On the surface of the Atlantic Ocean about [-] kilometers away from the east coast of the United States, huge ships are lined up in an orderly manner, and fighter jets and armed helicopters are also taking off one after another.

Suddenly, an inconspicuous black spot appeared in the night sky.

This little black dot approached quickly from a distance, and soon appeared a human shape.

In an instant, the terrifying advanced weapons on the ship started to activate, and the fighter planes all over the sky also fired at the same time!
As a series of earth-shattering sounds sounded, rockets, missiles, etc. weaved into a shocking firepower net and rushed towards the little black spot.

In the air, Wang Wu's eyes sharpened, he didn't dodge or dodge, and rushed towards the sky full of shells.

Boom boom boom!
Countless shells exploded in the sky one after another, completely devouring Wang Wu, turning it into an incomparably grand fireworks show.

But Wang Wu, who was in it, narrowed his eyes slightly, and was still being hit by these powerful shells, without any reduction in speed.

Even nuclear bombs can't help him, let alone these shells?
These shells hit his steel body, not only could not cause the slightest damage, but it would also make his blood rush and his momentum high.

Suddenly, several seemingly ordinary shells exploded, shaking Wang Wu's body and slowing down his speed.


Wang Wu frowned, looking at the flying shells.

There seemed to be some kryptonite mixed in the shells just now, and he was affected by it when he was caught off guard.

The next moment, two dazzling red lights shot out from Wang Wu's eyes, hitting the shells mixed with kryptonite accurately.

Although kryptonite will not make his strength drop greatly, Wang Wu, who has suffered a loss once, is unwilling to take any more risks, and simply intercepts all the shells mixed with kryptonite in advance.

Soon, Wang Wu rushed out of the fire coverage area with a billowing air wave, blowing away the flames caused by the explosion.

Not far away, dozens of fighter planes spotted him immediately, and another round of firepower began to strike.

"You really think I won't fight back?"

Wang Wu sneered, and two terrifying death rays spewed out instantly!

The speed of the thermal sight was much faster than his flying speed, and instantly swept over the fighter planes, embellishing the sky with gorgeous fireworks.

Three seconds later, Wang Wu rushed past the defense line formed by fighters, and there was no longer a single intact fighter in the air behind him.

All fighters crashed!

After the fighter jets, only the behemoths on the sea remained.

Wang Wu slowly stopped in the air, and swept across the group of giant sea beasts below with no expression on his face.

In order to deal with him, the Atlantic Fleet of the United States did its best and sent all currently available ships and soldiers.

Four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, more than 20 nuclear submarines, more than 40 other large and medium-sized surface combat ships, tens of thousands of soldiers...

There is no doubt that this is a super fleet powerful enough to run amok in the world, and only the Pacific Fleet deployed by the United States in another sea area can suppress it.

Not long ago, the nuclear bomb that put Wang Wu in danger was launched by this fleet.

Compared with the huge size of these most terrifying war machines in human civilization, which are tens of meters high, Wang Wu in the air is pitifully small, like an ant standing in front of an elephant.

However, everyone present knew in their hearts that the situation was just the opposite.

High in the sky, Wang Wu's expression was indifferent, and there was a wave of air rolling all over his body, resisting all the attacks one after another, like a god who came to the world.

At this time, all kinds of distracting thoughts were thrown away in his mind, he just wanted to kill all the enemies with blood for blood.

If these Americans want to kill him, they have to bear his anger and crazy revenge!
Suddenly, Wang Wu's eyes moved, and two hot eyes shot out instantly, hitting the largest aircraft carrier!

As the line of sight deflected, the powerful and terrifying thermal line of sight quickly dismembered the 300-meter-long aircraft carrier.

The giant sea beast let out a burst of wailing, and it became fragmented in a blink of an eye.

The soldiers on the aircraft carrier wailed and cursed, some were swallowed by the heat of sight, some were crushed to death by explosions and debris, and more fell into the sea. The scene was extremely tragic for a while.

But Wang Wu was not moved at all, because not long ago he was on the verge of extinction.

If he wasn't strong enough, he wouldn't even be able to wail and curse and would turn into ashes.

By then, those who now have died in misery will celebrate victory with dancing and dancing.

This is a war, provoked by the other party, to put him to death.

Therefore, Wang Wu has no reason to be soft-hearted.

