Tomb Raider: The Young Captain Mojin

Chapter 84 Golden Aolong Turtle

Wu Sihua lay flat on the ground, his chest heaving violently, "I don't know what kind of fish it is, but it almost killed us anyway."

Wu Xie gasped and said, "This Daqing Lake is too dangerous, I don't know if there are any other water monsters down there."

Wu Sihua said, "Shut your crow's mouth, that big fish alone is enough for us to deal with, if another water monster comes out, we will stop eating."

Wu Sanye checked the time, it was already four o'clock in the morning.

Everyone was exhausted like dogs, and they couldn't continue to investigate tonight.

"Okay, everyone was injured and worked hard all night, so go to bed early, we'll talk about it later in the evening"

Everyone was wounded, and they got into the tent in the dense forest and never wanted to come out.

It wasn't until noon the next day that people emerged from the tent one after another and climbed to the top of the mountain to overlook the beautiful sapphire-like Daqing Pond.

Wu Sihua and others enjoyed the scenery comfortably on the top of the mountain, but they didn't know that a large number of mafia troops were gradually approaching and monitoring their every move.

Including that they dived into the lake several times, they also failed to escape the remote monitoring of the Mafia.

Wu Sanye knew that his side must have been used by the Mafia as a weapon, but he had no good way.

Wu Sanye was not unprepared.

Thirty of his brothers had entered Kyrgyzstan and had another shipment of weapons.

As long as Mr. Wu gives an order, they will come and fight the mafia to the death.

of course
From the heart, Mr. Wu does not want to fight with the mafia.

Once things get serious, it will be out of control.

The best way is to introduce the Mafia troops into the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan, and then kill them one by one without anyone noticing.

Another day passed.
After discussing with Wu Sanye and others, Wu Sihua decided to go to the lake again to find out.

This time, Da Panzi and Adong also stopped digging the robbery hole, but followed Wu Sihua, the blind man and the little brother to the lake to hunt and kill the giant pointed fish.

The night was hazy, and the fog gradually rose.

Wu Sihua and the others dived into the cold lake water again, and moved towards the deep lake in the darkness.

This time, they were divided into three echelons.

Wu Sihua, the younger brother and the blind rushed to the bottom, followed by Pan Zi, A Dong, Lisa and Maya.

The third echelon is Wu Xie, Fatty, Anan and Asi.

Their battle plan is that Wu Sihua, the younger brother and the blind man will fight the giant pointed fish hand-to-hand, and the rest will shoot from a long distance.

No matter how tough that big fish was, it couldn't hold up to the shooting of seven or eight rifles and micro-guns.

The dark water of the lake is extremely cold, Wu Sihua, the younger brother and the blind man went downstream side by side
The closer they were to the black hole, the more vigilant they were, for fear that the big fish would suddenly jump out and bite them.

To their surprise
When they were about to approach the black hole, they saw an incredible scene.

The head of a huge pointed fish was stuck on a huge honeycomb stone, and the bloody flesh trailed behind it, basically only the skeleton of the fish bone remained.

Judging from the fish head, it was the giant pointed fish.

Inexplicably, a bad premonition rose in Wu Sihua's heart.

Not happy that the giant pointedfish died.

he is thinking.
What the hell killed this giant pointed fish.
It was because they were shot and killed by their bullets and were eaten by other fish
Or is there a more powerful water monster than the pointed-headed fish king in Daqing Lake?
A group of people didn't expect that the pointed-headed fish king was dead, and they gathered around the ten-meter-long fish bone and watched left and right.

At this moment, everyone felt uneasy.

Just as Wu Sihua was about to swim into the black hole, there was a sudden ear-piercing sound of rubbing in the distant darkness.

At the bottom of the lake tens of meters deep, this sound suddenly came, making the whole group feel their scalps tingling.

Wu Sihua didn't dare to delay at all, he hastily gestured for everyone to go up first and then talk.

Just when everyone started to go upstream, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared near them.
Just took a look.
Everyone is stupid.
It was a super huge tortoise, with a big mouth that could swallow a cow, and it bit towards the nearest Asi
The tortoise, the size of a house, appeared too fast, and knocked over several huge honeycomb stones one after another, before everyone had time to react.

This giant tortoise has two thick coral horns on its long head, and sharp knife-like stone spines on its back. The shortest one is more than one meter long, and it looks very powerful.

With the searchlights above the heads of several people, it is impossible to illuminate the entire body of the giant tortoise.

Wu Sihua cursed secretly, unexpectedly meeting the legendary Golden Aolong Turtle here.
The Golden Aolong Turtle is cruel by nature and likes to eat raw meat. The spikes on its back are made of stone insect corpses accumulated over many years, which are very hard.

The most terrifying thing is the sharp teeth and bite force of the Golden Aolong Turtle.

Compared with the Golden Aolong Tortoise, the strong bite force of the Tiger King of the Mountain is nothing.

Wu Sihua and his younger brother hadn't reacted yet, and Asi, who was closest to the dragon tortoise, had no time to escape. He was bitten by the golden dragon tortoise and instantly turned into a blood gourd.

The sharp teeth of the Golden Aolong Turtle were forty to fifty centimeters long, coupled with the extremely overbearing bite force, it didn't give Asi a chance to breathe, so he died.

Asi was swallowed by the Golden Aolong Turtle chewing and chewing twice. Wu Sihua and others had just swam more than ten meters away, and the Golden Aolong Turtle had already caught up again.

In front of the Golden Aolong Turtle, which is fifteen or sixteen meters long and about ten meters high, the blood of Suanni and Qilin are useless, and the scud dancing shoes can't move it even an inch.

Not to mention the golden straight knife, even my little brother's black gold ancient knife, don't even think about leaving wounds on the golden dragon turtle.

Those of them had no choice but to flee desperately.

For a moment, everyone fled separately, some hid into the honeycomb stone to hide, and some swam towards the top, no one cared about the other.

Wu Sihua, the little brother, and the blind man were the fastest, surpassing everyone and rushing to the top in an instant, while Da Panzi and Anan were at the end.

Seeing that the Golden Aolong Turtle was about to catch up with them, Da Panzi picked up the diamond ax and was about to turn around and chop off the Golden Aolong Turtle's big head with dragon horns, but Anan pushed him violently, narrowly avoiding the Golden Aolong Turtle's big mouth.

Although Pan Zi escaped a catastrophe, Anan was rolled over by the horns of the Golden Aolong Turtle, and then was bitten by the sharp giant teeth, killing him instantly on the spot.

Da Panzi felt a sharp pain in his heart, but he didn't dare to delay at all, and swam desperately towards the surface of the water.

Wu Sanye and Hu Ba were standing guard by the lake with their guns in hand, ready to support them at any time, but suddenly they saw several figures surfaced and swam to the shore quickly, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

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