Just when the Straw Hats were having a carnival in ALLBLUE, a strange island appeared in front of them.

"Is that the ultimate island, Ralph Drew?" Brook, standing on the mast, was the first to spot the island, and shouted to his companions.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked into the distance, only to see the shadow of a small island looming.

"Very good! Brothers! Let's go!" Lu Fei excitedly ate the food in his hand and shouted, pointing at the faintly visible island.

"Oh~~!" They were going to land on the final island soon, and everyone was extremely excited, and they all replied energetically.

It's just that when the Sonny kept heading towards the small island, the distance from the small island was always there, and it didn't seem to get farther or closer.

"What's going on?" Jinbe, who was the helmsman, first noticed something was wrong and asked.

Nami also came over to carefully check the surrounding currents and weather. As a navigator, she was obliged to point out the direction for the pirate ship.

"It can't be a mirage?" It's not the first time they have encountered a mirage, so Usopp also walked to the bow and said.

"No, the weather and climate here are not the climate conditions for forming mirages! It's just a little strange!" Nami said after observing carefully for a while.

"Strange? Why is it so strange?" Everyone stepped forward and asked.

"Look! When our boat is sailing, the water flow under the boat proves that we have been moving forward, but you can find out by comparing it with the surrounding water flow that we have been in place all the time, but it seems that we are moving forward!" Nami said, pointing to the water flow under their boat and the surrounding water flow.

"Huh? Is that really the case?" After Nami's reminder, everyone looked carefully and found that the Sonny seemed to be standing still in comparison with the surrounding currents, but the current under the ship proved that their pirate ship was really moving.

"I'll go up and have a look!" Sanji took a puff of his cigarette, and jumped up using the moon steps, but when he stayed in the air, the Sonny was always under his feet, and he didn't move forward at all.

"It seems that we have been in the same place all the time! What's going on?" Even Lu Chi Sauron saw the problem at this moment.

"How about I go down and have a look?" Jinbe suggested.

"Then be careful!" Sanji nodded and said.

Jinbe smiled and jumped directly into the sea, but when he entered the sea and looked up again, the Sonny simply stayed in place calmly. When he approached the hull, the current actually stopped him. This was the first time that Jinbe, a murloc, was blocked by the current in his life.

Feeling the resistance of the current, he even frowned slightly, and approached the bottom of the Sonny again, but at this time, a human face appeared in the current enveloping the Sonny.

Jinbe's eyes widened, and he looked at those currents in disbelief. He felt a little strange just now, but he never thought that these currents were actually alive.

Sure enough, after being discovered by Jinbei, these currents no longer surrounded the Sonny, but rushed towards Jinbei.

This feeling is very strange, he can clearly feel that a different current in the sea is surging in it, and is rapidly approaching him.

"Ocean current, fall over the shoulder!" Jinbe stretched out his hand, intending to catch the ocean current, but the other party didn't seem to expect Jinbe to have such a means, and he was directly caught by him.

"Boom~!" The sea current was scattered by Jinbei, but soon, Jinbe found that they had gathered together again, and he could feel that the other party seemed to be angry.

"Not good!" Looking at the direction of the current, Jinbe immediately understood that the opponent was attacking the Sonny, and immediately stepped forward to follow.

But even if he was a murloc, his speed in the sea was not as fast as the current, so he could only watch helplessly as the current hit the Sonny directly.

"Boom~!" The sea current hit the bottom of the Sonny, and everyone who was still waiting for Jinbei on the boat was immediately knocked down by the unprepared attack.

"What's going on?" Luffy asked in surprise.

"It's the bottom of the sea! Someone is attacking us!" Franky immediately judged the situation, and said, "The attack intensity is very high. If there are more attacks like this, the bottom of the ship may be penetrated!"

This was made by Franky using the treasure tree Adam. An ordinary pirate ship Jinbei warship may not be able to defend against such an attack.

Sure enough, it didn't penetrate the bottom of the ship, which surprised the current, but before it attacked again, Jinbe had already caught up, and the current fled away immediately. In desperation, Jinbe couldn't catch up at all.

"Jinbe, what's the matter?" When the wet Jinbe returned to the Sonny, everyone asked impatiently.

Because it was obvious that he and others were attacked just now, so only Jinbei who was underwater knew what happened just now.

"It was a sea current that attacked us! It was also the sea current that made the illusion that we were moving forward, but in fact we stayed where we were all the time!" Jinbei said with a wry smile.

"Manatee? How big is a manatee? A Sea King like Manatee Momoo?" Obviously, Luffy misunderstood Jinbei's meaning.

"No, it's a sea current! A sea current with consciousness!" Although he knew it was hard to believe, Shi Ping still said seriously.

"Eh? How could Hailiu have its own consciousness?" Nami said in disbelief.

But Sanji and Usopp, who were standing opposite her, had opened their mouths wide at this time, looking behind her, even Sanji didn't even notice that the cigarette in his mouth had dropped.

