"Hehe, Master Feijian is going to personally judge you!"

Danzang froze for a moment, and smiled unnaturally: "You are dead."

Hearing this, Li Jiexuan involuntarily curled his lips: "Thousand-handed door is also Hokage after all, such a big man can't be so wicked..."

Suddenly, Li Jiexuan turned to the ashes-like face between the thousand hands, and silently closed his mouth.

Qian Shou Fei Jian may not treat others like this, but to him...

Li Jiexuan sighed silently: This is the consequence of playing around.

"Come in!"

Qianshou opened the tent door of the big camp, and Danzo walked in braggingly, grinning grinningly as he walked, "You guys are doomed. You left your post without authorization during the war. Let's see how the master will deal with you!"

Danzo didn't take the words of Li Jiexuan and Uchiha Yuya to heart at all.

Offense is the best defense?Don't use this kind of nonsense to make people laugh...

The entire Konoha Allied Forces were pinned down in the defensive line and could not move. Any movement would be besieged by Sand Ninja several times.

How to attack?

Li Jiexuan didn't want to talk to Danzo at all. This guy has been useless since he was a child.

Waste of life, ugly death...

Followed into the tent, Qianshoufan did not intend to cover Li Jiexuan at all, sneered and curled his lips: "Tell me, what reason do you have for leaving the defensive line?"

Qianshou stared closely at Li Jiexuan and his party, the powerful deterrent power of the shadow class seemed to make the air sticky.Uchiha, who was so proud just now, can't say a word now...

"Because we don't need to defend..."

Li Jiexuan curled his lips in disdain: "Only trash and worthless people shiver in their own territory!"

Hearing this, not only Danzo, but even Senshou Fujian frowned involuntarily.

Li Jiexuan's diss is not just Danzo or one or two people...

I, Li Jiexuan, just want to say: Everyone here, one counts as the other, they are all fucking waste, useless!
Being humiliated by Li Jiexuan in this way, even Hiruzaru Sarutobi felt a little uncomfortable.After all, they were dubbed geniuses from birth, waste and worthless are too harsh...

Sarutobi Hiruzen could hold back somewhat, but the sensitive Danzo couldn't hold back at all, jumped up and wanted to make a move: "You really don't know how to live or die, Feng Dun..."

"Shut up!"

Senshou Feijian stopped Danzo in a panic, with a strange look of being afraid of accidentally hurting someone.

Although Danzo was stopped, it doesn't mean that Qianshou Feijian can tolerate Li Jiexuan's reckless behavior!
"Li Jiexuan, I know that you have gained some fame through despicable means in Konoha, but that method will not work with me!"

Qianshou Feijian sneered and shook his head:

"If you can't give me a convincing explanation this time, I will have to punish you! This time, no one can save you!"

At the end, Qianshou Feijian glanced strangely at Yamada Zhenhiro who fell behind Li Jiexuan.

Hearing this, Li Jiexuan had no time to speak.

Danzo jumped up: "Boy, you are dead, wait until you die!"

Danzo, who is narrow-minded, has already listed Li Jiexuan as the second person to kill besides Sarutobi Hiruzen!
"What a clown..."

Li Jiexuan shook his head disdainfully, and stretched out his hand to Maitewei: "Uncle Maite, take out our spoils!"


Matway put a bulging ninja bag in Li Jiexuan's hand.

There is even blood on this heavy ninja bag that hasn't clotted...

Clutching the heavy ninja bag, Li Jiexuan couldn't help feeling angry.This ninja bag is what they gained after going deep into the enemy's line and fighting for many days.

Looking around, a pair of undisguised disdainful eyes swept straight over...

No, no one believed what he said!

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