The battle between Lanceda and Kudes was over, and it was no surprise that Lanceda won in the end.

Kudes said that although he lost now, he must train hard and get back to the field, but before that, Lansta must not hide his secrets and teach himself about the six-style training.

In addition to training, Lansda usually trains. Although everyone knows that this person must not be weak, who here is not a genius?So Lanceda doesn't have many friends, and now he can be sure that he has another good friend!

"Finally it's my turn, I'm bored to death waiting!" When Kudes and Lanstad walked off the ring chatting and laughing with each other, Desas who was waiting in the battle zone stood up excitedly and said.

Fraser on the side also got up at the same time, and walked to the ring with Desas.

"Click to stop, falling out of the ring or killing the opponent will count as a loss! If you understand it, let's start!" After the referee said something directly, he came down from the ring.

The moment the referee left the arena, Fraser directly turned on the transformation. He is an ability user in the form of a monkey monkey fruit spider monkey, so after the transformation, apart from a lot of hair on his body, he is still human in appearance.

"Hey! Monkey, give me a stick!" While Fraser transformed, Desas also took out his weapon. Members of the special operations team used sticks as weapons.

"Hmph! Desas, don't be too arrogant! I'm not afraid of you!" Fraser didn't retreat, but actually took out a long stick from behind and moved towards Desas.

"Try my dog-beating stick!" Desas roared excitedly.

He had known for a long time that Fraser was a master at using sticks as weapons, and even after transforming, he had a tail and lower limbs that could be used as hands, so it was equivalent to having five arms.

"Crazy stick technique, full of ghosts!" The heavy stick in Fraser's hand was covered tightly, and Desas was beaten back steadily for a while.

"That idiot, what is he doing? Crazy sticks are already focused on offense, as long as you avoid him, what's the point of fighting with him?" Peter, who was in the spectator area, jumped up angrily when he saw that Desas was at a disadvantage after fighting with the opponent.

That's right, what Fraser used was Ye Luo's crazy stick technique, but it was not taught by Ye Luo, but Ye Luo wrote the secret book after reorganizing it in the language of this world, and stored it in the secret book room of the headquarters.

As a special training member of the Navy Headquarters, Fraser had the opportunity to watch the secret book once in the secret book room. When he saw the crazy stick technique, he seemed to be attracted, and he never looked at the rest of the secret book.

So, relying on his own efforts, without anyone teaching him, he fumbled and cultivated the Crazy Demon Stick Technique.

"That kid is the guy who uses Ye Luo's moves, right? I didn't expect that he actually practiced something! At the beginning, many instructors told me that without Ye Luo's guidance, it would be a waste of his talent for this talented student to practice crazy magic stick techniques. Isn't he not bad now!" Warring States looked at Fraser, who was dancing with a heavy stick, and said with a smile.

"It's not that you don't know that the secrets left by Ye Luo are not something that everyone can practice. Those instructors are just worried that this kid will be destroyed." Garp said while eating the senbei that he didn't know where to get.

"I said, can you have a little image?" Zhan Guo shouted at Karp with the well-marked word on his forehead almost popping out.

"What? You want to eat my senbei? Let me tell you first, I don't have many here. If you want to eat, go get it yourself!" Garp hid the senbei behind him, and said vigilantly.

"I" Zhan Guo was a little angry, and finally chose to ignore it, otherwise I was not sure if I would be mad at Garp.

"However, since this little guy can use this set of stick techniques quite powerfully, let Ye Luo take some time to come out and give some pointers!" Garp finally said something that Zhan Guo agreed with.

"However, if the biggest problem is not resolved, I'm afraid that kid Ye Luo's unique knowledge will not be passed on!" Granny He sighed and said.

Regarding this point, Sengoku and Garp obviously had no good solution, so they both fell silent.

De Sas, who was fighting on the field, obviously knew the weakness of Ye Luo's martial arts. Apart from Ye Luo, no one else could do anything about this weakness.

"Huh~huh~ hehe! The madman stick method is easy to use, right? But have you noticed the shortcomings of this stick method?" Desas said with a smile while being suppressed by Fraser.

"Shortcoming? The shortcoming is that it can suppress you all the time?" Fraser is obviously not so easily influenced, and he is not moved at all.

"It seems that you don't believe it! Then I will show you the true power of Marshal's martial arts!" Desas said with a smile, and took a few steps back.

Fraser also stopped pursuing. He wanted to see what the other party was talking about. He knew that although Desas was proud, he was not the kind of person who talked big.

"That's good! The dog-beating stick method · chopping formula · mad dog bites the throat!" Desas's momentum changed, and the long stick in his hand hit Frazier.

Fraser's face turned pale, he found that the opponent's stick technique contained something different, but he was not afraid, but went up with the stick, and said, "Is this the strength? Just relying on advanced martial arts, you really make me think highly of you!"


But when the two sticks came into contact, Fraser felt the pressure. The pressure was much greater than before. It seemed that it was not just a matter of strength.

