Naruto Arena, I am Yegumo, Uchiha!

Chapter 87 Ye Yun: Breaking the Darkness with Thunder

"As expected of you, Yeyun!"

Orochimaru stood on Wanshe's head, his long golden pupils shone fiercely.

Ye Yun's strength surprised him, and at the same time, he was pleasantly surprised.

This perfect body, I want to get it no matter what!
He attacked again and jumped off the head of Wan Snake. Although Wan Snake was powerful, his huge body was not suitable for dealing with Ye Yun.

He summoned it, a large part of the reason is that it can be used as his helper to fight.

The two got entangled together, and Orochimaru did not use the grass pheasant sword, but fought against Yeyun physically.

As a person who has experienced many wars, he must have more combat experience than Ye Yun.


Not so in the result.

Yeyun's body is light and his movements are smooth and flowing.

Every attack of Orochimaru can be easily resolved by him, but it is very difficult for Orochimaru to avoid the attack. Several attacks almost hurt Orochimaru.

This strength surprised the entire ninja world!

They know that Yeyun's physical skills are amazing!

However, it was a battle with Genin, and now he is still in the fight against Orochimaru, how can he not be surprised!
[How much power does this night cloud hide! 】

[Oshemaru has attacked so many times without touching Yeyun? 】

[Orochimaru is blowing!Come out and talk! 】

[It feels like these two are not at the same level! 】

Everyone burst into wild spray.

And Orochimaru also has a group of followers!

For example, the sound ninja quartet!

Although they are dead, they are still loyal to Orochimaru!
[Zokon: How could Yeyun be stronger than Oshemaru-sama! 】

[Tayuya: Oshemaru-sama didn't use real power! 】

[Jirobo: Orochimaru is invincible! 】

This kind of embarrassment seems to be a bit alone.

But they don't mind either.

The battle between ninjas can only be understood by a group of people who are top ninjas. Although Orochimaru fell into a disadvantage, he did not suffer any real damage. At most, he seemed to be suppressed!
But Ye Yun's attack still surprised them.

[Uchiha Madara: Does this Orochimaru have a brain problem, and fight the Uchiha clan in close quarters? 】

[Senju Bashirama: Indeed, the improvement of Sharingan's melee combat ability is not just one or two points. This Orochimaru is a bit reckless. 】

[Fourth Raikage: The speed of this Ye Yun is not comparable to that of ordinary ninjas! 】

[Namikaze Minato: Orochimaru is hiding his strength? 】

As a disciple of Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato still knows Orochimaru very well. He can be called Sannin together with Jiraiya, and can flourish in the ninja world. How can he be so capable!
"Destroy the snakes!"

Orochimaru released multiple snakes and attacked Ye Yun.

Finally started using snakes!

Ye Yun thought to himself, once the snake is used, it means that Orochimaru has started to use all his strength.

But, how does this little snake affect him?
Yeyun and Dashewan were separated by more than ten meters, and the little snake was lurking on the ground with the speed of an arrow.

In an instant, he passed through layers of grass and came to Ye Yun's side, and when he was about to wrap around Ye Yun's body and bite, he saw Ye Yun's body was covered by light blue chakra.

The powerful Chakra formed a faint armor, and after the formation of Chakra, there was a faint sound of electricity floating in the arena.

The poisonous snakes wrapped around Yeyun's legs, ready to bite, couldn't break through Yeyun's defense with one bite. Instead, they were hit by a strong electric current, and after a puff of green smoke, they gradually disappeared from head to toe.

This is……

Everyone looked at Ye Yun exuding a powerful aura at this time, looking in disbelief!

Because the ninjutsu used by Yeyun at this time is of the thunder attribute, and it is also Raikage's famous stunt-the armor of thunder!

And as Ye Yun gradually released his power, the Chakra around him became more and more violent, and blue arcs began to appear, smashing everything around him.

It is not uncommon in the ninja world to simply use the thunder attribute. After all, the thunder attribute is one of the five major attributes.

But apart from the Kingdom of Thunder, it is the ability to cultivate such a pure thunder attribute and have such a large chakra in the body, which is what surprised everyone.

[Three generations of Raikage: With this chakra of thunder attribute, I'm starting to look forward to his attack! 】

[Fourth Raikage: The density of this thunder armor, if he is from our country of thunder, I will definitely accept him as a disciple! 】

[Dalui: Yay, this chakra level is outrageous! 】

[Black hoe Lei Ya: Is this the armor of thunder?so thick!So what did I use before? 】


At this time, Ye Yun made a move.

No, it should be said that Ye Yun disappeared.

The next second appeared behind Orochimaru, and the electric current in his hand was crackling.

Holding a ball of light in his hand, this ball of light exudes a powerful thunder chakra, creating branches of current in the air, which looks like holding a ball of lightning in his hand.


Kind of like Chidori?
Sasuke was stunned.

Kakashi also opened the Sharingan and carefully observed this technique. This is not just Chidori, but the fusion of Chidori and Helixwan. Inside is the constantly rotating high-purity Lightning Chakra, and the electric current outside is just escaped because it cannot be controlled!

Once this kind of high-purity chakra is hit on a person, what kind of effect will it have?
I'm afraid it will be swallowed by lightning in an instant!

Orochimaru's reaction was not unpleasant. The moment Ye Yun appeared, he started to run away, and used the latent snake limbs to attack. His hands seemed to transform into several big snakes, and the longer the time, the thicker the big snakes became.

In the end, the huge size of the snake was enough to swallow Yeyun in one gulp, and Yeyun was not afraid at all, and directly attacked the snake's head.

In an instant, a huge chakra erupted, and at the moment of contact with the big snake, the white chakra swallowed the big snake instantly, and the white light of Kung Fu almost spread to the body of the big snake, and the sharp electric current covered the big snake.

Immediately afterwards, the white chakra formed a circle with a diameter of 30 meters, filled with dazzling white light, like a powerful enchantment that could wipe out all life inside.

Three seconds later, the white light spread instantly, forming a blue area of ​​nearly [-] meters. In this area, thunder and lightning continued to form, densely packed, trees, boulders, everything was cut off by the lightning.

And the [-]-meter lightning circle disappeared quickly, leaving Yeyun standing in the middle of the ruins.

[Oshemaru is gone? 】

【Under this kind of attack, Orochimaru is unlikely to survive! 】

[By the way, Yeyun is of the thunder attribute! 】

[This attack is too powerful, and I was terrified to see it. If I was in the lightning area, I would be split open just like those trees! 】

[The amount of Thunder Chakra is really terrifying, it seems that this is Ye Yun's hole card! 】

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