Naruto Arena, I am Yegumo, Uchiha!

Chapter 38 The arena reappears, and the auditorium of all members of the ninja world

During the time when the consciousness of everyone in the ninja world was deprived, everything seemed to have become unreal. When they regained consciousness again, they completely lost the concept of time and space, and the whole person appeared in a magical field.

"here is?"

"Could it be the viewing platform of the arena!"

"Sure enough, this place is similar to the layout of the Chunin exam, but it is much larger than the Chunin's original venue."

A person who once watched the Konoha people's exam said so.

"This seat, this material, is it carved from pure jade, all in one piece?"

"This kind of delicate jade is worth a lot just for a small piece!"

"It's too late for others to use it as jewelry, but this arena is actually used as a seat!"

The whole picture of the arena has not been shown in front of everyone, it seems that everyone is surrounded by a layer of fog, which is slowly receding, and there are more and more things that can be seen.

When the smoke dissipated, everyone realized that they were not alone, and there were many people in the stands.

But these people are not arranged randomly, but when the golden light appears, whoever is the closest person to you will appear around you.

The distance between the two sides is less than half a meter. This design is obviously to increase the audience's sense of experience and allow the audience to discuss.

However, this is obviously not completely considered,

"Good guy, you finally showed up. I came to look for you, so you just hide. When will you pay back the money you owe me?"

It's okay if you just encounter debt collection.

And some people, who were still fighting to the death one second, appeared here the next second, and the distance between the two sides was so close that when they met each other, Kunai could easily penetrate the other's chest.


"The two are so in love! As soon as they meet, they 'pour out their hearts'"

"However, this person seems to be fine... Could it be that the others are just phantoms?"

"But I myself am physical!"

This person touched the flesh on his belly, and then touched the other people around him, all of which directly penetrated the body.

Due to the existence of the "nearby people" mechanism, most people in the stands are surrounded by people they know, so the strangeness and fear at the beginning disappeared instantly at this moment. After all, it was not just me who was sent here, everyone was the same!
The area where the smoke dissipated was larger, and everyone found that next to them were ninjas in uniform uniforms, full of chilling aura.

"So there are so many ninjas in Konoha!"

"That's not 6 to [-] people!"

"Impossible! If we had so many ninjas in the Land of Fire, we would have unified the entire ninja world long ago. Who can defeat us?"

"Although these ninjas can be seen everywhere in Konoha, but the conditions to become a ninja are so harsh, I thought Konoha has at most a thousand ninjas!"

"You are ignorant. First of all, there must be more than a thousand ninjas in Konoha, or even tens of thousands. Secondly, not all of the ninjas below are Konoha ninjas. The Kingdom of Fire is so big, and there are ninjas in other places, but they are not as concentrated as Konoha!"

This person looks like an old man.


The person at the bottom of all the stands, which is the closest to the arena fighting platform, is the most powerful person in each ninja village, and at the end of the stand is a daimyo of a country.

The several big names were very flustered at this time, their bloated bodies were sweating profusely, for fear that they were being controlled and tortured by the enemy.

And the person at the bottom is an important figure in the ninja village of a country,
It's just that there is not only one shadow appearing in the stands of the most honored position!
Hiruzaru Sarutobi just reacted, looking at the huge arena in front of him, and everyone in the country of fire behind him, his heart immediately churned with turmoil.

He had already felt the power of this arena before, but now he really experienced it again.

The golden light just hit the soul directly, extracting everyone's information, and all matters in the ninja world, in the hands of the casters in the arena, will be consulted without reservation!
Of course, in the face of life and death, this bit of information will not be worth mentioning.

It is not impossible for a person who can use this kind of technique to kill himself and others instantly. If there is malice, why bother so much!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked back, and saw his three apprentices sitting side by side behind him.

Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade...

Wait ~
Obviously not only Sarutobi Hiruzen, but also Orochimaru!

What's wrong with this?
He is obviously the leader of Yinnin Village, how could he appear in the Konoha camp?

Is this system wrong?

Orochimaru panicked!
Sarutobi Hiruzen is in front of him, Jiraiya and Tsunade are beside him, and Kakashi, Maitekai and others behind him, if he is really in this kind of scene, even if he has three heads and six arms, it is impossible to escape!


"Didn't expect it! You betrayed half your life, and you were finally judged as the person of Konoha!"

Jilai also knew that the Orochimaru beside him was just a phantom, so he didn't attack, but mocked from the side.

Next to the three of them are a group of high-level officials from Konoha, including Danzo, Zhuanju Xiaochun and others.Behind is Konoha's head ninja, headed by Kakashi and others, Twelve Xiaoqiang and others are in the back row, behind their respective teachers. The back row also includes various special ninjas, including Nebe and Anbe.Behind them are ordinary ninjas.

It's just that the strange thing is that there are many gaps between these ninjas, and even these gaps are more than the ninjas that appear.

No one cared why this happened, but after a few seconds, white lights appeared in those blank positions. After the white lights disappeared, everyone was stunned.

"Yo! Little monkey!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't help shaking when he heard the voice beside him, he was too familiar with this voice!
He looked towards the source of the sound, but found that the first Hokage Senju Hashirama appeared beside him, and he was greeting himself with a hearty smile.

Beside Senshou Bashirama, Senshou Feijian also appeared.

At this time, Qianshou folded his hands between the doors and frowned.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this!"

"Could it be that there is a terrible person who invented this kind of ninjutsu in the ninja world?"

"Ri Zhan, have you found out who is behind the scenes in this month's time?"

Sarutobi Hiruza: "I..."

Orochimaru, Yeyun, and Taki no Kokuni alone have made him burnt out, how can he have the time to investigate this!
Of course, he couldn't say that to the Second Hokage either.

I can only falter and haw.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought to himself, since the first and second generations have appeared.

Then, Yong Daimei is here too!
So looking back, looking back, Yong Daimei and Xin Jiunai who were behind her were staring at each other affectionately.

What a mouthful of dog food!
Shouldn't this young couple find Naruto first!

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