Suddenly, those soldier ghosts were one step closer to everyone!
Jiang Wu closed the door, and then stabbed the door to death with an axe.

"The ghost is coming." He looked at the crowd and said.

"What should we do?" Chang Nuo asked.

"Pierce through the wall?" Xu Kun made a point.

"Wait," Jiang Wu raised his arms, "Here we come!"

Suddenly, the footsteps of military boots stopped outside the door!

However, suddenly there was no movement.

"Where's the ghost?" Xu Kun looked around, "The child is gone too!"

"Could it be hiding?" Everyone asked.

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt a burst of coldness around them, turned around again, and found that those few army soldiers had appeared beside them!
These army soldiers were standing in front of several people at this time, Jiang Wu was furious, picked up the ax in his hand, and threw it directly!

The ax knocked off the gas masks of the army soldiers, but the faces of these monsters were even scarier!
Their faces are just a huge hollow, and countless flesh and blood spread down like icicles in the hole.

These ghosts stretched out their arms and grabbed Chu Yang!
At this moment, Jiang Wu picked up a wooden board with a cross on it, and directly stood in front of these soldier ghosts!

"Get out!" Jiang Wu shouted, "Go!"

At this moment, Chu Yang swung his fist directly, and punched the soldier ghost in front of him!

The ghost of the soldier was actually shaken by Chu Yang's punch!

Chu Yang was very pleasantly surprised. He thought that the unicorn blood would be invalidated along with the props, but he didn't expect that this skill, which had been integrated with his body, would not be invalidated at all!

"Use a cross!"

Chu Yang shouted directly.

Jiang Wu picked up the wooden board of the cross in his hand, smashed it into pieces, then picked up the cross, and directly stabbed the ghost in front of him to death.

At the same time, Chu Yang directly pinched the two ghosts with both fists, and he caught the other two soldier ghosts in his hands!


Chu Yang clenched his fingers, and instantly the two ghosts were crushed to death on the spot!

"Here, crushed the ghost to death with bare hands?"

"Who are they ghosts?"

Chang Nuo and Xu Kun communicated and were at a loss.

Chu Yang looked at Jiang Wu and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Okay." Jiang Wu was also very surprised. He thought that Chu Yang would be no different from ordinary people after losing his skills, but he didn't expect Chu Yang to crush the ghost in front of him to death with his hands!
"This is too scary." Chang Nuo looked at Chu Yang, "How did you do it?"

"Kirin blood." Chu Yang said, "I remember I told you about it."

Chang Nuo walked out of the room and said, "I just saw the serial numbers of those soldiers. They are the numbers that the female ghost wrote down in the room."

"So, what the female ghost means is that the army of country J is conducting inhuman experiments here, right?" Zhou Wenjie asked.

"That's right, those experiments should be one of the main reasons for turning these people into ghosts," Chang Nuo said.

"So, what are the people from country J here studying?" Zhou Wenjie raised a doubt, "Why can all the patients here become ghosts?"

At this moment, the wheels of the car in Chu Yang's hand suddenly turned.

"What is this?" Xu Kun was a little surprised, "I didn't expect the wheels of the car to spin."

"It seems that it has something to tell us." Chu Yang said, "It seems that if you follow it, you can get a lot of answers."

Chu Yang suddenly put the car in his hand on the ground, and saw that the car drove by itself in one direction.

"Follow." Chang Nuo said to the people behind.

Several people followed the car all the way, and suddenly the car stopped at the door of another room, as if restricted by a powerful energy, unable to move forward.

"What's wrong?" Xu Kun walked over, "Why doesn't this car leave?"

At this moment, something slammed down!
Jiang Wu hit that thing directly with an axe!

Zhou Wenjie went up and smashed the ghost with his baton!

Even Chang Nuo, who was unarmed, rushed forward and stomped on her twice!

Chu Yang watched from the side.

"Chu Yang, why are you just watching!" Chang Nuo shouted.

"That doesn't seem to be a ghost," Chu Yang said.

"Not a ghost?"

Several people withdrew their hands and looked closely, isn't this a person!

Suddenly, they discovered that the person in front of them was actually a photographer!

"Is this the photographer?"

Everyone was surprised.

"We killed people?" Chang Nuo asked in surprise.

"It's not murder." Chu Yang said, "He's already dead."

The crowd walked over, turned the man over, and found that the photographer looked normal.

"No breathing, no pulse." Jiang Wu touched, "The temples are not throbbing, dead."

Chu Yang looked over the cameraman's body, and finally found that the cameraman was holding something in his hand.

"What is this?" Jiang Wu asked.

"The ID card of the doctor in the mental hospital." Chang Nuo said, "Looking at the Korean above, it should be the deputy director of the hospital."

"The deputy director should be dead, right?" Xu Kun said, "So, the photographer was killed by the deputy director."

When several people were talking, Jiang Wu suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

Everyone looked at the dead body on the ground. Suddenly, the photographer's dead body twitched its fingers and moved its head.

"He's alive? Damn, he's alive?" Xu Kun shouted.

"I hope you can say the same thing after I die." Zhou Wenjie picked up his baton and carefully moved forward.

Jiang Wu raised the ax above his head, and was also ready to kill the monster.

Suddenly, the photographer's body groaned and stood up with bleeding eyes!
The photographer's mouth split open, and two scimitar-like bones protruded from his cheeks. It suddenly flew up and flew towards everyone!
Jiang Wu swung the ax and knocked the photographer to the ground with one axe. However, the photographer turned his body 360 degrees, his stomach split open, and a baby-like monster with insect limbs jumped out of the bloody internal organs!

"Get out of the way!"

Chu Yang pinched the talisman paper with his fingers, and then silently recited the incantation with the other hand. The fingers of both hands drew a line and stuck it directly on the devil baby's head!


Chang Nuo threw the match in his hand to Chu Yang. He lit the match instantly and threw it on the talisman paper.

As the talisman paper burned, the spells on it also began to glow, instantly burning the corpses of the magic baby and the photographer on the ground.

"Who is that!"

Suddenly Chang Nuo screamed, and everyone followed their gazes, and found that there was a figure in the corner at the end of the corridor that no one noticed!
"Doctor?" Zhou Wenjie seemed to be sharp-eyed. The first time he spotted the figure at the end of the corridor, he seemed to be a doctor in a mental hospital.

"Let's leave that alone." Jiang Wudao, "Send the car."

But at this moment, a miserable cry suddenly came from another room!

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