Tomb Raider: The Young Captain Mojin

Chapter 75 Breaking the Curse of Time

Now that the decision was made, no one said anything, and a new round of excavation began.

The closer you get to the big clock, the more careful you have to be.

If the ice breaks and the hammer strikes the big bell again, none of them will be able to get out.

Even Wu Sihua, who owns scud dancing shoes, can't escape the curse of standing still.

Another six or seven hours passed, and the ice cave passed through next to the group of monks, and finally approached the big bell.

Seeing that they were about to chisel near the big clock, everyone held their breath.

I'm afraid that someone accidentally rings the big clock and freezes them here forever.

Just in case, Wu Sanye took Lisa and others as far away from the ice cave as possible, leaving only Wu Sihua, the younger brother and the blind man in the ice cave.

Wu Sihua glanced at the little brother, "The rest is up to the three of us, we must cut all the ice around."

The blind man said, "It's so exciting. If we miss this, none of us will be able to get out. I'm in charge of the right side, and my little brother is in charge of the top. Fourth Master, you can cut down the bottom."

To increase the distance between the ice hammer and the big clock, it is necessary to hollow out the surrounding area, and then use a straight golden knife to pry the bell hammer away from the big clock.

The next action must not cause the ice wall to crack or even collapse, otherwise, it is inevitable that the hammer will strike the big bell.

The blind man's strength and skill were far superior to Da Pan's. A sharp paratrooper knife was flying up and down in his hand. It seemed that he was not digging a hole, but carving a work of art, which was fast and light.

half an hour passed
The blind man had already dug a meter deep, and continued to dig from the right side of the two monks who struck the bell, and then hollowed out behind them to increase the distance between the hammer and the big bell.

The blind man vacated the space, and the little brother started his action. The black gold ancient knife was dipped in ginger juice, and carefully excavated the part above the bell hammer.

Wu Sihua was small, squatted down, and used a straight gold knife to dig out the part under the ice hammer.

They had to completely strip the two monks and the bell hammer.

Fortunately, the ice here is very solid, and there is no cracking.

Otherwise, their actions will be more dangerous.

In order to avoid accidents, the younger brother and Wu Sihua could only gradually excavate from the outside, and finally there was only five or six centimeters of ice left, and they dared not continue to excavate.

He stopped and waited for the blind man to slowly chip away the solid ice around the two monks.

I don't know why.
When they approached the big clock infinitely, they realized that there was a gap of two or three centimeters around the clock.

That is to say, the bone-chilling ice seemed unable to freeze the big clock with a diameter of more than one meter, and there were some gaps around it.

If the big clock is taken away, the space inside will look like a bigger bronze bell.

Could it be that because of the curse of time, even ice cannot corrode this terrifying curse?

Another five hours passed.

The three of them didn't stop for a moment in the ice cave.

This is the three of them. If it was someone else, I'm afraid they couldn't bear it long ago.

at last
The blind man and the younger brother took turns digging, and finally cut out a [-] to [-] cm ice hole around it. Just insert a golden straight knife between the bell hammer and the big bell, and then pry it open with force, and the danger can be stripped away.

Easier said than done.

No one can guarantee whether there will be a sound when the bell is pried open.

Not to mention, the condition for the big clock to trigger the curse of time is whether the big clock makes a sound, or if the big clock is touched, the curse will be activated.

In the extremely silent ice cave, the outside world was almost completely isolated.

There was only the sound of the beating hearts of the three of them.

Wu Sihua swallowed dryly, signaled the younger brother and the blind man to back off, and slowly put down the golden straight knife, which was covered with ginger juice.

The golden straight knife penetrated into the ice layer from top to bottom, and Wu Sihua's small heart would thump every time he moved forward.

I'm afraid that someone accidentally rang the big clock and buried them all in this stagnant time.

The golden straight knife finally came into contact with the ice-frozen bell hammer. As long as Wu Sihua stabbed hard, he could insert between the bell hammer and the big clock, and pry the big clock away from the bell hammer.

If he used too much force, the bronze bell would hit the ice wall and still make a sound.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.
As calm as a little brother and a blind man, his heart beats a little faster.

Once upon a time, they wanted to die
Completely end the life of immortality and let yourself disappear in this world.

But when this moment really came, they couldn't accept it calmly.

The little brother slowly stretched out his hand, put it on Wu Sihua's little hand, patted it lightly, and then retracted it.

The blind man took a step forward, stretched out his hand to caress the remaining few centimeters of ice, and said in a low voice, "Go ahead, you can't survive, no matter what the result is, no one will blame you"

Wu Sihua ignored the two of them and concentrated all his energy on the straight golden knife.

The little brother and the blind man stood on both sides, like Dharma protectors.

As soon as Wu Sihua gritted his teeth, Suan Ni's blood flowed quickly, and the golden straight knife in his hand broke through the ice layer with a whoosh, and inserted it lightly and quickly between the bell hammer and the big clock.

There was a slight sound of rubbing, and the big clock oscillated slightly, and the golden straight knife stayed between the bell hammer and the big clock.

At this moment, they seemed to hear a slight buzzing sound, which was the sound made by the friction between the big clock and the golden straight knife.

Wu Sihua finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from the current situation, there should be no time curse that touched the big clock.

The little brother and the blind man moved very quickly, jumping to the side of the two monks, they pulled the bell hammer together, and dragged the two monks back together.

Wu Sihua firmly held the golden straight knife, holding the big clock horizontally, for fear that the bronze bell would make a sound due to a slight vibration.

The little brother and the blind man abruptly pulled the bell hammer and the two monks aside. Due to the excessive force, the corpses of the two monks made a crackling sound.

The little brother grabbed the bell hammer, stretched out his left hand like lightning, put it on the copper bell, and signaled Wu Sihua to slowly draw out the golden straight knife.

At this moment, the copper bell is in a suspended state, with a gap of two or three centimeters around it. If there is no external force, it should not make a sound.

The three finally let out a breath
The little brother just wanted to let go of his hand slowly, but found that the big clock had shifted sideways due to the impact of the hammer
That is to say, if the little brother let go of his hand, the big clock will swing and hit the ice wall on one side.

They hadn't thought of that just now.
The incident happened suddenly, so I could only find something to carefully insert between the copper bell and the ice wall to prevent collision.

Wu Sihua tore his clothes in a snap, and carefully hid himself between the bronze bell and the ice wall, then the little brother let go slowly, for fear of making any noise.

Just when the little brother left the copper bell with his palm..
There seemed to be a space distortion in front of several people, just like the emptiness of water vapor on the asphalt road in summer.

A slight cracking sound entered their eardrums

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