Chu Yang looked at the photo, and there was a man sitting side by side with the dean. This man had a shaved head and was holding an ugly doll in his hand, which was somewhat similar to the painting style of "The Simpsons".

The short-haired girl next to the host smiled and said, "It's really embarrassing for such a man to still be holding a doll."

The cameraman said: "Don't say that, he is a mentally ill person, and it has been more than 50 years since the photo was taken, and this person is dead."

The short-haired girl didn't take it seriously: "Isn't it just a dead person? If you are scared, it won't turn into a zombie and jump out to bite you."

Just then, there was a sudden bang!
"The door is closed!"

The long-haired girl, the short-haired girl, and the middle-haired girl screamed in fright, and Chu Yang was a little surprised by the sound.

Jiang Wu walked over with an ax in his hand: "The door was open."

"Look at the surveillance!" The host yelled into the communicator, "Leader, check to see if there is anyone outside!"

"Is there no one outside the door?" The leader's voice in the communicator was full of doubts, "The door closed by itself!"

"The window is closed, and there is no wind." Jiang Wu looked around the window, "The window is closed."

"This is fun, the door is locked." Xu Kun slammed the door forcefully, "It happened to be stuck just now."

"I'm going to open the door." The passer-by took out a hammer from his backpack, "Axiba, this door is very securely locked!"

"Are we trapped?" the short-haired woman said in horror.

"Not necessarily, everyone calm down..." The camera man pointed the camera at the passer-by man, "Can you use some force?"

"I used a lot of strength!" The passer-by looked at the hammer, "There is a ghost, there must be a ghost, the door lock can't be knocked!"

"I'll try." The host took out the master key. He just inserted the key into the lock, but unexpectedly the lock was closed like a mouth!

"Ashiba!" The abbot took a step back in fright, "The keyhole, the keyhole ate the key!"

"Are you kidding, how could the keyhole eat the key?" Xu Kun disagreed.

"Really, the key is broken!" The host exclaimed.

"You bastard, are you making fun of me?" Xu Kun was suddenly a little unhappy.

Chu Yang walked to the door and kicked the door open.

"You actually kicked it open..." The host looked at Chu Yang in surprise, "I didn't open it with a hammer just now..."

"It seems that the strength value is weak." Chu Yang looked at Xu Kun and the others, "otherwise this door is broken."

The people from the media company didn't dare to stay, and ran out the door. Everyone came to the dark corridor, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

"Finally came out. Fortunately, I didn't encounter a ghost." The middle-haired girl showed a horrified expression, "I really don't know why I came here."

"This is your job." The long-haired girl persuaded, "Otherwise, what will you use to pay your rent?"

The middle-haired girl didn't say anything anymore, after all, what the other party said made sense.

"Wait," Zhou Wenjie suddenly reached out his hand. "Did you hear anything?"

"Sound?" Everyone was stunned, and they all listened attentively.

Sure enough, Chu Yang heard some rustling sounds.

This kind of sound is like the sound made by some ropes dragging something.

"Look around, I don't want to encounter any weird situations anymore." The cameraman carried the camera and turned from the wall to the ceiling.

Suddenly, a bunch of hair-like things appeared on the bare ceiling!
"Damn it!" cried the photographer, "what's that!"

Chu Yang and the others quickly pointed the camera at the top of their heads, and there was actually a mass of black hair there.

The short-haired girl was frightened immediately, and shouted, "Hair! It's a ghost!"

"Not necessarily." Chu Yang looked at the hair, "The color is too dark."

After finishing speaking, he jumped up and grabbed the hair!
"Wig." Chu Yang said, "And it was put on not long ago."

"That's, who is that?" The host looked flustered and hurriedly looked around.

"I don't know." Although Chu Yang exposed his little trick, after all, he didn't tell if he saw it through. Some friends did it.

Moreover, many supernatural anchors just use tricks to attract viewers, so Chu Yang doesn't care.

The long-haired girl said: "I, I want to go back, do you want to go together?"

"I want to go back, but unfortunately I can't go back." Xu Kun smiled wryly, "I really can't play a horror game that doesn't even have a gun."

"Our goal this time is to have a live broadcast rate of 100 million, team leader, look how many people are watching now!" the host asked.

"The current live broadcast is 1 people," the other party said, "You guys work harder, if we pass the 100 million live broadcast, then we can get advertising fees!"

Hearing the money, the host and cameraman became excited, yes, what could be scarier than being poor?
Chu Yang and the others didn't say anything. They walked along the corridor and came to a broken iron door after a while.

"The glass is all broken, and there is blood on it." Zhou Wenjie picked up a baton on the ground, "Interesting, there is also blood on the baton."

"That is to say, the mental patients rioted?" Xu Kun looked at the baton, "This thing must be used by the security guards of the mental hospital."

"Yes, many terrible things must have happened here." Chang Nuo pointed to the front, "Who is that?"

Chu Yang raised his head quickly, and in the corridor of the hospital in Hunan, a white figure flashed past.

"That figure seems to be floating past," Chu Yang said.

"Really?" Xu Kun came to his senses this time, "How are you, buddy on the other side!"

"Nonsense." Jiang Wu shook his head.

The host was a little scared and asked, "Did you really see that figure?"

"I saw it, I saw it." Chu Yang said, "Why don't you ask?"

"Forget it." The host shivered at this moment, the less he talked, the paler his face was, it was because he was frightened.

"This place should be an experimental area." Chang Nuo analyzed the Korean writing on it, "It's just an old laboratory, mainly for some experiments on brain nerves."

"It seems that the experimental equipment here has been taken away a long time ago." Zhou Wenjie opened the door with a baton in his hand. The room was dark and empty, but there was a lot of space.

"It's enough to play basketball in such a big room." Chu Yang gestured to shoot.

"Should I play a song called Chicken You're So Beautiful?" Xu Kun said suddenly.

"Little Heizi, you really have no quality. I advise you to be sensible." Chu Yang walked into the room, then took out a light-emitting tube from his bag and threw it on the ground.

With the glow of the luminous tubes, the visibility of the whole room is gradually improving.

As the crowd entered, the flashlights flickered around to illuminate the entire room so that they could probably see clearly.

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