Tomb Raider: The Young Captain Mojin

Chapter 25 Wu Sihua's magical ventriloquist

After knocking on the big pan for a long time, a disheveled old man emerged from the house.

From the looks of it, this guy should be drinking.

His face was a little reddish, he walked unsteadily, and was weak.

"Who is it and what is it?"

Da Panzi hurriedly took out his cigarette, "Uncle, we are traveling friends. I heard that Mr. Guo's family has a large snake mongoose. I want to open my eyes."

Boss Guo yawned, his eyes lit up a little, "Why should we let you see the things we raise?"

Da Panzi chuckled, took out 100 yuan from his pocket and handed it over, "Uncle, don't worry, we don't look for nothing, you can use this money to buy wine and drink."

Boss Guo's eyes lit up, he smiled and took the 100 yuan, "Well, Brother Dameng is hanging in the house, you go and see. But be careful, that guy is fierce, even I won't let him approach. "

Wu Sihua and the others are not even afraid of wolves and black bears, so how could they be afraid of a large snake mongoose.

Da Panzi responded, took out another cigarette and handed it over, then turned around and left the yard.

Wu Sihua and his younger brother walked into Guo Laoying's yard side by side. The inside was full of wormwood, and it was barren.

The door was ajar, and several pieces of glass on the window were broken.
Da Panzi opened the door carefully, but he didn't see the big fierce brother.

The house is fishy and damp, dirty and smelly.

Brother Dameng regards this place as a nest, eating and drinking in it.

Da Panzi just wanted to pull out his diamond ax and go in to look for Brother Dameng, but Wu Sihua grabbed him and shook his head at him, signaling not to reveal his weapon, so as not to cause Brother Dameng to attack.

Wu Sihua pulled Da Panzi out and signaled everyone to back off, while he bent his legs and put his finger on his mouth in a strange posture.

The next moment, Wu Sihua made a long sound.

"Squeak chirp chirp chirp chirp."

Everyone was stunned by Wu Sihua's ventriloquist, and Wu Xie looked at his uncle in surprise, wondering when he learned ventriloquist.

After a while, there was a rustling sound in the room, as if something had crawled out.

Everyone stares at the door
A pointed head with four parts like a fox and six parts like a yellow leather head poked out quietly.
The thing is alert and slowly reveals its body.
Its two front legs are slender, its hind legs are strong and powerful, and it drags a long, fluffy tail. It is the legendary Big Brother.

Wu Sihua backed away slowly and continued ventriloquist.

What he imitated was the cry of a female mongoose in heat.
Wu Sihua retreated farther and farther away, Brother Dameng seemed to be blinded by his ventriloquist, he jumped out of the door with a whoosh, his tail swung back and forth, and his eyes were blurred.

Wu Sihua's ventriloquism became smaller and smaller, and gradually stopped
Brother Big Meng shook his head and walked up to him wagging his tail.

The pointed head rubbed back and forth on his trouser legs, like an obedient kitten.

Wu Sihua squatted down cautiously, and raised his hand to caress the hair on Brother Big Meng's neck, as if to comfort him.

Boss Guo was lying on the wall while drinking and watching.

Seeing Brother Dameng let a stranger touch him, he immediately shouted, "Oh, that's really strange. This thing bites me when it sees it. How could it be touched by a furry child?"

Wu Xie laughed and said, "Uncle, maybe this is fate, he and my fourth uncle are destined."

Wu Sihua gave Wu Xie a wink, this guy immediately understood what he meant, took out a cigarette and handed it to Boss Guo.

"Uncle, Brother Dameng is quite cute. If you dislike him, how about giving it to us?"

Boss Guo rolled his eyes and said with a sigh, "Hey, this is my brother's treasure. I just thought about it, so I can't give it to you lightly."

Da Panzi stepped forward to light a cigarette for Boss Guo, "Uncle, let's do it. Since our fourth master likes it, we don't lose you. This is 2000 yuan, and the right is compensation."

Boss Guo seemed to have noticed something, "Brother Guo, what do you want this animal for? Do you want to take it into the mountains?"

Sun Kaixuan rolled his eyes and said, "Master, why are you talking so much nonsense? Don't you just dislike it, and you're not happy to give money?"

Lisa reached out to pat Sun Kaixuan and signaled him to calm down, "Uncle, we came from a long distance just to feast our eyes on the beautiful scenery of Panlong Mountain. I heard that there are many poisonous snakes in the mountain, so if you want to bring a meerkat for self-defense, you can do it convenient"

Boss Guo chuckled, "If you want Brother Dameng, you can pay 5000 yuan, and you can't do anything less."

Hu Ba suddenly said, "I heard that Old Mongoose Guo still has a broken boat. I like to go fishing on the lake. We will give you [-] yuan. How about using that boat for two days?"

Boss Guo was ecstatic, but remained calm, "No matter how broken the boat is, it's still an object. The minimum is [-]. Brother Dameng will even give you the boat."

Wu Xie and the others were all good, and Huba took out 1 yuan and handed it to Da Panzi on the spot. a joy."

After giving [-] to Boss Guo, Wu Sihua led Brother Dameng all the way in front, Wu Xie and others followed behind.

They don't understand the magical power of Wu Sihua's ventriloquist, which is able to subdue the ferocious snake mongoose.

Both Wu Xie and Da Panzi have seen the common snake mongoose.

Including the tail, it is only [-] to [-] centimeters long. This big fierce brother is almost twice as big as them.

The few people talked and laughed all the way to the lake, and saw a broken boat lying on the mud on the shore from a distance.

Sun Kaixuan and Hu Ba hurried a few steps forward to check the condition of the wrecked ship.

Although the ship has been abandoned for a long time, and there are traces of excrement and urine on it, it is still intact and looks usable.

Da Panzi helped Sun Kaixuan and Huba wash the boat clean, and they jumped into the boat and rowed towards the lake with bamboo poles.

There are eight people in a small boat, and the draft is very deep.

Da Panzi and Sun Kaixuan supported the bamboo poles and rowed down the mountain along the lake.

The closer to Panlong Mountain, the more shady and gloomy it feels.

There are dense bamboo and pine forests growing by the lake, and piles of snake sloughs can be seen from time to time, colorful and colorful, which is very scary to look at.

Several people rowed on the edge of the lake for more than ten minutes, and a cave with a height of more than two meters appeared in front of them. The inside was pitch black, like the mouth of a wild beast.

The little brother narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the cave.

Standing beside him, Wu Sihua gradually frowned.

"Brother, what do you think?"

The little brother didn't speak, he squatted down slowly, continued to stare at the cave, and whispered two words, "Dangerous."

Wu Sihua turned his head and glanced at Wu Xie and the others, then knelt down and gently stroked Brother Dameng's neck a few times, "Dude, once we're inside, it's up to you."

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