At this time, Ye Luo had already discussed all the arrangements with the revolutionary army, so in order not to make the Warring States suspicious, he immediately set off to return to the headquarters.

"Boss, is this person really trustworthy?" A revolutionary army cadre asked suspiciously as he looked at the leaving Huaxia.

"Huh~huh~ Do you think he is a spy deliberately released by the Warring States?" Dragon Monster asked with a smile.

"Isn't it? If this is the navy's plan against us, then we must suffer heavy losses during this trip!" The revolutionary army cadre said directly.

"Whitebeard's captain of the second team was arrested. This time it should be true. Then it is impossible for Whitebeard to let it go. The navy officer has no time to deal with Whitebeard. How could he take the initiative to provoke us? So whether it is true or not, we will go for this operation! It's just that we won't follow the boy's arrangement, so it's good for you!" Long smiled and said the plan in his heart.

When the cadres of the Revolutionary Army heard this, they all burst into laughter. Only Sabo frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Sabo, what's the matter with you?" Kerla touched Sabo beside her with her arm and asked.

"Do you remember? Ye Luo said last time that I need to find Ace or the straw hat boy Luffy to unlock my identity, but this time Fire Fist Ace was captured by the navy, so I'm thinking" Sabo hesitated and said.

"Besides Fire Fist Ace, isn't there Straw Hat kid Luffy? It's the same when we go to find Straw Hat kid!" Kerla said indifferently.

"Yeah" Sabo nodded and said softly.

But he didn't tell Kerla that he was very familiar with the name Ace in his heart, and seemed to be very worried about Ace's life and death in his heart.

When Ye Luo was about to arrive at the headquarters, a navy ship had already spotted him, and immediately stepped forward to tell Ye Luo that Marshal Warring States was looking for him, and asked him to return to the headquarters immediately.

"Master Marshal, I'm just going out to collect some pocket money, so don't be so anxious to find me?" Ye Luo said a little dissatisfied when he came to Zhan Guo's office.

On the return trip this time, he deliberately found some pirates to catch, in order to deceive others. Anyway, Ye Luo's pursuit of bounty criminals was already well known at the Navy Headquarters.

In addition to catching bounty offenders in Heshui Capital this time, his current total number of diamonds has exceeded 7, which is not far from [-], but he did not draw a lottery, in order to concentrate on practicing after returning to the headquarters.

He knew that after the Navy got Ace secretly, Warring States would definitely not let him go out again, so whether his strength can increase, and how much he can increase, depends on how many good things the 7 diamonds can draw.

So after arguing with the Marshal of the Warring States Period, Ye Luo said goodbye and left.

The method of keeping Ye Luo at the headquarters in the Warring States Period was also very simple. Ye Luo had previously promoted Arhat Fist in the navy, so this time the Warring States Period allowed Ye Luo to stay at the headquarters and continue to implement it. Ye Luo did not object.

He knew that the big incident this time happened in Marlin Fandor, so he stayed at the headquarters with peace of mind.

A day later, Ye Luo reappeared in the practice field. Apart from teaching the soldiers Arhat Boxing every day, he also began to practice his own martial arts.

At present, his internal strength is Zixia magic skill, which is already level 3; the strongest move is the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, but it is still at level 1; in terms of lightness kung fu, he learned some time ago that he stepped on the snow without trace, which is also level 1.

In addition, after returning to the headquarters yesterday, I spent 7 diamonds and drew a lot of good things. First of all, it was the experience roll. The treasure draw was [-] at a time. This time, Ye Luo directly came to a five-game draw. Although he didn't get the peerless treasure, he also got the very needed experience roll.

Two of the five times he won the experience paper. According to the above display, the experience paper can not only increase his character experience, but also increase his proficiency in martial arts cheats.

Relying on the vacancy that he and the revolutionary army cadres had already captured the bounty criminals, he raised his character level by one level, but now he is only level 21, and he found that his character level does not give him much bonus, so he put this aspect aside for now.

In addition, my own martial arts cheats now require more proficiency. If I practice by myself, I am afraid that I will not be able to achieve great success in three to five years, so the experience roll is naturally used for this.

However, before using the experience volume, he hesitated. He originally wanted to use all of it on the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, but for the remaining [-] diamonds yesterday, he drew two secret books, and got a garbage mental method and an advanced move secret book "Yi Yang Zhi".

This made him a little tangled, the power of the Yiyang Finger is very good, and the consumption is not as good as the Eighteen Palms of the Subduing Dragon. Using it against the enemy can let him bid farewell to the embarrassment of insufficient internal strength, but it also treats the symptoms, not the root cause.

Because as far as he knows, Yiyangzhi is also a big eater of "blue", so without advanced internal skills, he has been unable to open up the battle.

So in the end, Ye Luo still used all the experience volumes on the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. As for the rubbish mental method, Ye Luo put it directly in the inventory. Anyway, the synthesis system was updated last time, and it can be synthesized by collecting ten copies.

So after using all Ye Luo's belongings, he exchanged for a copy of "One Yang Finger" and successfully upgraded "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" once.

After being promoted, Ye Luo has become more proficient in mastering the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. He can even use his full strength without using his palms. Although the power is much lower, it can at least let him say goodbye to the risk of losing his fighting power after a few palms. Now he can also practice the following moves normally, which can be regarded as a little gain.

"My lord, Lieutenant General Garp asked me to call you!" Ye Luo, who was exercising, was interrupted by a navy soldier and said.

"I see!" Ye Luo put on his clothes, followed the soldier, and came to Garp's office.

There is usually no one here, because Garp is rarely in his office.

"Follow me!" As soon as Ye Luo entered Garp's office, Garp went out directly, leaving Ye Luo confused.

"Teacher, are we going to sail? But the marshal won't let me sail!" Ye Luo said after boarding Garp's dog-head warship.

"He won't let you sail, so you won't sail? When did you become so obedient?" Karp forced a smile and said.

Ye Luo looked helpless, what is this?

Soon, the warship came to the large submarine prison through the Gate of Justice. Garp took Ye Luo directly to the bottom floor. No one stopped him along the way, as if Garp had already greeted them.

"Teacher, what are you doing here?" Although Ye Luo guessed Garp's purpose, he still pretended to ask.

"Nonsense, let me show you Ace!" Karp said, glaring at Ye Luo.

"I still don't know about Ace's arrest yet! Don't hurt me!" Ye Luo shrugged and said.

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