Naruto Arena, I am Yegumo, Uchiha!

Chapter 100 Toad Bunta!debut

Gaara's brain went blank, and his pupils gradually changed, eventually turning into the eyes of a beast.


A layer of air waves dispersed.

A powerful hostility began to pervade the surroundings.

[Temari: Not good, Gaara ran away! 】

There was worry in her eyes.

On the other hand, Kankuro frowned, and murmured: "I hope the arena can restore his state at the end of the battle!"

As Gaara's elder brother and sister, Kankuro and Temari seem to be afraid of Gaara, but they actually care about this younger brother very much.

They know Gaara's unfair treatment and their father's preference for them, but under Luo Sha's management, they can't do anything!
[Luo Sha: Gaara has finally used the power of the tailed beast, why not use it, it is obviously such a powerful weapon, winning the battle is everything! 】

[Three generations of Kazekage: Luo Sha, do you still regard Gaara as a weapon even now?He is your son! 】

[Namikaze Minato: Gaara is innocent! 】

【Luo Sha: No, he is not innocent!He killed his mother!And he is a failed product of one man-chūriki! 】

As soon as Luo Sha finished speaking, Gaara wailed.

This is no longer a human voice.

The sand shield disappeared, and the half-tailed Gaara appeared in front of everyone.

One half of him is a human body, while the other half is already in the shape of a small shrine crane!

"I didn't lose!"

Gaara's hand suddenly stretched out, punching Naruto flying.

Naruto shot out instantly.

How could such a small body withstand such an impact? When Naruto stopped, he stood up unsteadily,
"Don't pretend to be a good person in front of me!"

"You are all a bunch of liars!"

Just as Naruto stood still, the sand came again, and Naruto could only dodge hastily.

"Only strength will not deceive me!"

"Only killing can prove my existence!"

"So, you die for me too!"

Under repeated assassinations from his own father, under endless sleepless torment, Gaara gradually found a way to make himself feel pleasure——killing!
This road has the same goal as Naruto's graffiti on Hokage Rock, both to prove his existence to the people of Ninja Village!
And I was almost defeated by Naruto just now, this is absolutely intolerable!
Gaara's hand extended again, grabbing Naruto.

At this time, Naruto had condensed a spiral pill in his hand.

Along with the huge explosion, Shuzuru's hand was blasted away, turning into sand and flying around.

Gaara was even angrier.

He quickly came to Naruto. At this time, Naruto's body art could not cause any harm to him. Even if the spiral pill exploded his hand, he would quickly replace it with sand.

I have already occupied an invincible position!

He slapped Naruto flying again, this time, before Naruto landed, he used the sand binding coffin to trap Naruto!
Twelve Xiaoqiang was so nervous that he suffocated!

They have all seen this move before, once trapped by Baisha Bound Coffin, it is almost impossible to escape!

And then there was the funeral at Sandfall, Naruto was about to die at his hands...

Sasuke is burning with anxiety, he must use the power of Kyuubi at such a critical moment!
【It's over! 】

[Everything is over! 】

[Naruto has been trapped, there is no possibility of escape, this battle is won by Gaara! 】

[But this is normal, with such a father, I even understand why Gaara has become like this! 】

[Why does everyone think of Gaara as a big villain?Aren't all the people he killed were people who wanted to kill him?If he was really a vicious person, why would he stay up all the time in order to control Shuhe? The normal operation of this situation should not release the tailed beast, leave the Kingdom of Wind, and join the Akatsuki organization. 】

Nagato: ...

How can you catch a bad guy and throw it at the Xiao organization?

Doesn't everyone want the Akatsuki organization?

But Gaara's power... It's not impossible to join the Akatsuki organization...

Everyone was watching the battle nervously, only Ye Yun remained calm at this time.

After all, Naruto seems to only know the three ninjutsu of clone, seduction and spiral pill, but in fact, the psychic technique taught to him by Jiraiya is the ultimate skill!

If there is no accident, Toad Wentai is about to appear!
"The art of psychic!"

Naruto shouted!
Such a powerful bondage technique of Sand Binding Coffin exploded and failed instantly, a huge white smoke filled the air, and a huge monster appeared in the arena!

"I'm watching the game, why did you call me up, what a disappointment!"

Toad Bunta!debut!
【what is this? 】

[A ninja can use spiritism?And it's still such a huge psychic beast! 】

[Big, although it is big, but why is it a toad! 】

[There is also a short sword pinned to his waist. Although he is handsome, he has no deterrent power at all! 】

Most ninjas don't know this psychic beast, but the red and blue sides couldn't help showing surprise after Gama Bunta appeared!
[It turns out that Uzumaki Naruto has been accepted as an apprentice by Jiraiya, one of the Sannin! 】

[It's no wonder that in just one month, his strength has improved so much, and he has also mastered Helix Pill. 】

[Jiraiya's psychic beast Bunta Toad was famous in the past, together with Tsunade's slug and Orochimaru's ten thousand snakes, they shocked the entire ninja world! 】

[Uzumaki Naruto didn't use the power of Nine Tails, and summoned Toad Bunta by his own power! 】

【It really deserves to be a ninja with No. 1 surprise! 】

[Senju Bashirama: Naruto's personality and strength, if he accepts Miaowashan's inheritance, it is not impossible to become Hokage in the future! 】

[Tsunade: This little doll can summon Toad Bunta, it seems that this is the successor chosen by Jiraiya!I have to find an apprentice too! 】

[Namikaze Minato: Toad Bunta, long time no see! 】

Gama Bunta heard Namikaze Minato's words and turned to look at him.

It slowly took off the pipe, and said domineeringly:
"Yo, boy!"

"long time no see!"

"It is said that this silly boy is your son?"

Namikaze Minato: "Please take care of me!"

"Don't worry, since I can be summoned, it means I recognize his strength!"

Toad Bunta hadn't finished speaking, but felt a terrible chakra coming from behind!
Jumping up hastily, Naruto was unprepared, and his whole body stuck tightly to Toad Bunta's back.

"Infinite Sand and Dust Breakthrough!"

Shukaku's huge chakra erupted, forming a powerful sandstorm with an area of ​​several kilometers, destroying everything around it 1
In the storm, Gaara also gradually changed from a semi-complete body to a huge tailed beast.

And Gaara himself slowly appeared from Shukaku's head, controlling Shukaku's power!
"As expected of Shouhe, the power is still as strong as ever!"

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