Naruto Arena, I am Yegumo, Uchiha!

Chapter 18 The Code Words Are Correct, Complete Trust

No, it should be said to be a fake Uchiha Madara!
The only thing that is certain is that he has Sharingan, and he has coveted Konoha for a long time, since the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

That person's purpose...

Although it is impossible to guess, it is [-]% not good for Konoha.

It can be seen from the last Nine Tails Rebellion.

But why did he find Yeyun!

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Ye Yun in front of him, and checked the introduction of Ye Yun's adoptive parents again.

They are all Jonin of Konoha, and his father even once worked in Anbe.

Although he is not from a famous family, he also has a certain reputation in Konoha.

The two died in the execution of the mission, and there is no doubt about their loyalty to Konoha.

Yeyun was born in this kind of family, if he could use four words to describe him, he would be Genzhengmiaohong!
The Yeyun in front of them was under the influence of their ears and eyes, and he was also the one who was evaluated very well by everyone during the task, and even Kakashi praised him repeatedly.

That fake Uchiha Madara... wants him to betray Konoha?

If you really want to find someone to betray, it should be Sasuke!
However, there is still a problem at present, that is, how did Yeyun know how to untie the caged bird technique?
He asked this question, if Ye Yun talked about him from left to right, it meant there was a ghost in it.

However, Ye Yun said directly: "I was on a mission, and a descendant of the Uzumaki family taught me this!"

Ye Yun did not lie. When he acquired the blood of the Uzumaki clan, he also picked up a lot of dropped skills. It is a pity that there are not many Uzumaki clan left now. Some abilities are only activated and cannot be used at all.

This caged bird technique was also picked up at that time.

Yeyun has been on the way to do tasks most of the time since he crossed over.

He has never experienced any scenes, and his emotions can be perfectly hidden long ago, otherwise he would not have lived under various dangerous tasks for so long.

Facing Hiruzaru Sarutobi's question, he can be said to have answered perfectly.

It's just that the old and cunning Sarutobi Hirzen didn't fully trust himself at this time.

Still need a shot!
Sarutobi Hiruzen should let him go now, but he is still afraid of himself, maybe he will send Anbu to monitor him, and his plan will not be able to be carried out at that time.

"The descendant of the Uzumaki family?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was Hokage, so he knew that the Uzumaki clan hadn't completely disappeared.

Instead, they are scattered throughout the ninja world.

I also often receive reports of the appearance of the whirlpool family.

Before Konoha appeared, the Hyuga Clan did have good relations with the Uzumaki Clan, and it is very likely that the caged bird technique originated from the Uzumaki Clan.

It's just that because it's an untold secret, even I don't know how to use it or how to break it.

At this time, he already had [-]% trust in Ye Yun in his heart.

For one thing, Ye Yun showed his talents in the arena, if he suddenly disappeared, it would reduce the reputation of everyone in the ninja world towards Konoha.

Secondly, what Ye Yun said is reasonable. If a new Uchiha member appears, if he has no rebellious heart, it will be a help to his rule.

Even if this Uchiha Yeyun has a rebellious bone, he alone can't cause too much trouble.

outside the door.

Danzo is in his office.

He didn't know what happened in the Naruto room, he just waited anxiously.

Based on his understanding of Sarutobi Hiruzen, if Ye Yun is unfavorable to Konoha, in all likelihood, he will come to him to deal with Ye Yun, and by then, he will have an extra living experimental subject!

He stroked the bandage on his face lightly, with a frightening sternness in his eyes.


When the competition in the arena is at its busiest, these ninjas are obviously very strong, but they have not yet advanced.

Compared with Yeyun's crushing in the previous one, this one seemed to have a back and forth.

Among them, Li Luoke, the twelve little strong from Konoha, shined even brighter above.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Yegumo watched the match in the sky.

"This match, who wins?"

"It must be Xiao Li. His eight-door dunjia hasn't been used yet, so he has gradually gained the upper hand."

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Ye Yun chatted a lot, from the mission to the arena above.

In the face of his inquiry, Ye Yun did not hide at all, after all, the rewards in the arena are well known.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also has a certain degree, even though he keeps asking, it will not arouse Ye Yun's disgust.

However, the two soon lost their conversation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Yeyun one last sentence before letting Yeyun leave.

"How do you think of Konoha!"

Ye Yun's footsteps of leaving suddenly stopped.

"Where the leaves are flying, the fire is also alive!"

"This is what you said, and it is also Konoha in my heart!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was shocked when he heard it.

There is no doubt about Uchiha Yeyun anymore!
Go through the corridor and go outside.

Ye Yun looked back at the Hokage room upstairs, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Finally played the lore card.

Ye Yun knew in his heart that just this one sentence was enough to make Hiruzaru Sarutobi stop doubting himself, and even reuse him.

He watched the match in the arena, and sure enough, Xiao Li won this match.

In this way, he has won three consecutive victories.

Ye Yun also began to wonder what reward Xiao Li got.

You must know that I have won three consecutive victories but I have obtained Kamehae Qigong!
[Winner: Rock Lee! 】

[Get three consecutive victories and critical strike rewards: physical purification! 】


What does physical purification mean?
Ye Yun was very curious.

Not only him, but everyone else was also surprised.

A series of question marks floated across the barrage.

A ray of light descended from the sky, enveloping Xiao Li.

Soon, a powerful breath burst out from Xiao Li.

It was only when Ye Yun watched from below that he felt the power of the arena. Even though they were so far apart, he could still feel the aura emanating from Xiao Li, just like what he showed in front of him!
This breath!
This huge chakra!
Xiao Li can use ninjutsu?

Moreover, the chakra that he had cultivated uninterruptedly since he was a child erupted together at this moment, and this power was no less than that of ordinary jounin.

Seeing this, Ye Yun couldn't help but smile slightly at the corner of his mouth.

He likes Xiao Li very much, and he can be seen training alone every day, but because he doesn't have chakra, his upper limit is destined to be locked.

After all, even Kaihuang used Chakra as an auxiliary when using the Eight Door Dunjia.

And now Xiao Li is a real perfect body, his hard work and talent make up for this defect of Chakra, and his future potential is second only to the two protagonists who are cheating!

Since Xiao Li had introduced him when he appeared on the stage before, everyone knew that he was unable to practice chakra, and the current scene made everyone jubilant.


"It turns out that physical purification has this effect."

"Is this Xiao Li another Uchiha Yeun?"

"Just jutsu alone is so strong, if you add ninjutsu, isn't Xiao Li invincible!"

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