Although Huba and the others ran out of the main tomb to avoid being turned into ashes, their bodies were covered with scalds, like being burned by cigarette butts. The skin was festered and blistered, and the pain was unbearable.

Johnson tore off his clothes, revealing his back, with a layer of blisters on it, emitting a white gleam, which was the trace left by the white phosphorous moth.

The whole group was so frightened that their souls trembled, and for a while they didn't know what to do next.

No one expected that Tie Muboer would leave behind such a trick.

Not only did he sink his own coffin to the bottom, but he also raised so many white phosphorous moths underneath.

Whoever opened the coffin would probably be attacked by white phosphorous moths, and would be close to death.

Six or seven people had already died before seeing the solid coffin.

With only three people left on Johnson's side, the situation was instantly reversed and they became a vulnerable group.

No matter how strong Johnson is, he can't stand Wu Sihua and his younger brother's killing.

Wu Sihua looked at the wounded people, "Wu Xie, Da Panzi, go get some water from the phosphorus pit, be careful not to touch the phosphorus powder, otherwise you will be burned to ashes."

Da Panzi said puzzled, "Fourth Master, what are you doing with water?"

"Where there is a poison, there must be a cure. The water in those phosphorus pits can cure the fire poison on their bodies. If the wounds fester, there is only one dead end."

Not only Johnson and the others were injured, but Huba and Sun Kaixuan also had more than a dozen burns on their bodies.

Maya and Lisa are doing better, and they also have a few burns.

Wu Xie and Da Panzi quickly fetched phosphorus pit water and slowly poured it on the burnt areas of several people. The white light of the wound gradually dissipated, and the pain also eased a lot, which surprised them greatly.

Naturally, Wu Sihua and the others would not take care of the three of Johnson and let them fend for themselves.

At this time, Johnson also knew that the injured himself was no match for Wu Xie and others.

Furthermore, if you want to get the map of Genghis Khan's Mausoleum, you will definitely not be able to rely on them.

The three of Johnson went out by themselves to pour water from the phosphorus pit on the wound, while Wu Sihua and his younger brother stood in front of the Qingshi gate, thinking about how to deal with the white phosphorus moth.

"Brother, what do you think?"

"There is a high possibility that the coffin is under the organ."

The little brother only said one sentence, then closed his mouth again.

Wu Sihua turned his head to look at Wu Xie and the others, "Their speed is too slow, it's dangerous to go in, we have to go in and find out."

"it is good"

Wu Sihua turned around and said to Wu Xie, "You guys stay here, my little brother and I will go in"

Wu Xie became anxious immediately, "Fourth uncle, little brother, are you crazy? There are so many white phosphorous moths in there, you will only die if you go in there."

Wu Sihua looked at the phosphorus pit water that was pouring the wound, "This water is the killer of those white phosphorus moths. Take off your clothes and soak in the water, and we will go in."

Da Panzi said worriedly, "Is this possible? The water will dry?"

Wu Sihua said, "What we have to do is to take out the map before the water dries up. It's hard to get here, so we can't just give up."

Wu Sihua only told half the truth.

He really wanted to take out the map of the royal tomb, but he wanted to see if Tie Muboer, the monster general, had Muchen Bead beside him.

If there were no Muchen Bead inside, he could only pin his hopes on the Tomb of King Genghis Khan.

The Muchen Bead is a rare treasure, and it is very likely that it will be kept by the emperor.

Wu Sihua did not want to give up this opportunity.

After what happened just now, Johnson and the others were silent about this place, how dare they follow in, they could only honestly wait outside.

Wu Sihua and his younger brother jumped directly into the phosphorus pit water to cool off.
Then they put the clothes of Wu Xie and the others on their bodies layer by layer, and put on the gas masks, so Da Panzi and the others pushed the Qingshi gate open a gap, and the two squeezed in.

The ashes of the bones were scattered on the ground, and several members of the Mafia had been reduced to ashes.

There are dots of fluorescent light scattered in the tomb, which are surviving white phosphorous moths.

Only now did Wu Sihua understand.

The white phosphorous moths that they didn't see before entering the tomb were probably left over from attacking Yang Tianfeng and the others.

These white phosphorous moths will only pounce on things that have heat, and as soon as someone approaches, they will immediately become their targets.

At some point, the cracks in the ground have been closed again.

It seems that the mechanism here is still circuitous.

Not only can it be opened, but it can also be closed by itself.

No wonder the ground was whole when they came in.

The two of them were wet, and the ground was covered with water stains.

Wu Sihua didn't dare to stay, and immediately asked his younger brother to press the sarcoma on the giant snake's head.

creak creak
The cracks on the ground opened again, and wisps of white light still radiated from below. I don't know how many white phosphorous moths are inside that can instantly destroy people.

The Qingshi gate has been closed, if the two of them hadn't called the door, Wu Xie and the others would not have opened it, lest the white phosphorous moths inside would run outside and harm everyone.

As the cracks on the ground grew larger, moths began to fly out of them, wandering around in the tomb, but did not attack Wu Sihua and the other two.

Wu Sihua guessed right.

These white phosphorous moths will only attack warm organisms.

They were covered with wet clothes and did not emit much heat.

The two cautiously approached the crack and peeked downward.

Looking at this, the two of them suddenly felt creepy.

Below the crack is a dark room, inside which is placed a huge coffin, which is five meters long, three meters high, and two meters wide.

What shocked the two of them was not the huge coffin, but the dense white phosphorous moths crawling on the stone wall below, and the ground was full of black scaled snakes, with nowhere to set their feet.

If they want to go down, they can only jump on the coffin.

But if this is the case, how should they open the coffin to see if there are much dust beads and a map of the royal tomb inside?
The little brother gave Wu Sihua a wink, meaning what to do.

Wu Sihua pointed down, motioning for the little brother to jump down.

Both of their bloodlines can restrain the Black Scaled Snake, but if they spill hot blood, they will definitely cause the attack of the White Phosphorous Moths.

Neither of them can guarantee whether the phosphorus pit water on their bodies can withstand the pounce of white phosphorus moths.

If the flame turned by the white phosphorous moth can burn on the water stains, they will be dead.

The arrow had to be fired on the string.

The little brother was a bold person, so he didn't hesitate at the moment, and jumped onto the coffin below, as light as a civet cat.

Wu Sihua turned over and landed on the coffin without making any sound, so as not to disturb those terrifying white phosphorous moths.

It is really difficult to open the lid of the coffin from above without disturbing the moths.

The two of them communicated with each other with eyes, and gradually reached an agreement, and came up with a way to open the coffin.

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