"This is the entrance to Impel, the big undersea prison. It's very troublesome to go in, so I won't accompany you. I'll say it one last time, don't cause trouble, otherwise even Mr. Garp won't be able to intercede for you. All the prisoners here are vicious and vicious existences!" Kaji Kaji, standing at the entrance of Impel, said to Ye Luo with a serious face.

"Don't worry, I'm just looking for someone to ask a word and leave!" Ye Luo nodded and said.

"Ahem, welcome to my Imper hell!" A man wearing an Egyptian pharaoh's headgear, a prajna face, and a pair of black little devil's wings on his back greeted Ye Luo.



Both Ye Luo and Jia Ji looked at Hannibal speechlessly, this guy might be a little abnormal!

"Ah~ I'm sorry, I'm afraid that my ambition is a bit exposed. I am Hannibal who is temporarily serving as the deputy prison warden. Please take care of me!" Hannibal said with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Lieutenant General Jia Ji, this guy is Major General Ye Luo, he needs to go to Level 5 for something, please trouble you!" Jia Ji nodded and said.

Hannibal nodded, and said, "The warden, that jerk warden Magellan, is currently in the warden's room on the fourth floor, and I and the deputy warden, Domino, will lead the way, but before that, you need to go through a security check!"

"I won't go, just take him there!" Jia Ji shook his head, pointing at Ye Luo.

Soon, after a series of inspections, Ye Luo finally arrived at LEVEL5, the extreme cold hell.

"Okay, let me go in here by myself, after all, there are still some dangers inside! And I heard that there is an invitation from the devil here?" Ye Luo said standing at the gate of the extremely cold hell.

"You actually know about this?" Both Hannibal and the jailer guarding the fifth floor asked in surprise.

"As a major general of the headquarters, do I know that this is strange?" Ye Luo walked into the extremely cold hell with a smile. Hannibal and the others didn't realize it for a while, so they didn't follow in.

"Deputy warden, is it really okay to let him go in alone?" the guard asked worriedly.

"It's okay, even if something happens, it's Magellan's problem, so Imper belongs to me again~~ Hahaha, it's too bad, it seems to have exposed my ambition again!" Hannibal spoke alone.

But the rest of the people are not surprised, the ambition of their deputy warden is clear to the prisoners.

Ye Luo, who entered the extremely cold hell, had to start using her internal energy to resist the surrounding wind and snow. The temperature here is indeed very low.

"I remember it seemed to be at the gate of a forest. Luffy and the others met a pack of wolves, and were rescued by the lightning of the revolutionary army after being injured!" Ye Luo walked, looking for the forest in his memory.

After a while, Ye Luo had cleaned up the third batch of snow wolves, and searched several similar forests, but still did not find the compartment of the extremely cold hell.

"Damn it, where is this she-monster king Ivankov?" Although Ye Luo was not in a hurry, staying here all the time made him a little uncomfortable.

After searching for a long time, Ye Luo still couldn't find Ivankov's whereabouts, so he could only continue to search while thinking.

"When I was watching the anime, I only remembered that it was the mezzanine of the fifth and sixth floors, and I didn't say how to get in. It's really irresponsible! But it seems a little strange here!" Ye Luo muttered softly while staring at the sewer entrance that appeared in front of him.

After thinking for less than three seconds, Ye Luo decided to go over and have a look. Although the word sewer was a bit unpopular to Ye Luo, the term "intersection of the fifth and sixth floors" seemed to explain that it was in the sewer.

"Who!" Not long after entering the entrance of the sewer, Ye Luo's sense of knowledge found that there seemed to be someone in front of him.

It's just that his knowledge color and armed color are not very talented. Even under Garp's training, only the armed color has been trained to the point of arming the whole body, and the knowledge color is even worse. In Ye Luo's own words, being able to awaken the knowledge color is the result of burning incense.

"Who are you?" A man with a clover-like hairstyle appeared in front of Ye Luo holding a red wine glass. His left and right sides were divided into two colors, which was very distinctive.

"Huh~ I finally found you, is it lightning? I'm looking for Ivankov!" Ye Luo exhaled and said.

After searching for so long, Emperor Tian finally paid off, and finally found the revolutionary army hidden here.

It's just that Lightning was a little surprised. He knew of his existence and knew Ivankov, but he didn't have any impression of him. This made him have a guess in his heart.

"Comrade?" Lightning asked softly.

Ye Luo's face darkened. Although he knew what Lightning meant, Ye Shi couldn't answer this question so blatantly.

"Take me to see Ivankov first, and I will explain the matter to you later!" Ye Luo perfectly avoided Lightning's question.

However, Lightning thought that the other party had acquiesced in this statement, so he took Ye Luo directly to the depths of the sewer.

"Yiha~ this boy~ who are you?" Soon, under the leadership of Lightning, Ye Luo finally met the legendary king of monsters, Ivankov.

"How should I tell you? Let's just say it straight, I want to see the dragon!" Ye Luo said after thinking for a while.

"Dragon? Who are you?" Ivankov was stunned, and the lightning next to him was also stunned. Then he seemed to think of something, looked at Ye Luo with a serious expression, and said, "Aren't you our comrade?"

Ye Luo shrugged and replied: "I never said that I am the Revolutionary Army, but I have no malice towards the Revolutionary Army. This time, I have very important information to tell you. A long time ago, I accidentally got the news that the monster king Ivankov is the Revolutionary Army, so I took the risk to come here to find you!"

"BOY~ Tell me about your identity first, otherwise why should I trust you?" Ivankov asked with a smile.

"My identity tells you that it doesn't matter, the question is do you believe it?" Ye Luo said helplessly.

Ivankov and Lightning were taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it, they found that Ye Luo was right. Now that he knew that Ye Luo was not a revolutionary army, he would not believe him no matter what he said.

"So my identity is not important, what is important is my information! You must let me see Long, or if you are worried, you can pass on the information and let Long come to find me. The matter is very urgent!" Ye Luo said with a serious face.

"Iha~ this boy, don't say we don't believe you now, even if you are really our comrade, do you think I, who has been imprisoned in the submarine prison for so long, still have a way to contact the dragon?" Ivankov blinked and said to Ye Luo.

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