After carefully recalling the scene of the mural, Wu Sihua slowly opened his eyes, and then looked at the moat in front of him.

"Third brother, at this point, we can only see if there is a channel in the river."

Wu Sanye nodded and said, "If there is a passage, I'm afraid it can only be in this moat. Fourth brother, I will accompany you down this time."

"No need, brother and I, just go down if you are blind, just wait on the top."

Wu Sihua walked on the arch bridge, looked down at the seven or eight meters wide and bottomless moat, and always felt a hairy feeling in his heart.

Although they didn't encounter any danger in the moat outside, it didn't mean that everything was safe down here.

Wu Sihua always felt that there were pairs of horrifying eyes staring at him below.

Regardless of whether there is danger below, they must jump down to find out.

As Wu Sihua jumped into the moat, the younger brother and the blind man also jumped in, swimming towards the dark bottom of the river.

The water in the moat here is much cooler than outside.

If it weren't for Wu Sihua and the three of them having extraordinary physiques, they might be frozen to death.

Several people swam slowly with waterproof flashlights, carefully checking the situation below.

The three of them swam for more than 20 minutes at a stretch. The younger brother suddenly stopped and pointed forward.

Wu Sihua and the blind man looked along his fingers, and there seemed to be a faint black shadow in front of him, because the distance was too far to see clearly.

The three of them slowed down, each showed their weapons, and swam forward cautiously.

After swimming more than ten meters again, Wu Sihua could vaguely see a ladder-like object behind the shadows in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

But the next moment, he felt a chill.

Under those steps, there are impressively many human heads with long hair floating like water plants.

If you don't look carefully, you may think those human heads are stones sunk in the bottom of the water.

The three of them stopped at the same time, and the blind man pointed to the heads diagonally below. The beams of the three flashlights converged and shone towards those heads.

Seeing this, several people suddenly felt their scalps go numb.

Those people had hundreds of them on their heads, their faces were lifelike, their skin was pale, and there was a gray-blue gleam faintly.

The three of them yelled inwardly at the same time, what kind of heads are these, they are clearly Dayuan warriors, guarding the last entrance of the Genghis Khan Mausoleum here.

The three of them looked at each other and swam slowly forward almost close to each other.

The distance was getting closer and closer, but those Dayuan warriors didn't react at all, and seemed to be lifeless.

Seeing that the three of them were about to swim to the heads of those soldiers, Wu Sihua, who had been watching them all the time, seemed to feel that some heads moved. I don't know if it was an illusion or a real existence.

Wu Sihua tightened the golden straight knife in his hand, just as he was about to remind the two of them to pay attention, the soldier standing at the front suddenly moved, and the spear in his hand pierced out like lightning, and went straight to the blind man's lower abdomen.

It's also fortunate that the blind man has extraordinary skills. If it were Fatty and Sun Kaixuan, they would probably be pierced to the core.

The blind man rolled rapidly in the water. Just as he avoided the spear, several spears pierced him.

The spears in the hands of these soldiers are made of unknown materials. After hundreds of years, there is no trace of corrosion, and they are still shining coldly.

The three of them didn't dare to neglect, they hurriedly turned around and swam back, trying to climb to the shore from both sides.

No one expected that those soldiers jumped up from the bottom of the river one by one like arrows from the string, their bodies were a little stiff, and they rushed towards them with spears like torpedoes.

The three of them were shocked, and they swam to the two sides with all their strength, inserted the weapons in their hands into the wall, turned over and jumped to the shore.

The three of them hadn't stabilized their figures yet, one by one soldiers jumped straight out of the water, one by one with ferocious faces, extremely sturdy, brandishing their spears and stabbing at the three of them.

Facing dozens of secret big zongzi jumping out from the bottom of the water, Wu Sihua and the others ran away, trying to distance themselves from the big zongzi.

"Third brother, there are a lot of zongzi, ready to fight."

Wu Sihua yelled as he ran, and he heard the fat man yelling from afar, "Hey, there are still bloody rice dumplings here, brothers, blast them to death."

Fatty, Sun Kaixuan and others seized a lot of guns and ammunition from the Mafia, as well as more than a dozen grenades, which happened to be useful at this time.

Wu Sihua, the younger brother, and the blind man ran all the way to meet Wu Sanye and others. The fat man and the others immediately pulled the trigger, and the big rice dumpling that was chasing after them flew flying and turned into a sieve.

Seeing dozens of zongzi flying towards him, Fatty was also taken aback, "Damn. Why are there so many dead zongzi? Did you poke the zongzi nest?"

The new energy gun in Wu Sihua's hand burst into bursts of bursts, and the bullets poured into the head of the rice dumpling. "There are hundreds of big rice dumplings below, enough for you to practice guns."

The fat man laughed wildly, and shot wildly with his gun, "Today, my uncle, I will let you big rice dumplings from the Yuan Dynasty see the power of modern weapons."

Sun Kaixuan ran to the arch bridge and shot, cursing, "His grandma, it wasn't enough to make zongzi in Tie Mubo'er's tomb back then, but today I let you eat enough guns, so fuck me!"

Although Zongzi is invulnerable to swords and guns, it can't stand the shooting of bullets.

These zongzi had no ideology and didn't know how to retreat, and they were beaten into mud one by one.

As the zongzi fell one by one, the system prompt sounded again

[Kill a Zongzi, experience reward 1%]

[Kill a Zongzi, experience reward 1%]

Hearing the continuous sound of the notification, Wu Sihua yelled, "Stop shooting, don't waste bullets, and fight them hand-to-hand."

The big rice dumpling in front was already scarred and strenuous to walk, and it couldn't stand Wu Sihua's golden straight knife and black gold ancient knife at all.

Although the ammunition is sufficient, there are still many unknown dangers ahead, and they dare not shoot recklessly.

As Wu Sihua and the little brother rushed towards the big rice dumpling, Sun Kaixuan, Hu Ba and the others also picked up the guys and rushed up, and started a world-shattering hand-to-hand fight with the big rice dumpling.

Wu Sihua's golden straight knife has a restraining effect on the big zongzi, and it can cut off the limbs, limbs and head of the zongzi with a single stroke, like cutting melons and vegetables.

Just as everyone was killing people, the water surface in the distance churned again, and more than [-] big zongzi jumped out.

Seeing this scene, the fat man hastily picked up his submachine gun and fired again.

The system voice issued a prompt that made Wu Sihua extremely excited.


[The experience value of the second-level Suanni bloodline has reached 100%, and it is about to break through to the third-level bloodline.]

The next moment, Wu Sihua only felt the blood in his body boiling, and a tall suanni phantom flashed behind him, which shocked everyone.

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