"Excuse me, is it Vice Admiral Garp's ship?" Ye Luo shouted after ordering the two slave pirates to approach the ship.

"Boy, who are you?" A general with a top hat and a sword in his waist asked standing on the side of the boat.

"I'm Ace's friend, so come over to say hello!" Ye Luo said with a slight smile.

As for the two pirate slaves, they had completely fainted from fright at this time. Lieutenant General Garp, that is a famous naval hero who has hunted down One Piece.

"Come on!" After the warship dropped the cable, Ye Luo climbed up along the cable. The sailors on the warship were not afraid that Ye Luo had some bad intentions. This was Vice Admiral Garp's ship, how stupid would he take the initiative to come here to find trouble?

"Ahaha I heard that you are Ace's friend? Where is that kid now?" A burly old man wearing a dog hat and a cloak of justice came out.

"Is this the demeanor of a top powerhouse?" Ye Luo swallowed, although he knew that Garp's character was as unreliable as Luffy, but the feeling of being close to the boss still made his heart beat a little faster.

Ye Luo didn't answer Garp's words, as if he was frightened by Garp's aura, only the general school swordsman wearing a top hat who followed Garp lowered his top hat, and looked at Ye Luo strangely, he felt Ye Luo's heartbeat quickened.

"I'm hunting him now!" Ye Luo exhaled and said directly.

"Huh?" Garp glared at Ye Luo, Ye Luo was a little out of breath due to the overwhelming pressure.

"He's a pirate now, and I'm a pirate hunter, so it's only natural that I want to hunt him down!" Ye Luo poked his neck and said through gritted teeth.

"Huh? A pirate? That brat dared to sneak out to sea to become a pirate without telling me!?" In an instant, Garp's aura surged and then disappeared, and then asked curiously: "Since you are hunting him, why did you come to me?"

"He told me that you are his grandfather, so he never took the initiative to attack the navy!" Ye Luo said with some embarrassment.

He is not good at lying at all, especially such a two-faced deceit, he is deeply afraid that he will be exposed one day.

"Ahaha, this brat has a bit of a conscience!" Garp put away his sternness and said happily.

"Master Lieutenant General, where are you going next? I'm going to Rogue Town next, I think Ace will show up there, I'll hand him over to you after I catch him, when do you think you have time to go to Rogue Town?" Ye Luo thought for a while, organized his words, and said.

"Ah~ I'm on vacation now? I can't talk about business, but I will go to Rogue Town when I return. If you meet me, give Ace to me!" Garp looked at Ye Luo with a half-smile and said.

"Huh~ In that case, can I stay on your boat for a few days?" Ye Luo asked cautiously.

"Aren't you going to Rogue Town? It's the opposite of my route!" Garp said while eating a donut.

"It's okay, it's only a few days, don't delay the business!" Ye Luo shook his head and said.

"Well, you can do whatever you want!" Garp nodded and agreed after thinking for a while.

Ye Luo didn't expect Garp to really agree, and happily, he said loudly to all the navy on board: "I'll take care of you for the rest of the time, I'm going to challenge everyone one by one!"

"What?" "What an arrogant statement!" "Is this kid out of his mind?"

The navy looked at Ye Luo in disbelief, and said loudly.

Garp glanced at Ye Luo in surprise, he didn't understand what Ye Luo's purpose was for doing this?If it is purely for the purpose of honing one's own strength, there is no need to even challenge the ordinary navy, and knowing the relationship between oneself and Ace, the purpose of coming here so blatantly is not clear.But Garp didn't mind, his absolute strength made him not afraid of such things.

Half a day later, Ye Luo had already defeated all the sailors on board, and began to challenge the officers.

A day later, except for the swordsman in the top hat, the navy on Garp's ship had already been defeated by Ye Luo. Although he didn't have much experience, it was still a big income for Ye Luo now.

"Huh~ Is this the Sixth Form of the Navy? It's really amazing!" After failing for the nth time, Ye Luo finally gave up the idea of ​​defeating the opponent.

"I'm not as good as you at your age!" the admiral swordsman wearing a top hat said coldly.

"Haha, is this considered a compliment?" Ye Luo lay on the deck and said weakly.

The other party didn't answer, just turned and left.

"Qi~ What a cold guy!" Ye Luo turned over and fell asleep on the deck.

This day's high-intensity combat has increased all his attributes by a few points. As expected, combat is the fastest way to improve.

"Lord Lieutenant General!" The swordsman Ye Luo called Gao Lengnan was reporting Ye Luo's performance to Karp at this moment.

"Oh? So, this kid can be considered a talent?" Karp said with a laugh.

