Hearing Wu Sihua's low voice, the younger brother said, "This place was excavated by man, and the tomb passage of Tie Mubo'er is very likely to be here."

Wu Sihua shook his head slightly and said, "It doesn't have to be the big tomb, it could be the Immortal Palace of Alchemy. That black-scaled python probably ran out from here. If I'm not wrong, the tomb is the Immortal Palace of Alchemy." , and the Yulong River below has been connected.”

Wu Xie cursed in a low voice, "Damn. So we might meet that giant python again?"

"It's not just the giant python, there may be other fierce beasts, everyone, please be blessed. Let's rest for a while, we are going to find the tomb passage"

Lisa interjected, "Fourth Master, you said the big tomb is nearby, why didn't you see any traces of my father and the others?"

"Different schools and sects have different methods of looking at the mountain and searching for the tomb. They may not enter from here. Since there is no clear destination, we can only search for the tomb according to our experience."

Everything Wu Sihua said made sense, and Lisa and Huba couldn't refute it.

Several people rested in place for half an hour. Wu Sihua and Wu Xie's uncle and nephew walked around the area and found that the Yulong River was flowing hundreds of meters below their feet.

Wu Xie lay on the edge of the cliff, looked down and said, "Fourth Uncle, when we passed the snake cave, did you notice that those snakes were coiled on something like tree roots?"

Wu Xie remembered these things, and Wu Sihua certainly remembered them even more.

"Little Poxie, what do you want to say?"

Wu Xie rolled his eyes, "Why do you think there are tree roots falling down in the cave?"

Wu Sihua rubbed his chin, with a pensive expression, he really didn't think about it, "You mean there might be big trees growing in this mountain?"

"It stands to reason that this is impossible. If the mountain is hollow, there must be no sunlight inside, how can trees grow?"

Wu Xie went down to the tomb a few times, and what he saw was also full of strange things.

He had seen the Qinling Sacred Tree, but it was cast in bronze and didn't need to grow at all.

He couldn't imagine what tree could grow in the dark
Is it a ghost tree from the underworld?

Wu Sihua stood facing the wind, his not-too-long hair blown up by the wind, with a pensive expression, "There are so many things in this world that we haven't seen. Existence is reasonable, nothing is impossible, so we should find it quickly." Enter the passage of the ancient tomb."

Wu Xie turned his head and looked back, "There are obvious traces of excavation on the mountain here, and the tomb passage should be nearby. We brought explosives, and if it doesn't work, let's fire a few shots."

Wu Sihua disdains this method of finding tomb passages.

Exploding the mountain with cannons is a common method used by Lishi Xiling.

He possesses two miraculous skills of moving mountains and touching gold, how could he use that method to find the tomb passage.

Wu Sihua took out the compass from his backpack, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at the place where Sun Kaixuan and the others were.

"Five elements and eight trigrams, 24 mountains, one mountain is another important pass, there is no doubt about the way of the sky and the Big Dipper, and the dragon and the phoenix are the mountain to watch"

Wu Sihua muttered, his figure wandered back and forth on the cliff, and finally stopped at the northwest corner of the cliff, looking diagonally upwards.

"Get up, everyone, if I'm not mistaken, the entrance here is right above"

Wu Sihua raised his finger and pointed to the steep slope above the group of people, on which there was a big pagoda tree as thick as one person hugged.

Sun Kaixuan jumped up, looked at the big locust tree and said. "Fourth Lord? What do you mean? You mean that tree is the path to the tomb?"

Wu Sihua said, "It's not the tree, but the back of the tree. This tree is the guide to the entrance of the tomb."

Apart from Wu Sihua, no one would have thought that someone would plant a big tree at the entrance of the tomb.

Wu Xie said curiously, "I heard that the tombs of the Yuan Dynasty are similar to the tombs of the Eastern and Western Zhou Dynasties. They pay attention to not sealing the soil and not planting trees. How could trees be planted at the entrance of the tomb?"

Wu Sihua didn't answer immediately, but walked to the bottom of the big locust tree, pointed to the artificially excavated mountain wall and said, "Look here, can you find anything?"

Lisa and Maya took the lead to observe for a while, but they didn't see anything.

Huba was very careful, and stretched out his hand to caress the mountain wall for a moment, "Fourth Master, there seems to be traces of friction here, but it has been weathered for too long."

Wu Sihua glanced at Huba approvingly, "That's right. There are indeed traces of friction on it. It was left by someone who often climbed from here and accumulated over time."

Wu Xie asked in confusion, "Fourth Uncle, do you mean someone has already entered the tomb from here?"

Wu Sihua shook his head, "It may not be entering the tomb, maybe it is the Immortal Palace of Alchemy."

Lisa said, "Fourth Master, we are not here to find Alchemy Immortal Palace, but our father."

Maya seemed to hear something, "Sister Lisa, what Fourth Master means is that the Immortal Palace of Alchemy here is probably the tomb of Tie Mubobo, am I right, Fourth Master?"

Wu Sihua nodded lightly, "That's right. The ancients built mausoleums, most of them were built on the side of the mountain, which would save a lot of time and effort. We have seen many tree roots hanging down in the Yulong River Snake Cave. Come down, it should be a strange tree species in the Alchemy Immortal Palace."

Sun Kaixuan asked nonchalantly, "Fourth Lord, what does this have to do with Tie Mubobo'er's tomb?"

Wu Xie said, "Of course it has something to do with it. What my fourth uncle means is that Tie Muboer probably transformed the Alchemy Immortal Palace into a burial place after his death."

Hu Ba nodded in agreement, "Fourth Master and Wu Xie are right. If Tiemu Boer presided over the funeral after Genghis Khan's death, then he must be a close minister of Genghis Khan.

After Genghis Khan's death, most of the Alchemy Immortal Palace here was also abolished.Tie Muboer transformed it into his own private house, maybe he wanted to get a taste of immortality."

Da Panzi spat and said, "Grandma's, you'll know if you go up and have a look. Fourth master, you wait below, I'll go up and find out."

After Da Panzi finished speaking, he took out the dragon claw hook and the climbing rope from the backpack and tied them up, then threw them up and firmly grasped the roots of the big locust tree.

There is a height of more than 20 meters from the bottom to the root of the big locust tree, and the situation above is completely invisible.

Big Panzi was about to climb up, but the younger brother suddenly said, "Big Panzi, be careful."

"Don't worry, little brother, I have a submachine gun, even if there is a black scaled snake on it, I can get away with it."

Wu Sihua said that the Alchemy Immortal Palace might be connected to Yulong River.

If this is the case, it is not impossible for the black scaled snake to appear on it.

Da Panzi was very agile in his hands and feet, pulling the climbing rope to climb quickly, and soon reached the top of the slope.

Just as the people below wanted to ask what was going on above, the big Panzi suddenly let out a scream, and quickly fell towards the bottom. The little brother was so startled that he jumped up and hugged Panzi.

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