Even though the two of them got up early and worked late at night, it still took two days to walk out of the Qinling Mountains.

Looking at the town outside, the two of them felt as if they were separated from each other.

After plugging in the power bank and turning on the phone, Wu Sihua handed it to Hu Yifei.

"Don't you want to call, there is a signal here."

Hu Yifei took the phone, walked a few steps to the side, and then pressed a series of numbers.

After a while, Hu Yifei returned to Wu Sihua and handed him the phone back.

"Wu Sihua, are you going back to Hangzhou by car?"

"Well, I'll go straight home."

"Wait first, wait for our people to come before you leave"

Wu Sihua rolled his eyes.

"Wait for your people to come? What if they don't come in a few days?"

"Let's go, let's wait in the town ahead, they won't keep us waiting for long."

The two had lunch at a restaurant, and Wu Sihua decided to say goodbye and leave.

"Hu Yifei, otherwise, I'd better go first."

Hu Yifei picked up the teacup and took a sip, looking at the distant mountains.

"You don't want to see me so much? You can't wait with me for a while."

Wu Sihua chuckled.

"That's not what I mean. I'm afraid I'll be silenced if I know too much."

Hu Yifei gave this guy a blank look and said, "Don't worry, you won't see anything, our people will arrive soon and take you directly to the high-speed rail station."

As soon as Hu Yifei finished speaking, the roar of a helicopter came from a distance.

Hu Yifei sent Wu Sihua to the high-speed rail station before leaving in a helicopter.

Looking at the helicopter gradually going away, Wu Sihua whispered, "Hu Yifei. Goodbye."

The helicopter turned into a black dot and disappeared in the sky, and Wu Sihua took the high-speed train back to Hangzhou.

This trip to the Qinling Mountains was another waste of water from the bamboo basket. Except for a few gadgets brought out from the tomb, they did not get any useful clues.

The Muchen Bead is like a mirage, elusive and elusive.

Returning to Hangzhou, Wu Sihua still has to continue his studies, temporarily abandoning the search for Muchen Beads, and sneaks into the library whenever he has time, looking for clues about Muchen Beads.

With the gradual advancement of Suan Ni's bloodline, Wu Sihua's lifespan is also continuously extending.

Wu Sihua didn't know if advancing to the ninth level of Suan Ni's bloodline could completely break the curse of the ghost cave, but he guessed that even if he couldn't live to a hundred years old, he should be able to live to six to seventy years like a normal person.

For him, even if he couldn't find Muchen Bead, it was enough.

After thousands of years, he didn't know how many clansmen he had lost in the long river of time were still living in this world. Perhaps, he might be the only one left now.

In her previous life, Partridge Whistle lost a lot in search of Muchen Bead.

God gave him a chance to live a new life, he must cherish this life, let himself live a wonderful life like a normal person, no longer like the previous life, only for Muchen Bead.

This world is beautiful, there are many things Wu Sihua wants to do
What he didn't have time to do in his previous life, he will complete in this life one by one, live it vigorously, and leave no regrets in the world.

As for the Muchen Bead that lifts the curse, let it drift away.

Wu Sihua has already decided that after graduating from university, he will find his younger brother who is hidden from the world.

Have nothing to do to drink tea, chat, take a look at the scenery, discuss the bloody life together, cook wine and talk about heroes, and walk the world with swords
It is safe to gain, but safe to lose.

Life can only be wonderful if you live in the present moment.

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