Flower Snake got up and patted the hay on the buttocks. A big man with a water snake waist twisted and twisted and walked to the fire, tore off a rabbit leg and threw it to Black Heart Wolf, cursing in his mouth.

"Blind bear, I just like to play SM, and it's getting in the way of your ass. If you're so fucking stupid, I'll cut off your stuff."

For this man with the waist of a water snake, the blind bear with a thick back and a waist did not dare to provoke him easily.Hua Snake's fierceness and fighting skills are not covered.

Regardless of the fact that Black Heart Wolf and Blind Bear are both ruthless masters, if they really fight for their lives, they may not be opponents of Hua Snake.

The blind bear sneered.

"My little brother is very tough. Be careful and break your knife. Even eating rabbit meat can't stop your mouth. You deserve to be so thin"

The few of them are used to bickering, and none of them will turn their faces.Blind Xiong is even more clueless, often making fun of Black Heart Wolf and Flower Snake.

Several of their men had died, and only the three of them were left, and they would not turn their faces over some trivial matters.

Black Heart Wolf took a bite of the rabbit meat, and burst out laughing.

"When we find the tomb of Emperor Zhou and make a fortune, you can play with whatever you want. The things of the Zhou Dynasty are very valuable, and if you just get them out, they will be enough for us to spend the rest of our lives."

Hearing what Black Heart Wolf said, Hua She moved to sit beside him, with a serious face.

"Brother Wolf, I still want to advise you as a brother. Gambling is a bottomless pit, no different from taking drugs. If you don't quit gambling, no amount of money will be enough."

"Grandma, if you can quit that shit SM, and never touch women again, I will quit gambling."

Hua Snake rolled her eyes.

"Damn it, it's none of my business whether you like to quit or not. I just like a happy little leather whip, and I like to see the bloodstains on the white and greasy skin with the little leather whip. I'm happy, I'm happy."

Wu Sihua took out the convenience food and looked at the surrounding environment while eating, thinking about how to avoid the Black Heart Wolf and his gang.

The Yulonggou near here is hundreds of meters wide, and it is not a big problem to avoid a few people in the jungle.

The other party has a gun in his hand, maybe he is a grave robber who kills without batting an eyelid, and he doesn't want to run into him.

He is a mountain-moving Taoist and Captain Mo Jin, not a bandit who kills without blinking an eye, and he doesn't want to kill people unless it is absolutely necessary.

After thinking for a moment, Wu Sihua decided to continue on his way at night.

In the mountain stream, as long as there are people, a bonfire will be lit at night.

As long as you find the opponent's position, it is not difficult to avoid it.

In the canyons that are hundreds of meters deep, it gets dark earlier.

night is coming
Walking in the jungle feels more difficult than barren mountains.

Because he was afraid that the light would be discovered by the Black Heart Wolf gang, Wu Sihua could only move forward in the dark night with his naked eyes.

The feet stepped on the dry leaves and wet branches, making a rustling sound from time to time.

Wu Sihua was used to walking in the mountains. Although it was a bit slow, it only took more than an hour to reach a place not far from Black Heart Wolf and the others.

Across the sparse trees and dense thorn bushes, Wu Sihua could vaguely see the bonfire raised by Black Heart Wolf and the others.

After confirming the opponent's position, Wu Sihua breathed a sigh of relief. After observing for a while, he continued to walk forward.

When something happens, no one can stop it.

Wu Sihua never expected it anyway, and carefully tried to bypass Black Heart Wolf and the others, but in the end he failed to pass them by.

In the jungle not far from Wu Sihua, six green eyes were vigilant about the surrounding situation, looking for a good opportunity to make a move.

Those were three wolves that had been eyeing Hua She and the others for a day.

The three wolves didn't expect that the prey they had been staring at for a whole day had no chance to make a move, but another delicious prey came to their door on their own initiative.

Wu Sihua's figure suddenly stopped in place, his eyes were fixed on a wolf not far in front of him, and the golden straight knife in his hand was horizontally in front of him, ready to strike at any time.

Behind and to one side of him, two strong wolves appeared again, baring their sharp fangs at him.

As the wolf slowly approached, Wu Sihua stepped back a few steps, almost reaching the edge of the cliff.

Without knowing whether there are other wolves hiding in the grass, only by leaning against the mountain wall can we safely deal with the wolves attacking from the front.

At this moment, the wolf directly in front let out a vicious howl and rushed towards Wu Sihua.

The wolf rushed forward, and Wu Sihua swung the golden straight knife in his hand and slashed at it.

The other two wolves pounced from both sides. Wu Sihua raised his knife and cut one of the wolves into two while avoiding the pounce.Wu Sihua raised his foot and kicked the other wolf flying upside down, letting out a wolf howl.

The fight between Wu Sihua and the evil wolf alarmed the three Black Heart Wolves who were chatting, and they all showed vigilance.

"Grandma, it seems that someone is nearby. Hua Snake, you stay here and watch over. Blind Bear and I will go and have a look."

After Black Heart Wolf finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pulled out his pistol, and walked forward first.

For them with hot weapons in their hands, let alone a few vicious wolves, fierce people like them would not frown even if they were to kill a pack of wolves.

What they are worried about is not the wolf, but who and how many people are fighting the wolf.

Those who can haunt this Yulonggou are definitely not passers-by.

Apart from the tomb robbers, I am afraid there is no one else.

With the dominance of Black Heart Wolf and the others, how could anyone be allowed to sleep soundly on the side of the couch.

Not killing the other party is tantamount to exposing the back to others.

Black Heart Wolf and Blind Bear rushed to the place where Wu Sihua was. Wu Sihua had killed three wolves, threw out the rope and steel hook in his hand, hung them on a thuja tree, and kicked on the huge boulder beside him. up, climb up.

There are more than a dozen wolves below, howling.
Wu Sihua had just climbed seven or eight meters when a deafening gunshot suddenly resounded throughout the canyon, which seemed particularly abrupt in the silent canyon.

The next moment, Wu Sihua felt the bullet hit the rock beside him.

Wu Sihua didn't want to be a target, so he jumped off and ran quickly towards the way he came.

No one noticed that a few hundred meters away from Wu Sihua and Black Heart Wolf, a figure suddenly jumped down from the big tree, showing a look of vigilance, and ran towards the place where the gunfire sounded like a civet cat.

This person's movement is very fast, on the mountain covered with thorns, just a few ups and downs, he was tens of meters away, and disappeared into the night.

With a distance of hundreds of meters and covered by bushes and thorns, although Black Heart Wolf's marksmanship was good, it was extremely difficult to hit Wu Sihua who was running fast.

Wu Sihua was running when a man suddenly appeared in front of him with a black gun pointed at him.

"Grandma, why are you alone and your accomplice? Why don't you come out of your mother's mouth."

Being pointed at by a black bear with a gun, Wu Sihua didn't feel too nervous.

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