"Old man, this is the town of the small island. The hotel is 200 meters to the left. It is cheaper there. If you need help, you can always ask the navy patrolling the street for help! I have to go back, otherwise it will be over time!" The middle-aged strong man brought the old man and the young man to the town with a smile, and gave them a brief introduction.

"Thank you so much!" said the old man saluting.

"You don't need to do this. Although I'm not wearing a uniform, I'm a decent navy soldier!" The middle-aged man waved his hand and bid farewell to the two.

"Grandpa the village chief, uncle said just now that the Navy Headquarters does not recruit troops, what should we do?" the boy asked worriedly.

"It's okay, let's go ask, if it's really impossible, let's just treat it as a trip this time!" The old village head said with a smile.

It's just that there is bitterness hidden in his smile.

The two of them were the grandparents and grandchildren they met after the fight with Pitis.

"Then let's go to the naval base first! Ask first, and then we will go shopping in the town, and we can save a lot of money by sailing in the evening, and we don't need to go to the hotel!" Little Guerrero said with a smile.

The old village head touched the head of little Guerrero lovingly. This time, the old village head took him out with a sum of savings left by him when he was a pirate. Although it was not a lot, the two of them were very frugal along the way, so the travel expenses back were not a problem.

The old and the young soon came to the base of the G1 branch of the navy. Although most of the naval facilities had been demolished and given over to the orphanage, some buildings were still kept and used as the office area of ​​the G1 branch. After all, this is still the entrance to the new world.

"Sign up to join the army? I'm sorry! Our G1 branch does not accept registration, you can sign up from the nearest naval branch!" The navy soldier guarding the gate said apologetically after hearing the intention of the grandpa and grandson.

The old village head shook his head helplessly, and was about to leave, but Guerrero smiled and asked unwillingly: "Then can we apply to go to the Navy headquarters?"

"Headquarters? Then you need to have a legitimate reason. If it is for registration, I can only tell you that you don't need to go there, because even the descendants of the navy born in the headquarters need to take part in the assessment at the headquarters to become a formal navy. Otherwise, you must go to another branch to register. After accumulating meritorious service, you will have the opportunity to return to the headquarters!" The guard explained patiently.

"So that's the case, thank you sir!" After hearing this, the old village head gave Guerrero a hand, and said to the navy soldier with a smile.

"Hmph, what's the big deal~ Didn't that general named Zilong leave that isolated island with my help?" Little Guerrero muttered in a low voice.

The old village chief shook his head helplessly and smiled, but just as the two of them were about to leave, a voice stopped them.

"Wait! You're talking about the former admiral and the current Admiral Zilong?" A boy who was about the same height as Guerrero stopped Guerrero and asked.

"He is the marshal now? Then I really don't know!" Guerrero said indifferently.

"Boy, it's okay if I didn't hear this, but you actually spread rumors in front of me? It seems that if you don't teach you a lesson, you really think that our navy has no one!" The boy stared at Guerrero and said.

"Captain Kessa! They are just here to inquire about how to join the navy, please don't embarrass them!" The navy guard who explained to them before noticed the situation here and hurried forward and said.

He had already discovered from the previous conversation that the grandparents and grandchildren should have come from a small place, so they were afraid that Kessa would hurt each other too badly, but he knew that as a member of the special operations team, Kessa admired Ye Luo quite a lot.

"Just you? Still captain? I think you are not much older than me! Uncle guard, thank you for your kindness, but if he dares to mess around, let me teach him a lesson!" Guerrero is not the kind of obedient boy, and he has already beaten all the invincible opponents in the village, so he is not at all flustered about the young man who looks similar to him in front of him.

"I don't take advantage of you either. I'm a member of the Navy Special Operations Team, with the rank of captain. I have participated in more than ten sea missions with the army. Not to mention anything else, the number of pirates who have died in my hands is beyond count! Boy, what weapon do you use? I will give you a chance. I will fight you empty-handed. If you win me, I will help you join the navy! But if you lose, I don't want you to do anything else. Go to the town and shout ten times that you are an idiot!" Keza looked provocative. , said Guerrero.

Of course Guerrero would not give up. He was just about to agree, but the old village chief stopped him and said to Kessa with a smile: "My lord, please forgive me. My grandson has never seen the world, so please don't mind."

This is the territory of the navy. Regardless of the outcome, the opponent has the final say. It is really not a wise choice to conflict with the opponent here.

