On the pirate ship at this time, all the pirates gathered together the captured merchants very nervously.

"Vice-captain, what should we do now? The captain didn't come over. He seems to have been caught by the navy. Shall we rescue him?" A pirate asked nervously.

"Save? How? Do you know where it is? That is the strongest branch of the navy besides the headquarters! Now it is still a question of whether we can escape!" the deputy captain said angrily.

That's not what the captain told them when the pirates came over!

This operation is not just their pirate group, but many pirates are acting together, and they will fight together on several nearby small islands. When the navy loses sight of the other, they can take the opportunity to escape. Now although the other small islands do not have the navy to help them, the navy of the G1 branch is no longer what they can resist!

"Vice-captain, what shall we do now? The captain is not here, we will obey you!" Another pirate also stood up and said.

"First of all, we must ensure the safety of these hostages. This is the only bargaining chip we can escape. If the hostages are lost, we will be finished! So watch them for me, and we will talk about what to do when we leave this sea area!" The deputy captain said fiercely.

"Yes!" The pirates responded loudly.

"The deputy captain is not good!" At this time, a pirate rushed in and said loudly.

"What's going on?" the deputy captain asked with a frown.

"Vice-captain, go and have a look. The companions who jumped into the sea before were all caught. It seems that there are murlocs on the other side!" The pirate who just ran in said anxiously, panting.

He had been staring at the navy on the shore from the stern just now, fearing that they would pursue them, but the navy did not pursue it, it seemed that it was because they had captured the pirate captain, and there were also many wounded on the shore who needed the navy's help at this time, so they ignored them for the time being.

But just when he breathed a sigh of relief, those companions who jumped into the sea from the shore were thrown back to the shore one by one, and then he saw the group of murlocs in navy costumes, and ran towards the cabin in shock. He needed to tell the deputy captain the news.

"Murloc? Damn it! Come and have a look with me! Take good care of these hostages, they are the key to whether we can leave or not!" The deputy captain with a livid face led a group of pirates out of the cabin and walked towards the stern, but at this moment, a huge slash came towards them.

The deputy captain's eyes widened, and he murmured, "Jian Jianhao?"

But before they could react, a navy man wearing a cloak of justice blocked the attack with his bare hands.

All the pirates were so scared to pee when they saw the huge word "justice".

"Deputy vice-captain? What should we do?" A pirate was about to cry. Although this is a new world, this kind of strong man is not something ordinary pirates like them can provoke.

"How do I know? No matter what, hurry up and get out of here as quickly as possible!" the deputy captain said angrily.

The navy who blocked the slash just now looked back at him when he left. That kind of look was like looking at a dead person, which made him extremely uncomfortable, but he knew that now was not the time to talk about these things, and the truth was to leave this terrible place as soon as possible.

Just when the pirate ship was leaving with all its strength, the pirates suddenly found that the pirate ship was surrounded by more than a dozen people. They stayed in the air around the pirate ship, but did not attack.

"Don't mess around! We have hostages here. If you dare to attack, we will kill them all first! I am serious, not joking!" The deputy captain was a little nervous. Although the group of people looked young and their military ranks were not high, those who could use the six-style moonwalk to stay in the air were not simple.

"Set up!" Drope said calmly in the air.

I saw that everyone took off the bamboo sticks behind them, and then moved quickly. The pirates were a little nervous, but slowly, they began to notice that the surroundings seemed to be foggy, and the surrounding scenery began to change.

"Quick! Bring the hostages up!" The deputy captain immediately shouted after seeing it.

"Vice-captain, where are you? I can't see you, and neither can the hostages! What's going on?" The pirate in charge of guarding the hostages was about to cry, and the hostages who were still in front of him suddenly disappeared, which surprised him.

"Bang bang bang~~"


"Vice-captain, where are you?"

The sound of collisions and the screams of the pirates made the vice-captain of the pirates start to feel suspicious. After slowly groping, he found that although he couldn't see clearly, the surrounding environment had not changed. So relying on his memory, the vice-captain slowly came to the side of the ship, and then jumped into the sea with his teeth gritted.

Sure enough, after leaving the range of the pirate ship, the scenery in front of him began to recover, but he was not happy, he found that he was surrounded by murlocs, who had already surrounded him with strange smiles.

