People in Pirates: Become stronger from joining the navy.

Chapter 964 The King's Last Words (The Finale)

"Impossible, Eldest Prince, you don't have to say it again, I will not let Chang Wei go."

Ye Luo said, and then attacked Chang Wei again.

"Ye Luo, don't you take my words seriously!"

Arthur Lance also yelled, and the golden giant sword moved in rotation, with the aura of a domineering king, and slashed at Ye Luo. He is the eldest prince of the Kingdom of Lance, the future king, and his words are unambiguous. No one has ever dared to refute him. Facing those who refute, that is to use strength to suppress!

"Time stops."

Ye Luo unfolded the domain, stopped time, rushed in front of Chang Wei, and blasted Chang Wei's body with a punch. At the same time, Hungry Ghost Jade activated, absorbing all of Chang Wei's energy into his body, including his domain power, to strengthen his own domain and make it more perfect.


After Ye Luo lifted the domain, Chang Wei was already dead on the spot, and the eldest prince was also shocked. He didn't expect Ye Luo to be able to use the power of the domain.

"This surging force is really too powerful!"

But after Ye Luo absorbed Chang Wei's energy, his body's strength soared, and he directly stepped into the late stage of the law level, becoming even stronger. With the ability of the domain, he could almost dominate the law level!

"Ye Luo, are you going against the royal family by disobeying my order?"

At this moment, the eldest prince was very angry that Ye Luo didn't take him seriously, and his anger slowly boiled up.

"I didn't mean that. If the eldest prince wants to think so, then I have nothing to do."

Ye Luo said indifferently, the powerful power endowed Ye Luo with extreme self-confidence. At this moment, even the eldest prince didn't feel as oppressive as before in his eyes.

"Bastard, get him for me!"

The eldest prince shouted, and then commanded his troops to take down Ye Luo.

This time Arthur Lance brought hundreds of good players, all of whom were law-level mid-term bases, and even more powerful late-law-level players. This is an ace force cultivated by Arthur Lance, enough to sweep the royal family.

"Prince, since you have done something to me, then I have no choice but to protect myself."

And Ye Luo was not polite at all. These masters were extremely powerful in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of Ye Luo at this moment, they were not enough.


Hundreds of masters rushed to kill at the same time, and the power of the law solidified into a terrifying scene, pouring towards Ye Luo.

"Tips for carving insects."

Ye Luo raised his big hand, and the power of law turned into a giant Buddha, and then he slapped it down, crushing the power of law condensed by hundreds of masters, and then killed dozens of law-level powerhouses with one palm, just like killing ants.

"Come again."

With a shake of Ye Luo's body, the power of the law turned into countless wind knives, cutting towards the surroundings. The remaining masters were cut in half when they touched the wind knives, and they couldn't resist at all. This was Ye Luo's unilateral massacre.

"Ye Luo, you actually killed my people. I will take you in personally. Don't get carried away thinking that you have a little strength."

Seeing that all his subordinates had been killed by Ye Luo, the eldest prince ran away and jumped up, rushing to kill Ye Luo.

"Who will kill who is not certain."

Ye Luo smiled and said, he pointed his finger towards the eldest prince, and then there was a wave in the space, and countless wounds suddenly appeared on the eldest prince's body, and then he fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string, and passed out.

"Ye Luo, give me face, you can't kill him."

At this moment, the voice of Sheng Feng came over. This was Ye Luo's friend, and he naturally wanted to give him face, so Ye Luo just stood where he was and didn't kill Arthur Lance.

"Ye Luo, I didn't expect your strength to suddenly become so strong that even the king father at his peak might not be your opponent anymore."

Sheng Feng came over and praised Ye Luo.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness Shengfeng, why don't you let me kill him, so that no one will compete with you for the throne?"

Ye Luo asked curiously.

"Ye Luo, you don't know. Our Lance royal family has the blessing of the ancestors. It is the blessing of the real master-level powerhouse. In the blood of each of our direct royal families, when members of the royal family encounter real life-threatening dangers, this blessing will be activated. In the dark, there will be that master-level power descending and killing the enemy. That's why you just killed the eldest prince, and you will die too."

Sheng Feng explained to Ye Luo.

"So that's the case, then as long as I trap him, he will have nothing to do."

Ye Luo continued.

"Let him go back, so that the father will be displeased. In the last days of the father, I don't want him to see that our brothers are still fighting."

Sheng Feng shook his head and said.

"Since you said so, Your Highness Shengfeng, I naturally have nothing to say, so let him go."

Ye Luo nodded and said, powerful strength is Ye Luo's hole card, so he is naturally fearless at the moment.

"Well, it's time for the father to announce his will in two days. At that time, all the nobles will gather at the Sun Plaza. Let's talk about it then."

Sheng Feng nodded, then carried the seriously injured Arthur Lance on his back, and returned to the palace.

"Announce the will? Let me see who is the new king."

Ye Luo said, everyone is waiting for the day after tomorrow.

Soon, two days passed, and it was time for the king to announce his will. All the nobles set off early and gathered in the Sun Plaza.

Ye Luo also found a place to stand, waiting for the king to appear.

First, the mighty guard of honor of the royal family appeared and played magnificent music, then the guards who symbolized the strength of the royal family stood on both sides of the square in rows, and finally King Guye Lance was pushed by several servants in a luxury wheelchair to the center of the square.

"Everyone, today is an important day, and it is also the day when I say goodbye to you."

Gu Ye Lance stood up from the wheelchair with his body propped up. Because his life expectancy was approaching, he was already aging to the extreme. The tall and old picture made people unable to bear to look directly at it.

