Seeing blue flames spewing out from the crystal box, Wu Sihua shouted, "Get out of the way, it's the immeasurable evil fire of Buddhism."

Wu Sihua pushed and shoved several people around him aside.

The little brother and the blind man also reacted quickly, each stretching out their arms and sweeping away the third master Wu and A Dong who were beside them.

Blue flames gushed out, passing through the hole and burning high into the sky.
Akhong, who hadn't had time to dodge, uttered a half-scream, his entire head instantly vanished into nothingness, not even a single ashes remained, and the corpse rolled aside, with traces of blue flames on his shoulders.

The third master shouted anxiously, heart-piercingly, "Pan Zi."

Pan Zi has been with the third master for many years, and loves him like a brother.

This time, I'm afraid it's over
The immeasurable evil fire dissipated quickly, and the solid ice at the entrance of the cave melted instantly, sliding towards the bottom of the ice cave.

Da Panzi's voice suddenly sounded in the ice cave, "Third Master, I'm not dead yet, pull me up quickly, this ice cave is about to collapse, and those monks have all come out of the ice."

The climbing rope and Luluti's body just now had been burned into nothingness, but Da Panzi survived because he avoided the impact of the flames, feeling his body was on fire.

Hearing that Da Panzi was not dead, Wu Xie, A Dong and the others threw down the climbing rope in a hurry, but they didn't have time to fix it, and they all pulled Da Panzi up with all their strength.

There were deafening chanting sounds from under the ice cave, mixed with the sound of knocking wooden fish.

Da Panzi looked down and saw that the upper body of the densely packed dead monks had already been melted. One by one, they stretched out their big hands and grabbed his ankles.

Rao Dapanzi, who has experienced many battles, also screamed in fright, quickly curled up his legs, and yelled at the top, "Pull me up quickly, there are many monks and zongzi."

A Dong and the others pulled up with all their strength, and quickly pulled Da Panzi up.

The third master pulled out a few detonators from his backpack, ignited them immediately, and shouted, "Run, it's about to blow up."

The destruction of the Buddha's relics is equivalent to destroying the beliefs of those dead monks.

So many monks, if you climb up from below, you can eat them alive
Wu Sihua and the others fled to one side with a hungry tiger pouncing on food and a lazy donkey rolling over. There was a loud bang below, and the ice cave collapsed.
The third master threw down seven or eight detonators at once, even if those monk rice dumplings were fried again, they would still turn into rotten meat.

The violent explosion shook the valley. Fortunately, the place where they were located was a glacier, not a mountain with thousands of years of snow, otherwise, it would definitely cause a big avalanche.

The ice cave completely collapsed, and the faint sound of chanting scriptures and wooden fish slowly dissipated from below.

Old Hei glanced at the third master and said, "Brother, you are reckless. We are about to enter the glacier and snow mountain. We must not use powerful weapons again, so as not to cause an avalanche."

The third master shook the dust mixed with ice slag on his head and said, "The situation is urgent, and I can't take care of so much. Hundreds of monks' rice dumplings come out, and we all have to be torn to pieces."

The group of people felt lingering fear, and after taking a long breath, they looked at the tragic death of Akhong.

A Dong asked, "Third Master, what should we do with this kid's body?"

The third master looked at the snowdrift not far away and said, "You guys should bury him under the snow. This kid died quite badly, his head is gone, so as not to expose his body to the wild."

Adong responded, and took Anan, Asi and Abei to bury Akhong with engineering shovels, and put three cigarettes on it as a sacrifice.

After working for a long time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Everyone had a brief meal, arranged to be on duty, and went back to their tents to rest.

The first shift is guarded by Wu Xie, Sun Kaixuan and Da Panzi.

The second shift is guarded by Wu Sihua and my younger brother.

Then Adong, Anan, Abei and Axi, the four guarded until dawn.

The rest of the people will be on duty tomorrow night.

Because the fat man was wounded, and he was still recovering after tearing off a piece of meat from his buttocks, so he was not assigned to be on duty.

Wu Xie opened two cans, and Pan Zi took out a bottle of shochu and put it on the fire to warm it up slightly. The three of them drank and chatted while paying attention to the movement around them.

Pan Zi said, "Little Third Master, you don't know what's going on down here. If I come out one step later, I'm afraid I'll be dragged away by those monks to be buried with Zongzi."

Sun Kaixuan drank a glass of wine and said, "Master, it is said that monks are merciful, so how could they become zongzi?"

Wu Xie said, "If we destroy the Buddha's relics, it means destroying their faith. It's no wonder the monks are not in a hurry."

Sun Kaixuan sneered, "It wasn't us who messed it up, but that dead guy Luluti. You said it was strange, he was already dead, why did he suddenly get up to dig up the Buddha's relics? Could it be that Want money or life?"

Wu Xie said, "There is indeed something strange about this matter, it must be some kind of mysterious force at work. Da Panzi, have you found any other abnormalities down here?"

Da Panzi said, "Little San Ye, I heard that many strange things happened when the Three Wu sects exterminated Buddhism. However, they are all legends and are not very reliable.

However, during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Middle Tang Dynasty, and the Late Tang Dynasty when Buddhism was the most prosperous, believers were extremely crazy, greedy for extravagance and lust, and publicized such cruel acts as cutting meat to feed eagles, hanging bodies with iron hooks, skinning scriptures, and burning bodies as offerings to Buddha.

At that time, people were extremely fanatical about Buddhism. Some people cut off their own flesh and fed it to the birds, bleeding all over their body but not changing their expressions.

There are also monks who hang their bodies on iron hooks, light thousands of lamps, and sit still for a day and a night. "

Sun Kaixuan blinked a few times and said, "Hey, these people are really crazy, they are simply masochists. Does it make sense for them to do this?"

Wu Xie sighed and said, "When people's faith reaches a certain level, they will become persistent and crazy. Tibetan Buddhist believers walk thousands of miles to worship the holy mountain, how pious they are.

Tsangyang Gyatso once wrote in his poem: This Buddha-shining plateau is three steps and two steps to heaven, but there are still so many people who cannot walk because of too much worry. "

Da Panzi said, "Buddha cultivates the afterlife, Taoism cultivates this life. What is invisible is more desirable."

Wu Xie chuckled, "Pan Zi, it's alright, with progress, he can say such philosophical words."

Da Panzi scratched his head and said, "After hanging out with you for a long time, I must improve a bit."

While several people were talking, Wu Xie suddenly caught a glimpse of the snowdrift that buried Akhong, and suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his scalp.

"Pan Zi, why do I feel a movement there?" Wu Xie said in a low voice.

Da Panzi looked confused, "Where did it move?"

Sun Kaixuan and Da Panzi followed Wu Xie's eyes and suddenly understood what Wu Xie was talking about.

Sure enough, the snowdrift where Akhong was buried moved a few times.

Although it was not very obvious, all three of them could clearly see that there seemed to be something moving under the snowdrift.

Could it be that Akhon is also trying to cheat the corpse?

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