On the shore, the naval sergeant who was dealing with the wounded and the security of the port ran to Ye Luo's side, and replied sweating profusely, "Report, sir, there are four pirate groups in this sneak attack. Besides this side, there are three other small islands that have also been attacked!"

"How about the casualties!?" Ye Luo asked softly.

"The casualties of the other three small islands have not been sorted out yet, and the casualties on our side are close to a hundred!" The sergeant lowered his head in shame and said.

"Why can pirates directly enter the port without anyone knowing? What are the sea patrols doing? And where is the head of the murloc unit? Let him come to see me!" Ye Luo asked with a frown.

"My lord! The murloc troop in charge of patrol encountered a battle at sea. There were actually seven pirates who came over this time, and three of them were found by the murloc patrol team at sea. The battle just ended over there, and a warning message has been sent!" At this time, a communication soldier stepped forward and replied.

"Seven pirate groups can make you so busy. It seems that your usual training is still too loose! And the mermaid patrol force is also. Since you have found the clue, then you must report it as soon as possible. He still fights silly? Did he know that he was just responsible for patrol? Come to see me, if there is no suitable reason, I will let him know that it is wrong, and it will need to pay a price! "Ye Luo said severely.

The words here have just been finished, and the special operations team over there has already started to attack. First of all, they did not attack the pirates, but threw the hostages into the sea immediately. After the murloc troops waiting over there rescued all the hostages, they began to attack. Besides, except for a few unlucky pirates who died, the rest of the pirates were captured alive by them.

"Report, sir, all the pirates have been captured and brought to justice!" Drope brought his teammates over and reported to Ye Luohui.

When he was on the Gion ship, he was promoted by Gion to be the battle captain and the rank of Major, so as the member with the highest rank, he was naturally the one to report.

Ye Luo nodded, and said: "Okay, escort all these pirates to Judicial Island, and ask for the death penalty after they are judged there!"

"Yes!" Drope nodded and replied.

Guerrero on the side was a little surprised, the navy did not execute these pirates on the spot, but sent them to some judicial island for trial?

But now he doesn't care about these things. When he saw Kesas standing there, he immediately stepped forward and asked, "Kesas, are you alright?"

"Guerrero? Are you okay? What you did earlier shocked me!" Seeing Guerrero, Kesas smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm in good shape! I'm fine!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine, and the village chief's grandfather is fine. Maybe the group of pirates saw us two old, weak, sick and disabled, so they didn't attack us immediately! But why didn't they execute these pirates directly?" Guerrero couldn't help but asked out of curiosity in his heart.

"That's because although they are pirates, they have committed unforgivable mistakes, but our navy is only a law enforcement force. Except for killing the opponent in battle, we have no right to execute them! This is also to prevent the navy from messing around and killing people casually to pretend credit!" Peter on the side has long noticed Guerrero. If he hadn't delayed the time before, the pirate captain might have boarded the ship.

Guerrero was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "Ah~ Although I don't understand it very well, what you said seems to make sense!"

Peter blinked his eyes, then looked at Kesha, as if asking, isn't your friend a fool?

Kesas couldn't help laughing. He knew that Guerrero came from a small place, so he didn't understand many things, but this didn't prevent him from having a righteous heart, otherwise he wouldn't have helped in the situation just now.

Thinking of this, Kezas suddenly said to Guerrero: "Didn't you say that you know Master Ye Luo? Hurry up! Maybe Master sees that you have made meritorious service just now, and maybe he can satisfy your request!"

Guerrero waved his hand in embarrassment, and said: "Actually, we just met once. The adult was recovering from his injuries. I helped him prepare some wood to make a raft, and he answered my questions as a reward! So we don't have any friendship!"

"Idiot, didn't you help out in the battle just now? Go, my lord is very talkative, don't miss the opportunity, I still want to be your comrade in arms!" Xass smiled and kicked Guerrero's ass, and said: "Besides, if you can stay, then there are many strong people here. Even if you challenge one by one, it is enough for you to challenge for many years!"

Hearing these words, Guerrero's eyes lit up. He was fascinated by the feeling of being promoted in the battle, so he mustered up the courage to walk towards Ye Luo, who was directing the on-site navy to deal with the aftermath.

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