Wu Sihua glanced at the open door in the dry position.

"Let's go, you can't go wrong this time, let's go in from the door, we will definitely reach the main tomb"

This time, Wu Sihua didn't wait for Hu Yifei to take the initiative to move forward, and stepped out by himself, walking directly towards the open door.

Wu Sihua walked in front, and Hu Yifei was almost back to back with him. On the one hand, he was alert to the movement around him, and on the other hand, he reminded Wu Sihua.

"Be careful ahead, those outlaws are likely to be in this passage."

Neither Wu Sihua nor Hu Yifei could determine which door the tomb robbers had gone through.

If none of them understand Huaxia's Qimen Dunjia, there is only one eighth chance of entering and opening the door.

In such a dark environment, Wu Sihua's eyes are much better than Hu Yifei's.

With the help of a weak light stick, he can see a distance of more than ten meters.

However, if the enemy hides in the dark and sneaks up, they are simply living targets illuminated by fluorescent sticks, and they cannot escape the enemy's precise shooting.

I don't know if it was Wu Sihua's illusion, or there was indeed a breeze blowing through the passageway to open the door. After walking more than [-] meters, Wu Sihua felt a gust of wind blowing past him.

The musty breeze blowing past his nose made him feel very uncomfortable.

Ever since he was able to transform into the real body of Suan Ni, Wu Sihua felt that his six senses were much more sensitive than before.

For example, almost mistakenly entered Xiu's door just now, which is a good example.

The further they walked, the stronger the musty smell, Wu Sihua could almost conclude that they chose the right path.

Not far ahead, there should be tombs and coffins.

The closer she got to the mausoleum, the more nervous Hu Yifei's expression became. She unconsciously stepped over Wu Sihua and blocked him behind her. The two pistols switched positions from time to time, ready to attack at any time.

The two continued to walk for more than [-] meters, and there was an obvious curve ahead.

Wu Sihua looked at the compass in his hand, and the position corresponding to the curve was the Kun position of the gossip.

That is to say, the passage they were in turned out to be a slowly turning arc, but it was not easy to detect in the dark space.

Unknowingly, their direction has turned from northwest to southwest.

Carefully turning the curve, a Chinese-shaped intersection appeared in front of him. On both sides of a rectangular open space with an area of ​​about fifty square meters, there appeared four ear chambers, and each ear chamber contained a coffin.

When they got here, neither Wu Sihua nor Hu Yifei dared to make any noise.

Even if Hu Yifei didn't understand the architecture of ancient tombs, he knew that this place should not be far from the main tomb. Those desperadoes were probably in the main tomb in front.

Wu Sihua just wanted to take a step forward, but was stopped by Hu Yifei, motioning him not to act rashly.

From their position, they couldn't see the whole picture of those tombs clearly.

If someone is hiding near the coffin, they can only be used as a living target for going out like this.

Unloading the sniper rifle behind him and handing it to Wu Sihua, Hu Yifei made a forward gesture, and then made a shooting gesture.

She made a gesture of shooting, telling Wu Sihua to shoot to cover her if she found danger when she was rushing forward.

Wu Sihua made an OK gesture, squatted down close to the wall, picked up the sniper rifle in his hand, and pouted at Hu Yifei.

Hu Yifei moved quickly, rolling on the ground like a civet cat, throwing a thin fluorescent stick into each ear chamber to check the situation inside.

In just five or six breaths of effort, Hu Yifei came to a dead end, and her body suddenly prostrated on the ground, motionless.

Seeing that there was no danger around, Hu Yifei signaled to Wu Sihua that there was no one in these ear rooms.

Wu Sihua really wanted to check to see if there was anything interesting in the coffin in the ear room, but he knew that now was not the time.Those desperadoes inside may kill them at any time.

Just as Wu Sihua walked to Hu Yifei's side, there was a creaking sound in the ears of the two of them.

Hearing this sound suddenly in the silent and gloomy mausoleum made the two of them immediately alert, squatting down one by one, and looked in the direction of the sound.

Just when the two were extremely vigilant, the creaking sound sounded again, as if someone was demolishing a wooden house.

Hu Yifei can guess without Wu Sihua's reminder.

In the main tomb not far in front of them, those desperadoes have probably found the coffin of the owner of the tomb and are trying to open it.

Thinking of this, Hu Yifei and Wu Sihua let go of what they had been holding on to a little, walked slowly, and moved forward.

At this point, neither of them dared to use light sticks anymore, they could only rely on their senses to move forward in the dark, for fear of being discovered by the desperadoes ahead.

Soon, the two of them came to the end of this section of the tomb passage, and what followed was a ninety-degree bend.

On the dark stone wall of the curve, the reflected light can be vaguely seen.

Hu Yifei and Wu Sihua didn't know whether these lights came from the legendary ever-burning lanterns or from those desperadoes.But they can be sure that the front must be the main tomb.

Hu Yifei quickly probed to check the situation inside the curve, and whispered in Wu Sihua's ear with a mosquito-like voice.

"There is a large space in front of it. Turn around and there is a cliff. There is an isolated island in the middle with a large ancient pavilion on it. The three of them are in the ancient pavilion on the isolated island, and they are prying the coffin."

At this moment, Wu Sihua admired Hu Yifei very much.

She could discover so much just by looking at it.

If it was him, I'm afraid he could only see part of it.

"What should we do, just rush over like this?"

Hu Yifei is young, but he has experienced many battles.

Facing such a complicated terrain, she definitely wouldn't be so stupid as to rush over directly.

As long as they turn this [-]-degree bend, and walk a few meters forward, they will reach the edge of the cliff.

If they rushed over rashly, and the enemy happened to be watching, it would be no different from death.

Wu Sihua said just now that this should be the only way to connect to the main tomb.

That being the case, there must be no other way out.Surrounded by cliffs, even if those desperadoes get what they want, they must go out from here.

The best way is to sit here and wait for a good opportunity to attack.

At this moment, Hu Yifei finally let out a sigh of relief.

If she faced those three guys head-on, she really wasn't sure of winning.

If an ambush is set here to catch the opponent by surprise, she has at least a 70.00% chance to wipe out the opponent in an instant.

As for Wu Sihua's presence, she had selectively ignored her.

In her eyes, Wu Sihua is a feng shui master who doesn't know how to fight.

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