Naruto Arena, I am Yegumo, Uchiha!

Chapter 20 Sand Armor?Biao Lianhua

In a room in the Chunin test site, Konoha's medical ninjas are healing Neiji Hinata's body.

Neiji Hinata was fine, but he lost too much chakra. After treatment, his complexion gradually recovered, and he opened his eyes with a soft hum.

His first movement was to touch his forehead, and he really couldn't feel the existence of the Caged Bird Technique!
"Uchiha... Yegumo!"

He stood up unsteadily, and asked the medical staff beside him what happened to the arena above.

When he heard that Ye Yun had won ten consecutive victories and defeated Sasuke, his face didn't change much.

He could feel that the existence of Yeyun, not to mention his own sub-nin, was a top ninja in terms of strength.

He dragged his tired body out of the infirmary, and as soon as he went out, he saw Xiao Li fighting in the arena in the sky, and his opponent was Gaara.

They have all seen the horror of Gaara, and Neji couldn't help but start to worry about Xiao Li.

At this time, Xiao Li's repeated attacks had no effect, and he was even caught by Gaara's sand, thrown tens of meters away, and fell hard to the ground.

He looked at the barrage above, and all of them were on Xiao Li's side.

Hinata Neji smiled!

Although he often ridiculed Xiao Li as the tail of the crane, he knew Xiao Li's efforts. He trained silently by himself and tried his best to make up for the lack of talent. Even Ning Ci couldn't bear to watch it, and once wanted Xiao Li to give up.

But now, Xiao Li has won the love of so many people by virtue of his own strength.


"This is?"

Hinata Neji opened his eyes, and he could clearly see a large amount of chakra flowing in Xiao Li's body.

"Can he use ninjutsu?"

Ningji Hyuga was both surprised and delighted.

The good news is that Xiao Li can use ninjutsu, and his innate deficiency has been made up for.

What is surprising is how strong Xiao Li will be after acquiring ninjutsu?At least it is the next Teacher Kai, and even stronger!
inside the arena.

Xiao Li was thrown into the air again.

But this time, before he could stand up, the huge sand fist hit the ground.

Accompanied by a huge explosion, the sand scattered, and the ground seemed to shake along with it.

Everyone was shocked, because Xiao Li might have turned into a meatloaf after being hit by this punch.

chat room.

[Thousand Hands: This kid named Locke Li is not bad, I didn't expect that there are so many talented people in the new generation of Konoha. 】

【Luo Sha: My son hasn't shown his true strength yet! 】

[Thousands of Hands: Fourth Kazekage, it's outrageous for you to get a personal power. 】

【Luo Sha: Didn't your Konoha Naruto also participated in the Chunin Exam! 】

[Onoki: Indeed, everyone should be fair. 】

[No: On tailed beasts, you Konohas have no right to speak, after all, your Jinchuriki is Kyuubi! 】

Everyone in the Ninja world can only watch the discussion among these strong men, and they can't understand it at all.

What tail beast?
What Renzhuli?

These are things that only the upper echelons know.

And what they care about is the battle above.

"It's over!"


"This Gaara's ability is too perverted, he simply stands still, completely attacked by sand."

"This sand is not only amazing in defense, but also in attack... I can only say that Xiao Li tried his best!"

"Xiao Li shouldn't be dead!"

"Don't talk nonsense, Crow's Mouth! You forgot the rules of the arena! No one will die from above!"


At this time, on the pillars of the arena.

Xiao Li was panting heavily.

His expression of lingering fear was very funny.

He bent down.

Undo the bandage on the leg.

Under the bandage, there was something like a sandbag with the word "Gen Zhu" written on it, but judging by its sharp edges and corners, it was obvious that the material inside was not sand, but metal.

Seeing this scene, Temari showed disdain.

"Isn't it just to remove the heavy things tied to the legs! It's impossible to keep up with Gaara's sand."

She just finished this sentence.

In the next second, the pillar in Xiao Li's hand fell to the ground instantly.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

Sandbags fell to the ground.

The huge impact destroyed the ground of the arena, smashing out a deep pit, and at the same time raised huge smoke and dust.

Temari froze for a moment.

Not only Temari, everyone in the ninja world was stunned by this scene.

Gaara's green pupils trembled slightly, and he finally began to face up to the guy in front of him who could only attack with physical skills.

This Rock Lee has been fighting with this thing before?This is outrageous!
"Mr. Kai, I'm sorry. I was supposed to untie the bandage when I was supposed to protect important things and my companions. However, I'm struggling to fight now. Only in this way can I have a chance to win!"

The smoke hasn't cleared yet.

A figure appeared in front of Gaara.

When Gaara saw it, his pupils shrank suddenly, and it was too late to react.

However, his sand acted on its own, blocking Xiao Li's attack.

Gaara was about to take the opportunity to fight back, but Xiao Li disappeared again.

He appeared behind Gaara strangely.

Gaara couldn't respond to a series of attacks at all, and could only rely on Sand's passive defense.

Several times, Xiao Li almost hit Gaara.

Finally, he slashed hard from above and finally hit Gaara.

Even cut Gaara's cheek.

However, this is just Gaara's Sand Armor.


"Such an amazing defense!"

Xiao Li couldn't do anything for a while.

"Beauty Lotus!"

Xiao Li finally decided to show Lianhua to decide the outcome.

Now that he can break through Gaara's absolute defense, coupled with the power of Biao Lianhua, it should be enough to tell the winner.

Moreover, since Xiao Li is now able to use Chakra, Biao Lianhua's damage to his body will not be particularly great.

Another series of attacks, Gaara was like a sandbag in the air, and after being wrapped in bandages, it hit the ground hard.

Victory or defeat?

When everyone in the ninja world was about to cheer Xiao Li, Gaara's body cracked little by little, and finally turned into sand.

But the real Gaara appeared behind Xiaoli. At this time, he was no longer the expressionless face before, but a fierce scowl, with murderous intent in his eyes.

This real killing intent made Xiao Li's body chill, he turned around and dodged it, and at the same time he attacked with a fireball technique.

Facing Xiao Li's ninjutsu attack, Gaara didn't even use the sand to block it, but directly endured it with his body.

He came out of the flames, intact.

And sand is constantly flowing out of his gourd.These sands formed a circle around Gaara, constantly flowing and surrounding Gaara.

At this moment, Gaara was married.

For an instant.

A huge sand wave suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Li, and beat it away fiercely.

And behind the sand waves, there is still a large amount of sand surging, as if calling a part of the desert here!

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