After listening to Lisa's words, Wu Sihua understood a little bit.

I secretly thought in my heart that I always have to pay back when I come out.

The money that was not obtained in the right way was in vain in the end.

Wu Sihua faintly heard the truth.

Partridge Whistle was in the United States during his lifetime, so of course he knew the strength of the Mafia.

Wu Sihua was very curious, what kind of precious thing actually made the powerful mafia covet.

The main purpose of the mafia attacking Lisa's father was probably to force them to work hard, not for their worthless antiques.

The strength of the mafia is estimated to surpass that of many large consortia.

Based on the antiques of Lisa's father and the others, the Mafia may not have taken notice of them.

If so, what is the mafia up to?

Who does the ancient tomb in the depths of Laoxiong Ridge belong to?
What kind of shocking secret is hidden inside?
"What did they ask your dad to find?"

Lisa hesitated to speak, and after lighting a cigarette, she said, "My dad has been refusing to tell me the details, only saying that if he doesn't listen to the mafia and go to the grave to find things, my mother and I will be in danger, and Hu Their families will all be murdered by the Mafia."

Of course Wu Sihua knew how powerful the Mafia was.

They didn't control Lisa and her family, not because they were kind, but because they were not afraid of them running away.

The Mafia can kill them all whenever they want.

Wu Sihua had a faint feeling.

The mafia tried their best to force Lisa's father to go to the grave, and they must be looking for something of great importance.

Through chatting, Wu Sihua knew that Lisa and her mother had been living in the United States.

And her father traveled back and forth between the two countries, sometimes in the United States and sometimes in China.

The business their fathers do is to sell some domestic antiques and high-quality imitations abroad, and then sell foreign antiques to China to make a difference.

Lisa's father is in charge of the business in the United States, and the fathers of Huba, Maya and Sun Kaixuan are in charge of domestic acquisitions and sales.

Over the years, the few of them have made a lot of money, and their business has grown bigger and bigger. They have an independent vault in the United States, which contains their precious treasures.

Unexpectedly, because they were born in a family of tomb robbers and their skills were very good, they were taken into consideration by the mafia and tried their best to force them to use them for themselves.

The two were chatting without saying a word, when suddenly there was a rustling sound in the distance.

After Wu Sihua activated Suan Ni's blood, his hearing improved a lot, and he heard the movement immediately.

Wu Sihua suddenly turned his head and looked 35 degrees to the left. Lisa was about to ask something, but he stopped him in a low voice.

"Don't talk, there is movement"

Wu Sihua made a silent gesture, and Lisa also became alert, thinking that a beast was coming, and hurriedly picked up her vajra umbrella.

Lisa's diamond umbrella has a few centimeters of sharp blades on the front, which can be used for both offense and defense. It is a rare offensive and defensive weapon.

Before the two of them had time to remind the people sleeping in the tent, several figures jumped out of the tall grass like civet cats, and aimed at Wu Sihua and Lisa with micro-chargers.

Seeing the person who suddenly appeared, Lisa's heart sank.

These uninvited guests turned out to be foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes, tall and tall, dressed in black, and full of murderous looks.

Lisa hurriedly raised her hand and said in English, "We are donkey friends, and we are here to travel."

The leading foreigner was a white man in his 30s, and he laughed in a slightly blunt Mandarin, "Donkey friend? Came here to travel? God. Should I trust you?"

The sound of talking suddenly sounded outside, Wu Xie and the others who were sleeping were awakened, and they unzipped their zippers and got out of the tent.

Sun Kaixuan said cursingly as he crawled outside, "Damn. Is there anyone coming to visit in the middle of the night?"

Before the guy finished speaking, he saw a few foreigners pointing guns at them, shut up hurriedly, and then raised his hands, "Hey, what's wrong with this?"

Others didn't know the origins of these people, but Lisa and Wu Sihua vaguely guessed something in their hearts.

Most of these foreigners are members of the Mafia.

The reason why they came here was probably the same as their purpose, to find Lisa's father.

Lisa didn't know if there was any mafioso overseeing their dad's actions.

Judging from the current situation alone, even if there is, I am afraid that they disappeared together with a few of them.

The leading white man gave a smirk, and walked up to Lisa and the others, "Oh my God, let me guess, you guys are probably here to rob graves, right?"

Wu Xie raised his hands and said, "Sir, we are just here for sightseeing."

Before Wu Xie could finish speaking, the man kicked him in the lower abdomen, kicked Wu Xie far away, and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"You bastard, do you think I'm a three-year-old kid? The equipment you're carrying isn't for traveling."

Maya was holding a few bone-piercing steel needles in her hand, and she was about to hurt someone, but Huba grabbed her and said in a low voice, "Don't move around, they have submachine guns, we are not opponents"

Wu Sihua looked back, but he didn't see his brother.

This guy is probably hiding in preparation for a sneak attack.

Wu Sihua was just a child, and those foreigners didn't pay much attention to him, instead they focused on Sun Kaixuan and the big men.

Don't look at how many submachine guns the opponent is holding, in Wu Sihua's view, these people are here to deliver equipment.

There was a little brother secretly attacking, and he was caught off guard, and there was at least a [-]% certainty that he could wipe out the opponent.

Wu Sihua didn't plan to make a move immediately, but wanted to find out why these people came.

Lisa raised her hands, looked at the leading white man, her heart was beating wildly, and said calmly, "What exactly are you trying to do?"

The white man held Lisa's chin with his hand, with a smirk on his face, "Little girl, you can call me Jason, you'd better answer me honestly, otherwise, you will all become a hornet's nest."

"What do you want to know?"

Jason reached out and grabbed Lisa's fragrant shoulder, and sniffed hard twice, "Well, it smells so feminine. Have you ever seen a group of people who are similar to us?"

Hearing this, Lisa was immediately sure that these people belonged to the Mafia.

Their purpose of coming here is the same as their own, to find their missing father.

Lisa said, "We just got here today and haven't seen anyone else"

Jason looked around at Wu Xie and the others, with a ruthless look on his face, "It seems... you won't be honest if you don't show some color to you."

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