Naruto Arena, I am Yegumo, Uchiha!

Chapter 14 Yeyun: Uchiha?down and out family


Sasuke Uchiha was stunned.

He thought that Ye Yun had been hiding his identities of Sharingan and Uchiha all along. He thought that he was the same as himself, that he wanted to inherit Uchiha's blood and seek revenge!
How could such a sentence come out of his mouth!

Uchiha's heart trembled, and his eyes gradually turned blood red.

[Uchiha Fugaku: You, an outsider, can know the glory of the Uchiha family? 】

[Uchiha Setsuna: Whose heir is this Yeyun, he is so arrogant!I think Uchiha, as the founder of Konoha Village, has the most powerful pupil technique and power!I know, it must be the brainwashing of the Second Hokage and the Third Hokage, which caused the world to misunderstand my Uchiha clan! 】

Some ninjas who admire the Uchiha clan couldn't sit still when they saw Ye Yun's remarks.

The barrage is full of admiration for the Uchiha clan and abuse of Ye Yun.

Seeing Ye Yun's answer, Sarutobi Hiruza was somewhat grateful in his puzzlement.

It seems that this Yeyun is not an enemy.


As a Konoha ninja, even the Uchiha clan, he was brought up by other ninjas. At this time, his heart should be full of the "will of fire" that he brainwashed Konoha Village!
Orochimaru looked at the sky with a smile, and said gloomyly: "This man has courage!"

Seeing the reaction of the barrage above, Ye Yun couldn't help smiling.

He said lightly: "A Uchiha clan who built a village together, but has always lived under the fence and looked at other people's eyes; a Uchiha clan that was exterminated overnight, leaving a total of four people, two of whom are exterminated. What glory can there be?"

Ye Yun's words were not loud, but the content exploded from everyone's hearts like thunder!

First of all, the judgment of the Uchiha clan has already contradicted the cognition of everyone in Konoha Village, the country of fire.

Then there is one sentence left, the Uchiha clan with only four people left.

Two of them are fighting up there.

The other person is Uchiha Sasuke's brother, who appeared when Sasuke was on the field.

But there is one more person... who is it!

in a forest.

A man with a mask covering his entire face except for one eye.

And this eye is clearly Sharingan.

At this time, when he heard Ye Yun's words in the arena above, his pupils shrank suddenly.

how come!
How could anyone among the leaves know of my existence!
Who is he!
His original Sangouyu Sharingan changed again and became a combination of three sickles.

A black vortex was created right in front of him, and his body seemed to turn into liquid, being sucked into the black vortex.

next second.

The vortex appears from an altitude of 3000 meters.

He poked his head out and looked at the arena still in the sky in the distance, with a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

"It looks like the plan has changed!"


"Good guy!"

"Among so many criticisms of ninjas, dare to comment on the Uchiha clan like this, this Ye Yun has something!"

Jiraiya was walking back to Konoha with his bag on his back.

In fact, he had already received the order from the Third Hokage to come back earlier, but he was only 'gathering information' so he never came back.

The appearance of the upper arena now gave him a premonition that Konoha was about to face a big crisis, or a crisis for the entire ninja world.

"Sasuke! Yegumo!"

Ji Lai also squinted his eyes, thoughtful.


on the arena.

Sasuke was dumbfounded by Ye Yun's words at this time.

As the son of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, he has unique treatment.

In his cognition, Uchiha is a strong and invincible existence!

In his impression, his brother and Uchiha Shisui are the most talented characters in Konoha!
How come to Yeyun, the Uchiha clan is nothing?

And now.

"The glory you create belongs to you alone."

"This family will not give you any honor."

"Only if you are strong enough, the Uchiha clan can still become a nightmare in some people's hearts!"

"Come on. Prove it to me!"

Ye Yun flashed forward, so fast that only an afterimage could be seen.

Sasuke couldn't see his movements clearly at all, so he could only barely catch them by turning on the double-goo jade writing sharing eyes.
The moment he saw Yeyun's eyes, he was blindfolded.

In the blood-red pupils, three black hooked jade patterns are slowly turning.

"Three hook jade writing wheel eye!"

"It is said that in the Uchiha clan, not everyone can awaken Sharingan. Ordinary clansmen are all one-godama and double-godama. There are not many people who can awaken three-godama!"

"And this Yeyun is actually a user of the Sangouyu Sharingan!"

"Is he still the same Ye Yun who failed to advance to Chunin after taking the exam for seven years?"

"He just hid his identity on purpose! In the Uchiha family, the degree to which the Sharingan is opened determines the status in the clan. The strength of the Sangoyu Sharingan is conservatively estimated to be close to or even reach the level of a Jonin. Who can beat these people?"

Amidst the discussions in the ninja world, everyone held their breath and watched the battle.

Yeyun has the three-gou jade writing wheel eye, and he has the upper hand.

But Sasuke is not weak, his seal speed is very exaggerated, and his mastery of fighting skills is also very subtle, which is comparable to that of Hinata Ningji before, but the gap between the two sides is too big, and his ninjutsu is so weak.


"That's it... As the son of the patriarch, this is all your strength? You still clamored for me to fight with all my strength, why carry the glory of the Uchiha clan?"

"I admit that you are a genius, but the current you are far from enough!"

Ye Yun's words were indifferent.

It is completely different from the attitude towards the previous opponents.

Those unruly and condescending eyes made everyone's teeth itch.

If he couldn't beat him, he would definitely go up and beat Ye Yun violently.

In the stands of the Chunin Exam.

Naruto stood there in shock.

On the one hand is my big brother who often eats Ichiraku ramen with me, and on the other is my good friend Uchiha Sasuke...

He didn't expect Ye Yun, who has always been very peaceful, to have such a side, and he was still targeting Sasuke, so he didn't know what to do for a while!
And Kakashi hooked his chin with his fingers, carefully observed Ye Yun's expression in the sky, and murmured: "He is deliberately provoking Sasuke, but why? Does he know what Orochimaru did to Sasuke?"

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A huge fireball exploded from the middle of the arena, accompanied by white steam, blocking everyone's sight.

As for Sasuke, after the smoke dissipated, he bent over, leaned on his knees and gasped for breath, reappeared in front of everyone.

At this time, his whole body was covered with fiery red as if burning curse seals, with a painful expression on his face.

"Curse Seal!"

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