In the whole house, all the lights suddenly turned on by themselves.

However, it is obviously an ordinary household lamp, but the light is blood red!

Blood-red light shrouded the entire room, and Chu Yang and Zhong Ling suddenly noticed that the surrounding walls began to twist!
"What's wrong with the wall?" Zhong Ling raised his gun to the wall, "It seems that there is something behind the wall!"

Chu Yang threw away the axe, and looked directly at the secret book of borrowing the law of heaven and earth.

"This secret is the untold secret of Longhu Mountain, and only the body of pure Yang can use it?"

"Then my unicorn's blood, in the body of an old man, won't the effect be doubled when used?"

Chu Yang took a look and found that this thing is very simple to use, just need to draw blood on the palm of the palm and write a spell.

Zhong Ling shouted: "There is a ghost!"

Chu Yang looked at the wall, and saw countless human faces suddenly appearing around the wall!

These human faces, some with blue faces and long fangs, some with blood on their faces, some with exposed eyeballs... all kinds of ferocity, nothing can be added!

Zhong Ling was so frightened that he fired randomly, but the bullets had no effect on this kind of ghost.

"Exactly, let me try the spell."

It was Chu Yang's first time using pure Taoist spells, and he couldn't help being very excited. He drew a talisman on the palm of his hand with his finger and hit it towards the wall!

The walls were filled with white smoke, and those faces were in agony, and they immediately turned into black smoke and dissipated!

Chu Yang kicked the door open and led Zhong Ling out of here.

"Scared to death." After Zhong Ling got into the car, he still had lingering fears, "What are those things?"

"Ghost." Chu Yang said, "Guess what else could it be except ghosts?"

Zhong Ling said, "I'm so nervous that I want to vomit now."

"Just don't spit on me." Chu Yang said calmly.

"I said you don't care about girls at all?" Zhong Ling quickly found a topic to ease the tension in his heart.

"Wait, watch the road!" Chu Yang suddenly patted Zhong Ling on the shoulder.

"Ah?" Zhong Ling hurriedly stopped, "W-Where is this?"

Zhong Ling was surprised to find that the two of them were originally driving on the roads in the city, but now they happened to be in the wilderness!

"It's not right." Chu Yang said, "The ghost hit the wall."

"Ghost hitting the wall?" Zhong Ling was a little flustered, "When I was a child, I heard it mentioned by the older adults in the village, but I didn't expect to see it this time."

"Be careful." Chu Yang said, "You are a policeman. The policeman has a sense of righteousness by his side. He is full of yang energy, and ordinary evil spirits dare not approach him."

"Okay." Zhong Ling put on the police badge, "Is this right?"

"It's useful." Chu Yang pulled out the ancient black gold sword from the system and waited for it.

Zhong Ling held a gun in one hand and drove the car with the other, and the two of them were driving on the dark road.

"This road is not shown on the Baidu map." Zhong Ling looked at the map, "I can't locate it at all."

"Try another Gaode map." Chu Yang said.

"It's the same, now the map software is useless at all." Zhong Ling said.

Just then, a bus stop sign appeared ahead.

"This is? Bus No. 132..." Zhong Ling was stunned for a while, "I remember that No. 132 bus stopped running five years ago..."

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared at the door of the bus stop.

The figure was dressed in white and looked like a woman.

"Yes, is it a living person?" Zhong Ling subconsciously asked this sentence.

At this time, the woman seemed to be holding a kitchen knife in her hand, and walked towards the two of them step by step!
"What do you think?" Chu Yang said, "Run into it."

Without further ado, Zhong Ling stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and the car slammed into the woman!
However, at this moment, the figure suddenly disappeared.

"This, this can't..." Zhong Ling was already sweating profusely at this moment, looking at Chu Yang, waiting for his order.

At this moment, many people suddenly appeared in the grass.

Under the blurred street lights, those people looked neither human nor ghostly.

"The clothes they wear... are from the 60s and [-]s of the last century..." Zhong Ling shouted, "Ghost!"

At this time, there were more and more figures, they were staggering, and they let out a low roar.

At this moment, the glass of the car behind suddenly shattered!
Chu Yang looked back, and saw that this group of "people" had already started smashing cars with flails, picks, pitchforks and other things in their hands!

"What the hell are they!" Just as Zhong Ling was about to start the car, he suddenly found that the car couldn't start!

"It's the big black ghost mother's mana that has been further strengthened." Chu Yang said, "These are not humans, they are all ghosts."

"Bastard, I don't have anything that can deal with these ghosts." Zhong Ling became anxious.

"I'll look for it." Chu Yang found a pot of lighter fluid from the car, and found a sunscreen.

"Do you have a lighter?" Chu Yang asked.

"Yes," Zhong Ling took it out, "What do you want?"

Chu Yang poured kerosene on the torn sunscreen, and wrapped the sunscreen around the ancient black gold knife.

"I want to get out of the car, you hide."

Chu Yang opened the car door, quickly got out of the car and closed the door, and the surrounding "figures" also leaned forward!

Chu Yang lit the lighter, and the cloth strips wrapped around the black gold ancient knife immediately burst into flames!
At this time, he swung the long knife in his hand like a fire dragon!
The ghosts around were cut down by the black gold ancient knife one after another. Chu Yang swung the fire knife with an elegant posture. He raised the knife and dropped it, dancing in the dark night like a fire dragon. In an instant, all the ghosts shattered and turned into dust.

Chu Yang came to the roof in an instant, and saw him write a spell with kerosene, jumped out of the car and entered the co-pilot: "Drive."

Zhong Ling drove immediately. At this time, the whole car seemed to be hit by something. After a moment of bumps, it appeared on the road in the urban area again.

"The ghost hitting the wall just now is too powerful." Zhong Ling said, "I feel like I have appeared in another world."

"That's the power of the big black ghost mother." Chu Yang said, "The ghost mother was born out of the Buddha mother, and its power is much more terrifying than we thought."

"So, General Zhou Cang can't deal with it?" Zhong Ling asked.

"Original," Chu Yang said, "but the big black ghost mother manipulated Xiaolan to eat the meat, which is equivalent to breaking the ceremony, so Lord Zhou Cang can't control it now."

"I don't understand." Zhong Ling shook his head.

"It's like, you owe gambling debts, and you asked Brother Chen Haonan in Causeway Bay to help you, and then Chen Haonan told Shan Ji to let Shan Ji settle with you. In the end, you broke the rules and killed Shan Ji. You said Brother Hao Nan Do you want to help?"

Zhong Ling shook her head: "If I were the boss, I would think that person is stupid."

"That's right. Immortals want to help people, but it is difficult to enter the human world. As the saying goes, the state owns the law, the family has family rules, and the immortals help others, so they have to go up. But now that they eat meat and break the rules of the upper body, they are considered gods now. It’s also hard to help.”

Zhong Ling said: "Then what should we do now?"

Chu Yang said: "To untie the bell, the person who tied it must be needed. Now we have to go to Cheng Lan's hometown."

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