He wanted to hit the opponent until he knelt down and begged for mercy, and he wanted to kill until the head rolled and the blood flowed like a river!
Now, it's not enough!

The next moment, the two hot lines of sight suddenly accelerated, quickly passing over the ships.

Every time a ship passed by, the heat vision would penetrate and cut the ship's body, burying the entire ship.

Facing Wang Wu, this invincible fleet in the Atlantic Ocean was completely powerless to fight back.

The conventional weapons equipped on the fleet fell on Wang Wu's super steel body, and they all looked as ridiculous as mosquito bites.

Not to mention, Wang Wu seems to have developed a new ability at this time, which can completely isolate all attacks.

Looking back at Wang Wu, he can hit all targets with just one powerful, irresistible heat sight, without even using his fists.

In just 1 minute, the Atlantic fleet had suffered heavy losses and was almost completely wiped out.

Suddenly, a special missile rose slowly from a certain ship.

"Want to kill the fish and break the net?"

Wang Wu, who had always been fully capable, spotted the missile immediately, and a trace of mockery appeared on his face.

"Do you really think I'm a fool? I was fooled once, how could I be fooled again?"

After finishing speaking, he quickly put away his thermal vision, moved his body, and shot into the distance.

After Wang Wu flew tens of kilometers away, a dazzling white light emerged from his position just now.

"Do it for yourself..."

Looking back, Wang Wu sneered and accelerated towards the next target.


"...he's still alive..."

In the presidential office, someone whispered in despair.

"Five minutes? Or 3 minutes?"

The president collapsed on the chair and murmured in disbelief:
"The Atlantic Fleet... just disappeared?"

At this moment, the Mr. President's mind was blank, and his body was trembling slightly.

When the incredible battle report was placed on his table, the fantasies of such great feats and President Hill all burst like bubbles in the sun.

Because the entire Atlantic Fleet was wiped out, and in just a few minutes.

The Atlantic Fleet is the super fleet of the United States second only to the Pacific Fleet. Its comprehensive strength can account for at least one-third of the US Navy, and it is an indispensable force for the United States to dominate the world.

Its demise means that the government will issue tens of thousands of death letters and billions of pensions; it means that the military strength of the United States has been severely damaged in decades...

Return merit, return President Hill?
Mr. President now only hopes that after he is ousted from office, he will not be directly shot to death by radicals.

At this time, the office was dead silent, and everyone was dizzy from the shocking news just now.

They can't accept it anyway, that the super fleet that has crossed the Atlantic Ocean for many years will be wiped out in a few minutes.

"Do not……"

Someone suddenly exclaimed, which attracted the attention of many people.

"The Kryptonian... just went to the Air Force Base..."

"what's the situation?"

For a moment, the others had some bad premonitions.

The person who made the sound replied with a dull face:
"It's gone...there has been razed to the ground..."

"Army Reserve, Fort Hamilton..."

"It's all gone...all destroyed..."

Hearing this series of bad news, the president's face became paler.

The fleet couldn't stop him, could the rest of the army?
Maybe... yes, but I absolutely can't stay here!
He barely stood up and said loudly:

"I want to leave here, prepare a special plane for me, and take off immediately!"


A presidential aide shook his head and said:

"The aircraft target is too big, it will be safer to go overland..."


The president quickly nodded in agreement, and Liushen said:
"Then hurry up and prepare the car, I don't want to stay here for another second!"


10 minutes later, outside the White House.

The president and his party got into the car, ready to transfer.

At this moment, a hurricane suddenly blew over.

Everyone in the car stared at a figure in front of them, and suddenly their hands and feet became cold, as if falling into an ice cellar.

The figure was naturally Wang Wu. At this time, he was full of murderous aura, like a god and a demon.

After defeating the Atlantic Fleet, he headed non-stop to nearby military bases, and wiped out most of the US military forces in the surrounding states like sweeping holes.

Now, the most powerful man in the world in front of Wang Wu has lost all his minions.

"Are you going to fight me?"

Wang Wu asked calmly as he walked forward.

He easily tore apart the sturdy car, and stared coldly at Mr. President amidst the horrified eyes of the crowd:
"I'm right here, do you still want to fight?"

"Do not……"

Mr. President knelt tremblingly, put his head on the ground, and said in horror:
"We surrender, please don't kill me..."

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