Tomb Raider: The Young Captain Mojin

Chapter 18 General Yuan Blood Corpse

Wu Sihua caught a glimpse of the strange phenomenon in the coffin of Baihu Town, and secretly yelled that it was not good, and swished out the golden straight knife, hitting the lower abdomen of the last rice dumpling.

The straight golden knife was so sharp that it pierced directly through Zongzi's lower abdomen, and then he was beheaded by the younger brother wielding the ancient black gold knife.

Just as Wu Sihua jumped up and drew out the golden straight knife, the lid of the coffin in Baihuzhen suddenly flew up, and went straight to the little brother's stuffy oil tank.

The jade coffin lid weighing several hundred catties hit my brother, making the sound of breaking through the air.

Even though the younger brother was extremely tough, he didn't dare to take it hard, so he quickly stepped back a few steps to avoid the bombardment of the coffin lid.

Before a few people could react, the red liquid in the jade coffin was already bubbling like boiling water, like magma.

Wu Sihua hastily shouted, "Big Panzi, Sun Kaixuan, protect Wu Xie and the others, my little brother and I will deal with the big zongzi in this coffin."

Wu Sihua has already seen that, compared with those zongzi just now, the one in the jade coffin is a really powerful big zongzi.

The little brother jumped down beside Wu Sihua, one of them was holding a golden straight knife, the other was holding a black gold ancient knife horizontally, and they looked like they were ready for battle.

As the magma-like red liquid in the jade coffin continued to overflow outside the coffin
A tall and burly figure gradually emerged from the water, and then slowly sat up, holding a black spear in his hand.
The little brother frowned, and said to Wu Sihua in a low voice, "This is a blood corpse, very powerful, be careful."

A resolute look flashed in Wu Sihua's eyes, "This guy is very powerful, we two are going to join forces."

While the two were talking, the bloody corpse in the jade coffin had already stood up. He was more than two meters tall, and his body was covered with viscous blood-colored liquid, which was very disgusting.

The blood corpse let out a deep roar, jumped out of the jade coffin with a spear in hand, and walked towards Wu Sihua and others step by step.

Wu Sihua narrowed his eyes slightly, and he couldn't help being delighted to see the blood corpse with a bead in its mouth.

The big rice dumplings made by the great generals of the Yuan Dynasty are absolutely extraordinary.

Wu Sihua and the younger brother were all in high spirits.

Wu Xie and the others backed away in fright, feeling cold in their hearts.

The blood corpse waved the black gun in his hand a few times, and roared to the sky, as if he was completely enraged by the outsiders who broke into his tomb.

The blood corpse waved a big gun and stabbed out, Wu Sihua and the younger brother immediately moved, dodged to avoid the tip of the gun, and rushed towards the blood corpse from left to right.

The younger brother wielded a heavy black gold ancient knife and slashed across the neck of the blood corpse.

Although Wu Sihua activated the Suan Ni blood, his strength is still much weaker than that of his younger brother.

Even the little brother was shocked by the blood corpse, and he didn't dare to fight head-on with the opponent, relying on his scud dancing shoes to launch a sneak attack from the side.

The two of them cooperated seamlessly, every time the little brother fought head-on with the blood corpse, Wu Sihua would take advantage of his unpreparedness to stab him.

Although the golden straight knife is extremely sharp, it cannot break through the defense of the big rice dumpling as easily as before.

This bloody corpse of General Yuan seems to be made of copper skin and iron bones. The golden straight knife can only leave a gash on his body, and it will heal quickly.

The little brother and Wu Sihua flanked each other from left to right, and they cooperated very tacitly.

The power of the blood corpse exceeded Wu Sihua and his little brother's expectations.

Every time he fought hard, the little brother was shocked until his arms went numb and his body trembled.

Seeing the blood corpse's spear dancing faster and faster, the younger brother and Wu Sihua exchanged glances, stepped back almost at the same time, opened the distance from the blood corpse, and cut their palms with a sharp blade.

There were a few soft bangs.
More than a dozen drops of blood blasted on Xueshisha's body, and gusts of blood burst out immediately, as if he had been splashed with sulfuric acid.

The blood corpse let out a roar, and his body trembled.
Wu Sihua and the younger brother attacked at the same time, and the black gold ancient sword and the golden straight sword landed on the blood corpse evil one after the other.

This time, both of them tried their best.

The black gold ancient knife chopped on the blood corpse's left arm, and immediately pierced into the flesh, exposing the white bones.

The golden straight knife slashed at the blood corpse's right back shoulder, directly cutting off its shoulder bone, making a crisp bone cracking sound.

The two of them succeeded in one move, how could they stop there.

The little brother swung the ancient black gold knife like a windmill and chopped at the blood corpse.

Wu Sihua took advantage of being blocked by the burly figure of the blood corpse, took out the new energy gun, pulled the trigger one after another, and blasted towards the back of the blood corpse.

A series of beams of light as thick as little fingers sank into the body of the blood corpse, and then there was a muffled bang, bang, bang, blasting the blood corpse to pieces, exposing the bones.

The blood corpse is evil, even so, it didn't just fall down, and it still waved its long spear frantically at the two of them.

Seeing that the blood corpse is about to lose the ability to resist, how could Wu Sihua give up this opportunity to increase the experience value of Suan Ni's bloodline.

If the younger brother kills the blood corpse first, his promotion plan will come to nothing.

This blood corpse is so powerful, the experience value gained is definitely much higher than those little zongzi.

While the little brother and the blood corpse were facing the flower guns, Wu Sihua leaped high, the blood of Suan Ni was raised to the peak, and swung the golden straight knife with all his strength to slash at the back of the blood corpse.

"Dead Zongzi, take my life"

The golden straight knife landed heavily on the back of the blood corpse's neck, cutting a huge gap, and a stinky red liquid gushed out from his body.

Wu Sihua moved extremely quickly, and then he slashed away with his knife again, finally cutting off two-thirds of the blood corpse's head.

Seeing the opportunity, the younger brother Boyoucan inserted the black gold ancient knife directly into the blood corpse's stomach, and then cut horizontally, forcibly opening a hole in the blood corpse's stomach.

As soon as the move was successful, the two immediately stepped back
The blood corpse's head drooped to the side, and the spear in his hand was still waving.

No matter how fierce he was, he would die in less than 2 minutes after suffering such a severe injury.

Wu Xie and the others were frightened by the terrifying image of the blood corpse and retreated again and again. They were also afraid that groups of yellow skins would suddenly appear from behind, so they could only find a safe place to hide and wait for the blood corpse to fall to the ground and die.

The blood corpse went berserk for more than a minute before falling to the ground with a plop.

The spear fell to the ground with a clang, his body trembled violently a few times, and he stopped moving.

Seeing the blood corpse
Wu Sihua and his younger brother finally let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is only one such powerful blood corpse.

If the eight big zongzi are so powerful, I'm afraid even the two of them will have to run away quickly, and Wu Xie and others probably won't even have a chance to escape.

Just as Wu Sihua was about to step forward to pick the beads out of the bloody corpse's mouth, the system prompt sounded suddenly.


【system hint.】

[Killing a blood corpse rice dumpling, Suanni's bloodline experience value increased by 5%]

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