"It's very potential. If you practice in the headquarters, your achievements will surpass me in the future!" Gao Leng swordsman said sadly.

He is limited by his talent, even if he has been studying with Karp, his achievements are limited.

"Let's go to Rogge Town on the way back. Whether we can meet again depends on how fate arranges!" Garp left with a smile after speaking. It turned out that he didn't really plan to go to Rogge Town when he returned.

Early the next morning, Ye Luo and Garp stood face to face on the deck.

"Lord Lieutenant General, although I know there is a big gap between us, I still want to try!" Ye Luo said to Garp nervously.

"Ahaha, it's great to be young. Since you want to see him, the old man will grant you a favor, taste my love's fist!" Garp untied his cloak straight away, and then went straight to Ye Luo.

"I can't stop it!" Ye Luo watched Karp's fist approaching her head, but her body was completely out of control, and she couldn't dodge it at all.

"Move me!" Ye Luo circulated his inner qi, but the inner qi that was usually swung like an arm moved slowly as if it had fallen into a swamp.


At the last moment, Ye Luo still didn't dodge, but he raised his fists full of inner energy and resisted.

"Huh~ Interesting!" Garp said softly, looking at Ye Luo who was shot down into the sea by him.

"My lord, what was that just now?" Swordsman Gao Leng asked in astonishment.

"It's a bit like it, but I'm not sure. Let's fish him up first. If it's true, it will always be a bit hard to wake up for the first time!" Garp put on his cloak and said with a smile.

Needless to say, the navy has already gone to salvage Ye Luo. Although it was only a short day, the sailors all admire this young man who challenged the entire navy.

"Cough old man, you're too harsh, aren't you?" Ye Luo coughed a few times, spat out a few mouthfuls of sea water, and shouted at Garp.

"Ah ha ha? I don't think so? Besides, aren't you injured?" Garp pretended to be stupid.

"Hmph!" Ye Luo turned his head and snorted unhappily.

"Boy, do you know domineering?" Karp sat down beside Ye Luo and asked with great interest.

"Does the color of arming and the color of knowledge still have the color of domineering?" Ye Luo replied as if I had seen the world.

"Ah haha, so you know? Then you have awakened the armed color?" Garp asked with a smile.

Ye Luo shook his head, and replied: "No, this is my family's ability, not domineering!"

"Oh? It's not domineering? Then what's your full name?" Karp finally became serious when he heard that it was the ability inherited from Ye Luo's family.

"Full name? My name is Ye Luo, and my full name is Ye Luo!" Ye Luo replied solemnly.

As a Chinese, the name can be regarded as a kind of inheritance and should not be changed lightly.

Garp looked at Ye Luo meaningfully. He thought that Ye Luo just didn't want to talk about it now, and he might be afraid that he might guess something from his name.

After sparring with Garp, Ye Luo returned to her small dhow, and the two pirates were still waiting for Ye Luo pitifully, they didn't dare to escape at all.

Ten days later, Ye Luo finally landed in Rogge Town. Before that, he hadn't even met a single bounty criminal. Although he encountered several waves of pirates, there were no bounty criminals. No wonder the East China Sea is known as the weakest sea area. Bounties above 1000 million are rare in this sea.

"My lord, according to the agreement, can we leave?" The two pirate slaves asked Ye Luo expectantly.

Along the way, they witnessed the fate of all the pirates who troubled Ye Luo, they were ruthless people who would not spare even a small one.

"There is one last thing, go find the latest reward order from me, and you can leave. If you dare to escape, you will know the consequences!" Ye Luo squinted at the two pirates.

"Don't dare, dare not, it's just my lord. Although the rewards are issued by the navy for free, if we go, we can only buy them from the owner of the tavern. They usually have the latest rewards, or go to the navy station to get them!" Said the pirate with some embarrassment.

Ye Luo thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, "In this case, you should go, remember not to do evil, or you won't have such good luck next time!"

After the two left, Ye Luo went to the naval base in Rogge Town to receive a reward order. Although he wanted to ask if Smoker was in charge of the current Rogge Town, Ye Luo still didn't ask the impatient navy.

"Now, go find trouble with them! And Ace, you are the greatest treasure, don't let me miss you!" Ye Luo, who came out of the naval base, said with a smile while holding a reward order.

At this time, Ace, who was sleeping on the boat, shivered unconsciously, and said to himself: "Why is there a cold wind blowing here? Will there be another storm?"

It turned out that after separating from Ye Luo, Ace originally planned to go directly to the great route, but encountered a storm on the way, and later experienced some adventures and adventures, which increased his strength a bit.

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