Tomb Raider: The Young Captain Mojin

Chapter 37 Giant Snake Mother

If you say this, it can't express the size of the huge black snake.

The toothpick-like black lines appearing below can set off the size of the giant snake.

Because those toothpick-like black lines were the black-scaled vipers they encountered in the snake cave.

in this way
Isn't the big black snake wrapped around the giant snake equivalent to the black-scaled python they saw in the Yulong River?

According to this ratio, the giant snake perched on the huge pillar is at least twenty meters long, and the diameter of the snake's body must definitely exceed two meters.

Oh my god
Is this still a snake?
Could it be the legendary dragon?

Wu Sihua thought of the queen of ants
Could it be that this snake is the mother snake among the black snakes?And the black snake wrapped around it is mating the snake mother to give birth to more little black snakes?
Wu Sihua was watching intently, when Lisa suddenly walked up to him and said, "Fourth Master, what a big snake? It can't be real, right? Hey, why is there a small snake wrapped around the giant snake?"

Wu Sihua said in a low voice, "They may be making snakes."

Lisa groaned, almost climbed onto the mural to observe, and said after a while, "That's not right, the female snake is so big and the male snake is so small, can it fit in?"

Wu Sihua coughed lightly and said, "I guess this snake will fly in the air, Lisa, do you think this smaller snake looks like the black-scaled python we met in the Yulong River?"

Lisa said with a little embarrassment, "It seems a bit like it. God, if the big snake above is really the black-scaled python, does that mean that this giant snake mother is also real?"

The little brother snorted coldly and said, "Snakes are cold-blooded animals, and their lifespan is far longer than that of humans. If this giant snake is hidden in this alchemy fairy palace, none of us will be its opponent. I am afraid that one bite will kill us all." have eaten"

Wu Sihua rubbed his chin and said, "I think this snake mother should be gone. It was so big hundreds of years ago. If it lived to this day, wouldn't it have to live for more than 1000 years?"

Sun Kaixuan said, "Grandpa, it doesn't matter if it's still alive or not. We've all come here, so we definitely can't leave empty-handed. Well, the key is to find our dads."

Needless to say, Sun Kaixuan, Wu Sihua will not retreat in spite of difficulties.

Especially when I saw Muchen Bead just now.

Even if it is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, he still has to make a breakthrough.

In his previous life, his younger brother Lao Yangren and his younger sister Hua Ling died in the ancient tomb of Pingshan, and the Muchen Bead could not be found.

God gave him a chance to be reborn. In this life, he must find Muchen Bead and break the curse of the Zagrama clan.

Going forward along the corridor, there are strange murals on both sides.

The person in charge of this Alchemy Immortal Palace seems to have an extraordinary admiration for the snake race.

There are depictions of big snakes in many murals.

Is it
This former alchemist of the Immortal Palace has some kind of close connection with the snake clan?
Several people watched the murals and walked slowly all the way.

After more than ten minutes, they came near a huge space.

In front of them, is a circular dome.

Here, everyone has a feeling.

They are not in the Alchemy Immortal Palace, but the main tomb of a super emperor's tomb.

Several people walked to the end of the corridor, only to find that there was an abyss about [-] meters wide under their feet.

Above the abyss, there are several chains, covered with wooden boards, which are slightly decayed and have traces of being eaten by ants and insects.

There is a faint sound of running water below the abyss, which seems to be connected to an underground river.

Wu Sihua took a flashlight and looked down, and could vaguely see the water flashing, but he couldn't see the situation below clearly.

Lisa took out two cold fireworks and threw them down.

Wherever the flames went, you could see dark green moss and mottled black vines growing on the cliffs on both sides.

Wu Sihua looked around and said in a low voice, "If my guess is correct, this river should be connected to the Yulong River, and the tree roots we saw in the snake cave are the roots of these black vines. "

Maya said, "These vines are so vigorous that they can grow even in this place without any sunlight."

The little brother's flashlight stopped on the abyss cliff on one side, "Look there"

Everyone looked at the little brother's flashlight, and it seemed that there was nothing special about it.

Wu Sihua's eyes were very sharp after being transformed by Suan Ni's blood, and he could see the clue at a glance.

"There are many black-scaled snakes."

After he reminded, the others barely saw it.

On those black vines of different thicknesses, there were indeed many black scaled snakes.

It's just because those vines are also black, which is very close to the color of the black scaled snake, so it's not easy to find.

Thinking of what happened in the snake cave, everyone shuddered.

If this mother fell, she would be gnawed into skeletons by as many black snakes in an instant.

Brother Dameng also found the densely packed snakes below, and made a squeaky sound, as if he wanted to jump down to eat.

Wu Sihua signaled the others to be careful, and the flashlight went back and forth on the abyss and cliffs below, "My brother and I will go there first, and try to see if the wooden board can hold people. Be careful here."

Wu Xie said worriedly, "Fourth uncle, little brother, be careful, those snakes may climb up the vines at any time. And that black-scaled python might be in front too"

Wu Sihua and his younger brother didn't speak, but with a flashlight in one hand and the iron chain in the other, they stepped onto the wooden bridge carefully.
The wooden boards under their feet had been rotten due to being in the humid air all year round. The two people's feet made creaking sounds from time to time, and coupled with the chain bridge wandering back and forth, even Wu Xie and the others saw their legs a little sore.

As the two continued to move forward on the chain bridge, a strange blue flame appeared in front of their eyes.

The little brother subconsciously stopped, "Look there, there is a fire."

Wu Sihua squinted his eyes and looked forward, the palm-sized flame was constantly flickering, as if it would go out at any moment.

blue flame
Damn, is it the legendary will-o'-the-wisp?

This is Alchemy Immortal Palace, how could there be ghost fire?

Could it be that the big tomb of Tie Muboer is in front of him?
Wu Sihua had a strange smell coming from his nose.

"Brother, it's corpse aura. There is corpse aura ahead."

"Didn't you say that there will be mummies in the Alchemy Immortal Palace? It's normal to have corpse aura."

Wu Sihua suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help frowning.

"Mummy. Will-o'-the-wisp corpse gas I think I know what that flame is"

The little brother asked, "What is it? Could it be the fire of the nether world?"

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