Naruto Arena, I am Yegumo, Uchiha!

Chapter 32 4 Purple Flame Formation and Night Cloud's Temptation

However, are there other options at this point?

You can only go head-to-head with Ye Yun's clone!
After all, if there were only a few hundred people, they would not be powerless.

who are they!

Otonin five people!
Orochimaru selected a few powerhouses from the land of sound!
Ye Yun hid in the tree and watched these four people silently for a long time.

Sure enough, Jun Ma Lu, whom Ye Yun valued the most, was not here.

Due to physical reasons, Junmaro has withdrawn from the Otonin Five.

The most powerful person withdrew, and the strength of this Oto ninja team weakened a lot.

The most important thing is that if Jun Malu is here, I can still pick up his inferior Datongmu bloodline.

These four people...

Although the strength is very good, it should be at the level of Jonin, or even stronger.

But in the normal timeline, these people haven't even beaten Konoha's Genin.Since then, it has become the laughing stock of Naruto fans, and the slogan that Konoha's strongest is Genin has also been circulated since then.

It's not that they are really weak, but that they just met a team with the author's protagonist's halo bonus. It can only be said that they are unlucky. If they appear later, they must be more or less like the Eagle Squad!

"What's wrong!"

"Why hasn't Yeyun made a move yet?"

"Are they waiting for the main body to come?"

Several people were discussing with each other, thinking of Ye Yun who can summon so many clones, how powerful it is, not to mention, he is still a member of the Uchiha family and has the existence of Sharingan!

But at this time, Yeyun's avatars around him dispersed little by little, and continued to return to the tree to hide and practice.

Ye Yun didn't want to delay his plan because of these people, it would be a waste to use clones to deal with them!
"How did these avatars disappear!"

"Did Ye Yun let us go?"


"There is only one reason for them to do this, and that is that Uchiha Yeyun's body has come!"

As soon as Zuo Jin You Jin finished speaking, Tong Guimaru's bow and arrow were launched. His arrows were connected by spider silk and controlled by chakra, so they could adjust their direction.

This blow drew an arc in the air, from behind Yeyun, it hit the heart directly!
Ye Yun quickly dodged and came to the front of these people at the same time.


"Dungeon Hall!"

Several earthen walls quickly rose around Yeyun, and the earthen walls gradually formed a completely enclosed space, trapping Yeyun in it.

Yeyun touched the earthen wall lightly, and there was a lot of chakra flowing on it.

So even if the attack breaks it open, these chakras will restore it immediately.

And this earth wall itself also has the ability to absorb chakra, if you are trapped by it and abuse chakra, it will only make this enchantment stronger!

"Take advantage of it now!"

The four of them immediately activated the curse seal, their bodies changed drastically, and they gained powerful strength at the same time!

Several people each occupy a corner and seal at the same time.

"Four Purple Flame Formation!"

A purple flame barrier appeared outside the dungeon, so that even if Ye Yun broke through the barrier of the dungeon, he would be trapped by the four purple flame formations!

And Yeyun could feel the breath of the enchantment outside.

Can't help but feel a little surprised!
Just the outer barrier alone has already demonstrated the strength of the four of them.

The strength is not up to the elite jonin, and there is no way to escape in this enchantment.


What they met was Ye Yun!

This battle took place on the edge of Konoha, and there were few people around. There should have been no one to patronize, but at this time the surroundings were very lively.

On the cliff, although Orochimaru already knew that the group of Otonin and the four were no match for Ye Yun, he had no plans to make a move. He wanted to see what Ye Yun's hole card was!
Not far away, inside the tree trunk, there was no face. He chose the best angle to watch the battle up close.

"This is Yeyun!"

There was a look of surprise in Jue's eyes.

The Itachi and Kisame duo were also watching from a distance at this time.

Itachi's coming was not Akatsuki's mission, but he himself wanted to see this Uchiha tribe he didn't know, and his younger brother who couldn't even advance to the official competition!
Kisame: "Mr. Itachi, you Uchiha's talents are really so outrageous!"


"Break it for me!"

Facing the seal of the dungeon, the way to untie it is very simple. Although the wall can absorb chakra, there is a limit to it.

The powerful chakra erupted by Ye Yun in an instant made the dungeon explode like an explosion, and the earth and rocks scattered in an instant. When the scattered earth and rocks encountered the outer barrier, they were instantly melted and turned into lava and slid down the wall.

And this chakra's momentum instantly inflated the four purple flame formations more than doubled, and the four of them struggled to withstand the huge impact!

At this moment, everyone who watched this scene was shocked!

What a large amount of chakra is needed to achieve this level!
Is he also Renzhuli?

Such a large amount of chakra is already comparable to a tailed beast!

The Siziyan array gradually returned to normal, and Yeyun was trapped in a huge square.

"not bad!"

Yeyun stood among them, with a smile on his face, clapped his hands gently and praised: "You guys are stronger than I imagined, but it's a pity that you followed Dashewan!"

Orochimaru in the distance frowned when he heard this sentence.

What does it mean?
This kid is targeting me?

"This power is bestowed by Orochimaru, and we pledge our allegiance to Master Orochimaru!"

"That's right, you'd better be obedient and get caught, and serve Master Orochimaru like us, maybe there is still a way out!"

Several people nodded in agreement with Tayuya's words.

"Being my boss, I'm afraid Orochimaru doesn't have this ability!"

Ye Yun could not help but chuckle as if listening to a joke.

"However, as the boss of the few of you, I am confident that I have this ability."

"I'll give you two choices, join my camp. I will give you the same heavenly seal as Sasuke, so that you can improve your strength. The other choice is to die. Think about it!"

Ghost shark: ? ? ?
Isn't Ye Yun the person trapped in the barrier?
No matter how you look at the tone, the four people outside seem to be trapped!
And the rest of them were thinking about the same thing, the faction that Ye Yun mentioned...

his camp?What exactly does that mean?Join Konoha?

The Otonin four-member group was also stunned. Of course, they didn't choose to follow Orochimaru just because of their strength, but after possessing the power of the curse seal of the earth, their desire for power became stronger!
Heaven's Curse Seal!

For them who are in a state of rage at this time, it is definitely a huge temptation!

Zuo Jin You Jin forcibly suppressed his desire, and when he was about to veto Ye Yun's temptation, he found that the enchantment had loosened at this time.

He hurriedly looked, at this time, the corner that Jirobo was in charge of was gradually weakening due to his fluctuating mentality.

If things go on like this, there is no need for Ye Yun to make a move, and the barrier will be broken by itself.


"You want to betray Orochimaru!"

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