Naruto Arena, I am Yegumo, Uchiha!

Chapter 81 Reincarnation of Dirt?unlucky

The closed space itself and the technique of walking in darkness did make Nagato and Payne temporarily lose their vision.

However, relying on the perception of Chakra and the ability of the eyes of reincarnation, it is still easy to prevent the attacks of these two people.

At this time, Qianshou Feijian's figure retreated, came to the side of the wall, and then merged into the wall.

The next second, he appeared from the outside with a smug smile on his face, and everything was going according to plan.

Next is...

"Mutually multiplied detonating talisman Explosion!"

Countless explosions were heard from the huge dungeon in an instant. These explosions lasted for nearly half a minute. Under the explosion, the dungeon more than doubled in size. Because of the barrier between the thousand-handed doors, although the explosion was violent, the dungeon was not broken!

From the viewer's point of view, this scene was amazing, and for a while, they didn't know whether to feel the hardness of the dungeon or the power of the detonating talisman!

Thousand Hands smiled slightly, you can control gravity, under this kind of explosion, the pressure inside alone is enough to squeeze people to death...

He also knew Nagato's strength, although the mutual detonation talisman was already his strongest attack, but Nagato still had a way to survive.

His expectation for this technique is that it can cause some damage to him, or destroy one or two of the puppets!
Standing on the boulder hundreds of meters away, Qianshou Feijian put his hand on the ground and sensed the movement inside.

At this time, the explosion was over, but Nagato did not move at all.

Is it...

Qianshou Feijian immediately dismissed this idea, and looked over there seriously, ready to meet the coming attack at any time.

At this time, the ninja world is also having a lot of public opinion.

From the perspective of the outside, it is impossible to see the movement inside, and the life and death of Nagato and Payne are unknown. This arena is deliberately closed.

【This battle should be over! 】

[Although I can't see the scene inside, just listening to the continuous explosions, and this huge dungeon being blown up like this, there must be no one alive inside! 】

[Mutually ride the detonator?A detonator has such a great power? 】

[I don't know, I think it's not the power of the detonating talisman, but the two ninjas summoned by the second Hokage! 】

[By the way, those two ninjas are so strange, they look lifeless, obviously two people, how could they be summoned by Qianshoubeijian! 】

[The art of reincarnation from the dirt?Never heard of this ninjutsu! 】

at the same time.

Qianshouzhu frowned.

Although this situation is special now, Qianshoubeijian should not use the technique of reincarnation from dirty soil!
This ninjutsu disturbed the peace of the deceased and used his soul as a tool. For normal people, there is no way to accept it!

So he sealed it as a forbidden technique.

[Grandma Chiyo: Senshou Feijian really used this ninjutsu. It's really powerful, but it's a pity that it's just using human souls as puppets...]

[Second generation Dokagemu: It's just a bad move, Senshou Kaijian is good for everything, but the study of ninjutsu is obsessed. 】

[Second Kazekage: This trick again?The technique of filthy reincarnation plus infinite detonating symbols?This move may be a devastating attack against ordinary ninjas, but Kage-level powerhouses should have a way to survive or even escape easily! 】

[Fourth Raikage Ai: I remember that Konoha listed this trick as a forbidden technique. This kind of inhumane ninjutsu cannot appear in the ninja world! 】

[Onoki: That's right! 】

[Terumi Mei: Well sealed. 】

Orochimaru silently looked at the evaluations of the people around him.

He originally wanted to use the dirty soil reincarnation technique to summon the second generation and the first generation, as his thugs to deal with Ye Yun, but now it seems that once he uses this trick, he may immediately welcome resistance from the entire ninja world!


Just when everyone was guessing what happened inside during the silent minute.

The dungeon suddenly changed, and a huge force knocked the top of the dungeon away.

The moment it was turned on, the huge steam was like the ejection port of an active volcano, a slender stream of steam rushed into the sky instantly, and then the top exploded, creating a huge gap with a length of [-] meters, and the air gushed out like an air cannon!And there is a small black ball that rises into the air along with the air.

The ball is so small that no one cares about it.

There is no need to maintain the technique of the dungeon. The huge dungeon slowly disappears, revealing the ground that has been bombed extremely credibly. Compared with before, the ground has sunk more than ten meters.

All eyes were on Payne and Nagato.

At this time, Liudao Payne was in ragged clothes, and even Yahiko Tendo's upper body clothes were gone.

Next to everyone was a huge Hades, but with the disappearance of the dungeon, Hades also slowly sneaked into the formation, and then disappeared.

"As expected of the second generation of Hokage, the strength is really strong."

"Unfortunately, you chose the wrong opponent!"

"As Uchiha Yeyun said, now that I have awakened the eyes of reincarnation, I have the strength of the Otsutsuki clan, and my power is infinitely close to God! This is a power that you can't even imagine!"

Get close to God!
What the hell!

The entire ninja world was surprised by Nagato's words, and of course some felt that Nagato was so arrogant that he dared to claim that he was a god!

To know!Although the Sage of the Six Paths is not here, the Thousand-Hand Pillar is there!
The god of ninjas recognized by everyone is not arrogant enough to say this!
At this time, the earth trembled.

Even the auditorium felt a gravitational pull toward the arena in the middle.

【? 】

【what is this? 】

[Is something wrong with the arena? 】

This power is neither big nor small, and everyone can feel it, but no one is really sucked away.

But this is not the case in the arena!
The ground loosened, and huge rocks floated into the air one after another. With Nagato as the center, the surrounding mountains and the ground within several kilometers were attracted into the air, and several surrounding mountains disappeared like this.

[Fourth Raikage: What kind of ability is this? 】

[Onoki: I have grown up so much, and I have never seen such a terrifying move! 】

[Thousand-handed column room:? 】

[Namikaze Minato: It’s not an exaggeration to call this power a god! 】

【Jiraiya: Nagato's eyes have so much power, I should have been with them all the time if I knew it...】

[Oshemaru: I'm so envious! 】

Ordinary ninjas in the ninja world even frantically asked question marks on the barrage, and the scene in front of them made it difficult for them to understand.

Qianshou Feijian kept using the Flying Thunder God technique to shift his foothold, because the ground under his feet had cracked, including himself would be sucked up by the strong gravitational force.

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