"Do you think this is the level of suppression in martial arts? You are wrong. Although the dog-beating stick method is indeed superior to the crazy magic stick technique, it is not reflected in this aspect. Your crazy magic stick technique has only its appearance but not its content, so that is the reason why you lost to me!" Desas took advantage of the situation and held out the long stick to Fraser again.

"It's impossible. I saw the madman stick book in the secret book room from beginning to end, and I believe that with the conduct of the marshal, he would not deliberately hide his secrets and not write the key points in the secret book!" Fraser looked crazy, holding a long stick and planning to fight against Desas.

"Bang bang bang~~~~boom~~!"

Not surprisingly, Fraser was repelled by Desas again.

"Don't think about it, with the character of the marshal, you won't do that kind of thing!" Desas said to Fraser instead of continuing to attack.

"Sure enough, did I make a mistake in my practice?" Fraser said with a wry smile.

He was no better than Desas. He had Ye Luo's advice. Because he chose Ye Luo's martial arts, there was no instructor in the entire navy who could teach him. Many instructors even told him not to choose Ye Luo's martial arts. He still didn't believe it. He just thought that this stick method was very powerful.

"Actually, it's not a mistake for you to practice. Do you know why no one in the entire navy practiced Marshal's martial arts? Obviously, Marshal's strength is so strong!" Desas stared at Fraser and said, "That's because all Marshal's martial arts need a kind of skill called internal strength to promote, so that the power of martial arts can be truly stimulated. Otherwise, it will be useless when we are not strong. Get away!"

Fraser was taken aback, then suddenly raised his head to look at Desas, and asked, "Including you too? Aren't you personally guided by the marshal? And the power of your moves just now is obviously stronger than mine!"

"Of course it includes us! The existence of dog-beating stick method as a unique skill is not only reflected in its power! Its degree of difficulty is far more than ordinary martial arts. As far as I know, besides us, adults have selected suitable candidates in the navy, but they have not learned dog-beating stick method. Only we can slightly trigger dog-beating formation!" Desas nodded and said:

"As for the moves you said I used just now, this is the only achievement of our special operations team over the years! For this reason, my members and I have spent a lot of time researching. In order not to lose training, we even divided into two groups. When one group is training, the other group will study, and when one group is researching, the other group will train!"

Fraser was dumbfounded, and asked in disbelief: "Then the Marshal has no solution?"

Desas shook his head and said: "Master Marshal has also worked hard for this, but he said that it seems that because his physique is different from ours, so we probably can't learn his internal strength at all! We can't use other energies to replace internal strength! We also advise us to give up this kind of research, and use the dog-beating stick method as a transitional skill. In the future, we will major in the Sixth Form of the Navy and Domineering!"

Fraser was silent and did not speak. The choice of the special operations team was obvious. They chose to face the difficulties and did not give up the dog-beating stick method, but continued to develop it.

It was only then that Fraser suddenly realized that Lanstad was a model in terms of hard training, but Dropeke of the special operations team was also known as a training madman, but as far as he knew, at least during the time at the headquarters, Dropee's progress was definitely not as fast as Lanstad.

At first he thought it was because Drope was stronger, so it was more difficult to practice, but he didn't expect it to be such a reason.

"Perhaps the marshal is right. We can't develop a method comparable to his internal strength, but don't you think it's a pity? It's such a powerful unique skill, but we have to give up because of this bullshit reason? Our navy clearly has a treasure house, but it's abandoned? I don't agree! My partners don't agree either! The marshal didn't bring us out of the orphanage for us to practice six styles and domineering! He wanted to pass on his martial arts. ! And we are his hope!" Desas's voice became louder and more excited, and even the referee didn't react because the two of them stopped.

"So we decided that even if we can't develop it for a lifetime, we will work hard for it. Every child who comes out of the orphanage, we will tell them these things. They can choose by themselves. The dog-beating stick method is taught to us by adults. We have no right to teach others at will, but there are other martial arts in the secret book room! I believe that the geniuses who come out of our orphanage can solve this problem one day. At that time, it is time for our navy to reach a higher level!" Desas looked at Fraser like this.

At this time, the image of Desas became extremely tall in Fraser's eyes, and he even felt ashamed of his dirty thoughts just now.

In the audience, as Ye Luo's official disciple, Guerrero felt even more deeply. He finally understood the reason why Ye Luo didn't teach him martial arts. His teacher had the supreme skills, but he didn't teach him any of them. He thought it was because his strength was too weak. When he became stronger, the teacher would naturally teach him. But he didn't expect that the reason why the teacher only taught him domineering, six styles, and swordsmanship was that he couldn't learn the martial arts that the teacher was proud of.

At this time, he was proud of the members of the special operations team, proud of having this group of friends, they were the well-deserved pride of heaven, and he was nothing in front of them, because he took the benefits himself, but the burden that should have been carried by him was handed over to them.

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