Nami, who felt strange, looked back, and saw a clear and transparent sea wave rushing towards the Sonny, and on the sea wave was a cartoon face that looked a little angry.

"This is that ocean current!" Nami exclaimed.

"Run! Now is not the time to talk about this!" Luffy was the first to react and shouted loudly.

"Hmph! Small tricks! Three Swords Tornado!" Sauron was standing on the ship's side at some point, and the three knives directly slashed out a tornado-like slash and flew towards the wave.

But seeing Sauron's tornado, that wave sank directly into the sea, and the rough sea immediately calmed down.

"Oops, it's probably planning to attack from the bottom of the sea, I'll go down and have a look!" Seemingly guessing the opponent's plan, Jinbe said while jumping towards the sea.

"Hehehehe, it's really interesting, the sea can still become a spirit!" Brooke said while laughing and jumped down from the observation deck.

"Wow, that's really interesting, let's catch it!" Luffy said ecstatically.

The rest of the people had an ominous premonition, but before they could speak, they heard Luffy say: "We caught him, let's invite him to be our partner! It's so interesting!"

"Sure enough!" Everyone's heart sank, Luffy was always so whimsical, and it was the same when he invited Brooke.

"Hehehehe, I'll go and see too!" Brook saw that everyone was looking at him, but he didn't say anything, but jumped off the sea and ran on the surface of the sea, but the current had sunk to the bottom of the sea, and he couldn't observe the other party, even Jinbei, and finally returned to the Sonny helplessly.

"Let's go down in the shark submarine and have a look!" Luffy suggested excitedly.

"Don't!" Everyone objected. Is there anything more unreliable than fighting against currents in the ocean?They were not murlocs like Shiping, and they could only wait to die in place after being attacked, so they directly dispelled Luffy's thoughts.

Lu Fei, who was rejected, squatted there by himself and circled aggrievedly, but the rest of the people had no time to pay attention to him, and they all lay on the side of the boat and looked into the sea.

At this time, Jinbei was at the bottom of the Sonny's boat. If the other party deliberately concealed it, it would be difficult for even Shibei to find the other party's body.

"There!" Jinbe concentrated on feeling the movement of the surrounding ocean currents, and suddenly there was a slight change in the ocean currents beside him, and he immediately caught the opponent's flaws, and stretched out his hand to grab the opponent.

But at this time, he felt a burst of ridicule, as if he was laughing at him, and then felt a violent impact behind him. It turned out that the wave just now was caused by the opponent's intentional use of his ability, and his body had actually been hidden behind Jinbei.

"Pfft~" Jinping spat out a mouthful of blood. The impact just now was quite powerful, and it cannot be formed by ordinary ocean currents.

The blood water quickly disappeared in the sea, because in the sea, such a small amount of blood would be quickly fused by the sea water.

Jinbe wiped the corners of his mouth, and closed his eyes this time. Since eyes can deceive him, let's feel the other party with heart and knowledge!

Sure enough, after using the color of knowledge, he can clearly capture the opponent's actions, because although the opponent is a sea current, he is now considered a living body. After having life energy, it is very easy to be perceived by the color of knowledge.

Now that he has sensed the other party, the other party is no longer scary, and he keeps his face, allowing the naughty current to approach, pretending that he has not found the other party.

"You can't run away!" When the sea current passed in front of Jinping triumphantly, Jinping suddenly opened his eyes, struck out with both palms, and hit the opponent directly.

Jinbei's powerful force directly knocked the opponent out of the sea, and everyone watching from the ship's side was shocked.

But Sanji was the first to react, and he just kicked up, directly knocking all the seawater that Jinbe hit into the air again, giving Jinbe time to come up.

"Use your knowledge, don't let him escape into the sea again!" Jinbe shouted loudly as soon as he emerged from the sea.

Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro shot at the same time, and they all sensed that the sea water in the air contained life force, so there was no need to worry about finding the wrong target.

"Kill Usopp fish tank!" The current hit by the three of Luffy seemed to have fallen into a weakened state, and in the air, there was no place to escape. At this time, Usopp, who took out the black pocket of the big slingshot, directly launched a fish tank.

"Good idea!" Seeing this, Sanji directly used the moon step in the air, and after adjusting the direction, he kicked the sea current with vitality into the fish tank launched by Usopp.

"Hurry up, cover it up, don't let it escape!" Excited, Luffy found the lid of the fish tank, and directly sealed the fish tank. The sea current kept swirling in the fish tank, but he just couldn't leave. The small place and not enough seawater, it couldn't even break through this small fish tank.

At this time, it regretted a little, and should have used the tsunami to submerge the boat from a distance. When there was no boat, wouldn't these people just take care of it?It's all right now, I've been caught directly by the other party, and I don't know what kind of inhuman treatment I will accept.

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