Hu Yifei gave Wu Sihua a white look.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, don't hesitate"

"The tunnel over the underground river has gathered a lot of evil spirits. I'm worried that there will be powerful ghosts and zombies in this tomb. Let's be careful."

"Ghost? What is that?"

"Yin spirits are different from ghosts. In layman's terms, ghosts are just the soul that lingers after death. But ghosts are different. In some ancient battlefields or places where massacres took place, too much accumulation The evil spirit of the earth will often nourish powerful Yin spirits. These Yin spirits may appear in various forms. For example, they may take human form, animal form, or nondescript things."

After hearing these words, Hu Yifei couldn't help crying secretly.

She thought about the dangers of entering the ancient tomb.

However, it is limited to some hidden weapons and the like.

At most, it is associated with monsters such as zombies.

Before they knew it, Wu Sihua and Hu Yifei had advanced more than 100 meters.
Although there was no danger, there was a chilly feeling on their backs, as if someone was always following them secretly.

Soon, the light of the wolf's eyes in Hu Yifei's hand was blocked by a boulder whose edge could not be seen.

At the lower right of this boulder, there is a black hole with a diameter of about fifty or sixty centimeters, which seems to have just been made out not long ago.

Seeing the entrance of the cave, Wu Sihua was surprised again.

"Hu Yifei, what kind of tools are these people carrying to make such a big hole in the stone?"

Hu Yifei made a silent gesture, stepped forward and knelt down to check.

"This is not excavated by tools, it is more like something has dissolved the stone. Look at the residue, it seems to be a powder that has condensed together. Let's walk all the way down the slope, and the depth should have exceeded 100 meters. The ancients How did you dig the tomb so deep?"

"The amount of work the ancients built tombs is far beyond your imagination. However, many tombs built in the mountains generally make overall plans according to the topography. For example, choose some natural huge caves or small valleys to build tombs, and then seal them with soil Or cap it. Without entering the main tomb, I can't tell how the tomb was built in the first place. However, one thing I can be sure of is that the passage of the tomb should be cut off from the middle. The passage before must be better than the current one. Much longer."

Hu Yifei touched the residue at the entrance of the cave with gloves on, and after making sure that it would not cause harm to the human body, she picked up the flashlight and shone inside the entrance of the cave. There were all black walls in her eyes, and then she looked at Wu Sihua.

"You take my sniper rifle, I'll go there first, and come back if there is no danger."

After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she handed the sniper rifle to Wu Sihua. She jumped forward, passed through the hole, and then rolled on the ground, leaning against the boulder. The pistol quickly aimed ahead, for fear that someone would suddenly attack her .

After confirming that there was no danger ahead, Hu Yifei reached out to the hole and made an OK gesture.

Entering the ancient tomb, neither Wu Sihua nor Wu Sihua dared to use the wolf-eye flashlight without authorization. They could only rely on the weak light sticks to move forward cautiously, for fear of alarming the desperadoes inside.

After advancing for more than ten meters, Wu Sihua found that there was a thick stone wall in front of him, and some ancient birds and animals were carved on it, and he couldn't tell where it was sacred.

Although these totem-like carvings look simple, they give people a simple and realistic feeling under the faint light of fluorescent sticks.

Wu Sihua was attracted by these exquisite carvings for a moment, and Hu Yifei, who knew how fierce those desperadoes were, poked him in the waist and told him not to do useless work, but to go inside quickly.

On both sides of this totem wall, there are two passages in opposite directions, and Hu Yifei doesn't know where to go.

"Wu Sihua, where shall we go?"

Wu Sihua looked around and lowered his voice.

"Aren't you good at tracking? Can't you tell which way those people are going?"

"This place is very dark and damp, with no dust. Those people are very cunning and will not leave obvious traces. It is impossible to find any clues with only fluorescent sticks."

"This totem wall is similar to the evil-blocking wall in the mansion. No matter which way you go, you will go around behind this wall."

After Wu Sihua finished speaking, he was already walking to the left.

Seeing Wu Sihua taking steps, Hu Yifei flashed and rushed directly to Wu Sihua, fearing that there would be some danger inside.

Seeing Hu Yifei's actions, Wu Sihua felt a little warmth in his heart.

Regardless of whether the other party is out of a sense of mission or for his safety, this Hu Yifei is a friend he can make.

A person like her would never stab a knife in the back.

The two of them bypassed the totem wall, and a four or five meter wide corridor appeared in front of them again, which could not be seen at a glance.

There are many pottery figurines standing on both sides of this corridor, each of which is in different shapes, some are smiling, some are bowing their knees, and some are carrying trays with dishes and cups on them.

Wu Sihua's eyes were sharp, and he saw at a glance that the wine glasses on the tray were all small bronze wares. Although there was thick copper rust on them, it could still be seen that the workmanship was exquisite.

Hu Yifei didn't have the slightest interest in these things. He had a fluorescent stick on his shoulder, and held two pistols in his hand at the same time. His eyes were gazing ahead like a falcon, ready to strike at all times.

With Hu Yifei leading the way, Wu Sihua kept looking at the pottery figurines standing on both sides of the corridor like a revolving lantern.

In fact, his gaze remained on the small bronze cup on the tray five or six meters ahead.

Although this thing is only a dozen centimeters high, if it is on the market, it will definitely be worth a lot.

When passing by the terracotta figurine with the tray in his hand, Wu Sihua saw at a glance that the two cups belonged to the Western Zhou Dynasty Fengniao Wenjue.

Wu Sihua didn't take advantage of it, he was not interested in these things.

Although this thing is worth millions, it is not easy to exchange it for cash. If it is not done well, it will cause trouble and squat.

Compared with bronze wares, Wu Sihua is more interested in ancient jade worn by emperors and nobles.

If there were two pieces of ancient jade instead of Fengniao Wenjue on this tray, he might have quietly opened his backpack and stuffed it in.

After walking straight for more than [-] meters, Hu Yifei stopped slowly, almost lying on her stomach and whispering in Wu Sihua's ear.

"There is a fork in the road ahead, which direction should we go?"

Wu Sihua's attention was always on the terracotta figurines on both sides. He only looked forward when he heard Hu Yifei's voice.

Five or six meters ahead of them was an open space with an area of ​​more than one hundred square meters.Around the open space, there were actually eight openings.

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