"My ancient Lance, since I took the throne, a total of 9000 years have expanded the territory of my Lance Kingdom by five times, and the people's lives have been improved qualitatively. At the same time, there are no disputes in the country. I think I have done everything I should do."

"And today, it's time for me to abdicate. Fortunately, I have three excellent sons. Each of them can lead the Kingdom of Lance to a better future, but there is only one king. I must make a choice among the three."

Gu Ye Lance said, and looked at the three princes. At this moment, the eldest prince has recovered from his injuries, and he looks energetic. Everyone thinks that he will be the next king.

"I think that among my three sons, the one who is more suitable to inherit the throne..."

"It's my second son, Saint Francis."

After Gu Ye Lance said these words, everyone was shocked, because everyone thought that the eldest prince was an excellent successor. Unexpectedly, the king gave the throne to the second prince who had nothing to do with the world.

"Why! Father, no matter in merit or leadership ability, I am ahead of Shengfeng, why do you hand over the throne to him!"

After Gu Ye Lance said this, Arthur Lance immediately became upset, he questioned Gu Ye Lance in public, his tone was full of anger.

"Arthur, I don't need you to question my decision."

Gu Ye Lance said in a cold voice, now that he is still the king, his words are the real decrees, no one can disobey them.

"I don't need to question it. I have worked hard for the Kingdom of Lance for so many years, and what great achievements I have made. I also thought you would train me as a king. I have always tried my best. I never thought that in the end, you would choose a trash to be the king! Okay! Let me also tell you that the three major families, Zhendan Pavilion, including most of the royal family, are mine. If you don't let me be the king, then I will stand on my own, Guards!"

Arthur Lance showed a tyrannical expression and roared.


All the guards surrounding the square came behind Arthur Lance in an instant and became his supporting force.

"Stinky boy, are you going to rebel?"

Seeing Arthur Lance's behavior, Gu Ye Lance also said furiously, he did not expect this son to be able to do this.

"Rebellion, I have already established my own family. Where did the rebellion come from? Since the kingdom of Lance cannot tolerate me, then I will re-establish a new dynasty. All the nobles present, whose side are you on?"

Arthur Lance said, and put pressure on all the nobles present, this square gathered the top combat power of the entire Lance Kingdom, and Arthur Lance wanted everyone to stand in line at this moment.

"I support His Royal Highness Arthur!"

And soon, the head of the Ice family, one of the three major families, announced his position and stood behind Arthur Lance.

"I also support His Royal Highness Arthur."

The head of the Chang family also stood up and came behind Arthur Lance.

"The Merlin family, support His Royal Highness Arthur."

The owner of Merlin also came out and stood in line with Arthur Lance.

"Leaf falls."

After standing in line with Arthur Lance, Alice whispered to Ye Luo that she also wanted Ye Luo to come over. After all, the high-end forces present were all from Arthur Lance, and the situation seemed to be stable.

Ye Luo shook his head and rejected Alice's invitation. It was impossible for him to stand by Arthur Lance's side.

And Arthur Lance's eyes also looked at Ye Luo's side. Fear flashed in his eyes. After all, Ye Luo's strength was obvious to all. If Ye Luo wanted to stop him here, he really lost confidence.

But now that the arrow was on the crossbow, Arthur Lance had no choice but to continue.

Under the coercion of Arthur Lance, most of the nobles sided with Arthur Lance. Only a small number of loyal kings and subordinates belonging to the second and third princes had not yet betrayed.

"Okay, there are still people who don't want to follow me, then these people will be shot to death!"

Arthur Lance stared at those who did not obey him and launched an attack!
All the guards were dispatched and began to massacre the opponents present who did not submit to Arthur Lance.

Soon, the first prince's men fought with the second and third prince's men, but because the first prince's men had an absolute superiority in numbers, they quickly gained the upper hand in the battle, while Ye Luo stood by and watched the battle quietly.


The crazy guards also rushed towards Ye Luo, but before they got close to Ye Luo, they were inexplicably cut into countless pieces of meat. Now Ye Luo's strength is beyond the imagination of these people present.

"Ye Luo, help me!"

When the battle intensified, Sheng Feng began to ask Ye Luo for help.

And at this time, Ye Luo really moved, he wanted to join the battle.

All of a sudden, the battle situation was completely changed. Wherever Ye Luo went, Arthur Lance's subordinates would explode and die without any sign. No matter how many masters joined together, they would not be Ye Luo's all-in-one enemy. At this moment, Ye Luo was the real king, the real ruler.

With Ye Luo's joining, the combat power of Arthur Lance's side dropped sharply at a uniform rate, which also made Arthur Lance look ugly. This coup was about to end in failure.

"No, the coup d'état that I've been planning for so many years and poured my heart and soul into, how could it fail like this? Ye Luo, it's all about you. Without you, everything would go smoothly, without you..."

"There's a lot of nonsense, and the field is expanding."

In an instant, Ye Luo opened up the domain, and then pointed to Arthur Lance.

"Just turn into an ice cube and spend the rest of your life."

After Ye Luo finished speaking, Arthur Lance turned into an iceman and stood there.

As soon as Arthur Lance died, his subordinates naturally scattered like birds and beasts, and were soon wiped out by the forces of the royal family, while the Merlin family survived under the protection of Ye Luo.

Without the element of Arthur Lance, the king continued to pass the throne to St. Lance, and St. Lance became the tenth king of the Kingdom of Lance.

And after Sheng Feng Lance became the king, Ye Luo was also made a duke because of his great achievements, and also served as the commander of the expeditionary force, sitting on the front line.

Under Ye Luo's powerful power, the Kingdom of Lance continued to expand, and soon became the largest country on the mainland.

And Ye Luo's legend continues...

(End of the book)

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