?" Zhou Wenjie asked.

"I'm looking for... wait, there are clues here." Chang Nuo saw the Japanese next to him, "Professor Serizawa of Waseda University donated to the army... Captain Murata..."

Chu Yang realized that this was something from childhood.

Most of the books on these bookcases are related to religions from all over the world, and there are even a few books belonging to the voodoo sect in Haiti and African witchcraft.

Logically speaking, how could there be such strange things in an office that belonged to the army of country J during World War II?

Xu Kun said indifferently: "I guess it's the unique hobby of the military officers here."

"Not necessarily." Zhou Wenjie said, "I've read the history about these things. Back then, the military system was strict, and things that had nothing to do with the military basically didn't appear in the office on a large scale."

"This seems to be a place dedicated to the study of this kind of religious mysticism." Chang Nuo said, "Look, there are some documents here."

Everyone took out the documents and found that the documents were completely moldy, and the paper had become incomplete, and it could even be said that even a few words could not be read clearly.

"My mastery of Japanese is limited to Yamade." Xu Kun said, "Who can see clearly, please help me."

"Just report me your ID card and forget it." Chang Nuo rolled his eyes at him and started to read.

"On March 3, the nerve stimulation experiment was carried out; all three experimenters died."

"On March 3, a fear stimulus experiment was conducted; 9 experimenters, 5 died, and 4 went mad."

"On March 3, Dr. Hiroyuki Murashita conducted the first sleep deprivation experiment. Among the 13 experimenters, 8 survived and 1 died. There was mutual cannibalism."

"On March 3, Colonel Ikeda and I supervised the claustrophobia experiment. One of the subjects committed suicide by biting off his wrist due to a nervous breakdown."

Chang Nuo's voice began to become hoarse.

Everyone's expressions were solemn, even Xu Kun, who was the most joking and cynical, had an incomparably gloomy expression at this moment.

"On April 4, the brain transfer experiment was carried out. Two experimenters exchanged brains and all died."

"On April 4th, the special envoy of the Emperor Oda visited the base, and the test of spiritual vision failed. The special envoy Oda was furious and ordered the execution of all Ma Luda, canceling the mission."

"On May 5, Kinzaburo Kishibe, the secret staff of the military, visited the base."

"On May 5, Kishibe Kinzaburo proposed the method of using religion to complete the experiment."

"On June 6, the [Black Sky] extraction method successfully extracted the soul of an experimental subject."

"In July, some changes took place inside our base... This change was very horrific, and many soldiers died. One man was armed with a double-barreled shotgun, and the other bank fired two shots in the back, killing him. "

Chang Nuo read this and said, "It's cheaper for Kinsaburo Kishibe."

"So, what do these little days extract their souls for?" Xu Kun asked.

"Nonsense, those ghosts who can kill are all the masterpieces of Kishibe Kinzaburo." Zhou Wenjie said angrily.

"I feel that things are not that simple." Chang Nuo said, "But we are here, the mission is just to keep us alive."

"Yes, anyway, it's a modified copy of the game." Xu Kun said.

At this moment, everyone suddenly received a lot of videos!

"Isn't there no signal on the mobile phone?" Xu Kun said, "How can I receive the video file?"

At this time, everyone turned on their mobile phones, and there were some extremely bloody videos!

In those videos, there are actually other players who were killed!

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