"Hmph, don't think I'm bullying others. As I said, I'm just fighting with him alone, and I won't hurt him. Our navy doesn't have this kind of tradition. Don't worry, the old man, just in case he doesn't have the guts!" Kezas naturally knew the reason why the old man didn't let Guerrero fight, but he clearly didn't do secret things, so he made it clear.

"You still want to hurt me? If grandpa, the village head, didn't stop me, I'll see if I don't beat you!" Guerrero couldn't help but counterattacked.

"Guerrero, do you still see me as a grandfather?" Hearing Guerrero's words, the old village head was startled and immediately roared angrily.

If the navy is offended, the two may not be able to get out of this small island.

Looking at the retreating Guerrero, Kesas knew that this fight would be impossible, but he still said: "Boy, Master Zilong's reputation is not something you can discredit! You are lucky to meet me today. If you meet our captain, you may not be able to stay in the hospital for a few days! But old man, don't worry, this is the territory of the navy, no one will mess around, and we are not pirates!"

Although Guerrero didn't continue to reply, his expression said everything. Because the old village chief was a pirate before, he had a good sense of pirates. On the contrary, the navy, in the old village chief's mouth, is the kind of arrogant and unreasonable existence. Today, he had a quarrel with Xass, and he felt that the navy is not a good thing.

"Grandpa Village Chief, let's go back. The so-called navy is nothing more than that, let's live in the village!" Although Guerrero didn't speak to Kesas, his voice was intentionally loud enough that Kess could hear him.

The guard on the side smiled wryly and shook his head. A young man who was preparing to join the navy was not a big deal. Kezas was a member of the special operations team, so he didn’t continue to persuade the young man. As long as he doesn’t become a pirate, the navy won’t care what you do.

"Stop!" But at this moment, Kesas roared and stopped the grandpa and grandson who were about to leave.

The guards of "Master Texas" knew that things were going to get worse as soon as they heard Texas' tone. They were a group of children who were well taken care of by the navy. It could be said that not only the navy saved their lives, but also cultivated them. Therefore, they had the strongest sense of belonging to the navy.

"Needless to say, this incident was caused by me. If I don't handle it well, you can report it to your superiors, and I will accept any punishment! But you," Kesas interrupted the guard directly, pointing at Guerrero and said, "If you spread rumors about Mr. Zilong, I can see it as your bragging because of your young age, but the glory of the Navy cannot tolerate your insults!

Today this happened because of me, now I will make it clear to you, or you apologize now, and I let you go!Or, if I try my best to be punished, I will teach you a lesson! "

"Huh! You really are shameless! Did I say something wrong? The navy is nothing more than that! You still teach me? If the village chief grandpa didn't stop you, you would have been beaten to the ground by me!" Guerrero was also full of anger, and immediately turned around and said.

"You're so brave! Old man, don't worry, I won't hurt your grandson too much, and I will bear all the medical expenses, nutrition expenses and other expenses!" Although Kesas couldn't help but want to do it immediately, he still told the village chief first.

The old village chief sighed. He knew that this matter could not be resolved, so he had to step aside, saluted Keshas and said, "I hope you will be merciful!"

But just when Xass was about to make a move, the guard stood between the two of them and said to Xess, "Captain Xass, do you know what you are doing now?"

"I know exactly what I'm doing now, Uncle Jack, get out of the way! No one has ever been able to get away with insulting the Navy in front of me!" Kesas said calmly.

"Kexas! You little bastard, you attack civilians, do you know what it means? If adults find out, even Dean Bree will not be able to protect you!" The guard, who was called Jake by Kezas, shouted loudly.

He is a native of the G1 branch, and he was recruited to become a naval soldier here very early, but he has no talent and strength, so he has always been a soldier, and he is relatively old, so the navy arranged for him to guard the gate, which is relatively easy.

He also belonged to watching the people of Texas grow up, and he knew how much they had endured and suffered so much to achieve their current results. It would not be worthwhile to be punished for such a trivial matter.

Sure enough, Jack's words made Texas hesitate. If he was really expelled from the navy, then he would be killed by a headshot. What's the point of being alive?Will he be laughed to death by his younger brothers and sisters in the orphanage in the future?
On the contrary, after hearing what Jake said, Guerrero became a little curious. It seems that the navy's regulations are really strict, otherwise the other party would not hesitate like this. Moreover, a mere soldier guarding the gate can actually yell at an officer like this, which seems amazing to him.

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