What was presented in front of Wu Sihua and Maya was not a gloomy underground palace, but a magnificent landscape.

This palace wall and tomb gate completely blocked the world inside.

There are mountains, rivers and waters, birds and animals inside, which turned out to be a typical karst landform.

After hundreds of years, it is no longer possible to tell whether the landscape inside is formed naturally or artificially.

But standing inside the tomb gate and looking at the mountains and rivers inside, it is just like the mountains and rivers behind Er Shiyuan.

In the deepest part of this landscape, there is a magnificent group of palaces.

It should be the real underground palace of Genghis Khan.

The underground palace can no longer be used to describe this place.

Everything here is already a fairyland on earth, without a trace of death
Maya rubbed her eyes and asked in disbelief, "Fourth Master, am I dreaming? Is this really the underground palace of Genghis Khan's mausoleum? Keke is obviously closed and no sun comes in."

Wu Sihua looked at the dome in shock
He can be sure that this is definitely a closed underground space.

At this moment, there are dozens of hundreds of oval stones the size of millstones on the dome, shining on Genghis Khan's underground palace like the sun.

"If I'm not mistaken, the luminous stone inlaid on the top should be the legendary sun essence stone. The light emitted can make all things grow, just like the sun."

"Oh my god. I can't believe my eyes. These sun essence stones are definitely worth more than night pearls."

"Nijing Stone is the most precious treasure in the world, and it can no longer be measured by money. Maya, let's start, first open the tomb door"

"Well, it's just amazing here, I'm hooked"

Wu Sihua carried one end of the blue-striped stone, and Maya used the bent crowbar to forcefully pry it, moving the blue-striped stone to the rear little by little.

Every time the two moved a little, Wu Sanye and the little brother pushed the bluestone door to make the gap wider.

Seeing that the gap was getting wider and wider, the little brother's slightly thin body hurriedly squeezed in, and grabbed the blue stone.

As the gap got wider and wider, a strong blind man also got in, and several people worked together to forcefully lift the blue stone to the side.

The bluestone gate on the right was completely pushed open, and everyone was completely shocked by the scenery in front of them.

The fat man's thick lips trembled a few times, and he couldn't help but swear, "Hey, fat man, I don't think I have traveled through time. Is this an underground palace? Is it possible that I suddenly arrived in Guilin, where the mountains and rivers are the best in the world? behind?"

Wu Sanye's voice was also a little trembling, "This place is probably built according to that, it's just too similar."

Lisa and the others were all shocked by the scene in front of them, speechless for a while, just staring blankly at the magnificent scenery ahead.

In front of them to the right, a river flowed from the depths. At the end of the river, there was a waterfall about 30 meters wide, flying down [-] feet, creating layers of mist.

On the right side of the waterfall is a large underground palace.

There is the real mausoleum of Genghis Khan.

The river flows downstream, forming a lake 500 meters in front of the underground palace, which is as bright as an emerald.

Between the underground palace and the lake, there is a lush forest, flowers and plants, and they grow quite well.

This scene has overturned the cognition of Wu Sanye and others.

They never thought that there would be such a strange scene in the underground palace.

Wu Xie swallowed dryly, "Blind man, what's the situation? How can those trees, flowers and plants survive underground?"

The blind man looked up at the Rijing Stone on the dome, and murmured in a low voice, "An ancient book says that there is a strange stone between heaven and earth, called Rijing, which can scatter sunlight and nourish all things. Those glowing stones on it are most likely the legendary Rijing Stone."

The fat man said, "Damn. There are so many sun essence stones, if we take away one piece, I'm afraid it will be enough for a lifetime."

Sun Kaixuan laughed and said, "What's the hurry. The good things must be in the old man's coffin. Let's go, why are you still standing there. We are waiting for us in front of us."

Wu Sanye suddenly remembered something, "Pan Zi, Adong, Huba, Kaixuan, you all go and block the door of the tomb, don't forget, there are orioles behind us."

Only then did they realize that people from the mafia might arrive at any time.

Da Panzi said hastily, "Okay. Don't worry, third master, as long as you drop the blue stone, those foreigners will not be able to open the natural stone set by our ancestors."

A group of people walked along the path, and they didn't feel the smell of damp and mildew at all. On the contrary, they felt like walking in an oxygen bar in the forest, which was very pleasant.

Everyone was immersed in a good feeling, Wu Sihua suddenly heard a seemingly non-existent rubbing sound in his ears, and turned his head to look hastily.

They were bewitched by the beautiful scenery for a moment, and they even forgot that this was a dangerous underground palace.

Just as Wu Sihua turned his head, the little brother and the blind man almost shouted together, "Everyone, be careful, there is a situation."

As soon as the words fell, a monster with a body length of more than five meters and covered with golden yellow scales, which looked seven parts like a giant salamander and three parts like a crocodile suddenly jumped out of the lake and rushed straight to Lisa and Maya who were walking in front.

Lisa and Maya were shocked and ran quickly to avoid the culling of the golden monster
Fortunately, that giant salamander-like monster was not good at speed, otherwise, it would have bitten Lisa and Maya to pieces in one blow.

The blind man hurriedly shouted, "Run, climb up the mountain, this thing is probably a golden crocodile!"

Before everyone had time to appreciate what the golden crocodile was, they all ran away and climbed towards the hill in the distance.

The mountains here are very steep, and the golden crocodile will definitely not be able to climb them.
Wu Sihua and his younger brother were in the rear, just about to kill the golden monster, but saw four golden crocodiles crawling out of the lake, more than twice the size of the previous one.
Wu Sihua and his younger brother immediately gave up their plan to kill the golden crocodile, and hurriedly ran, using both hands and feet, and climbed towards the top of a small mountain.

They ran fast enough, but they suffered from Pan Zi, A Dong, Hu Ba, and Sun Kaixuan.

They had just turned around after finishing the blue stone, when they saw those golden monsters, they were so frightened that their souls froze.

Sun Kaixuan yelled hastily, "Hurry up and run away, and pray for luck."

Although the golden crocodile is not good at speed, they are super big, and they are no slower than Sun Kaixuan and the others in short-distance galloping.

Several people fled separately. Just as Sun Kaixuan ran down a hill, a large golden crocodile approached and bit him.

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