"Don't worry, we're not here to capture the Yuanshan United Army!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

He knew that Kuli Kai had an orangutan, an orangutan, and two pirate groups, but it was more appropriate to say that they were a salvage group than a pirate group. Even Ye Luo was not sure that they had a bounty, so naturally he would not care about this!
"Then what do you want to ask?" Kuli Kai asked a little unnaturally.

"You know the big talker Wenbula Rolando?" Ye Luo asked with a smile.

Kuli Kai was taken aback, he naturally knew this person, but he didn't know why the navy in front of him asked.

"I heard that Rolando's descendants have been looking for gold villages near Gaya for generations in order to wash away the humiliation of the big talker, right? Mr. Wenbula Kulikai!?" Ye Luo asked with a smile.

Lena on the side didn't know what her lord's plan was, why she brought up this topic in front of others.

"So are you here to make fun of me?" Kuli Kai asked calmly after taking a puff of cigarette.

"Sorry, your answer was wrong. On the contrary, I'm here to tell you a story!" Ye Luo found a comfortable place to sit down and said, "More than 400 years ago, an explorer and botanist named Rolando came to Gaya. Finally, when he was ordered to accompany the king to Gaya again, he found that the golden town of Sandora that existed here had disappeared, so he was imprisoned and executed by the king for deceiving the king!"

Ye Luo told the general plot that he knew, and Lena and Kuli Kai beside him were stunned for a while. Although it was similar to the story of Liar King, Ye Luo's story was more specific, as if he saw it with his own eyes.

"In other words, Rolando didn't lie, but what caused the disappearance of the Golden Country?" Kuli Kai asked tremblingly with excitement.

"Don't worry, I have another story here!" Ye Luo smiled and said: "Because the great warrior Calgara misunderstood Rolando back then, he didn't have time to say goodbye to his best friend, leaving a lifetime of regrets, so they would ring the golden bell every day to tell their friend Rolando. Finally, until now, the people of Sandia are still working hard to ring the golden bell, even if they may not know the reason for ringing the golden bell."

"Haha woo woo, that means Shandora was really washed up into the sky? woo woo," Kuli Kai asked, biting his lip while laughing and crying.

"Didn't you suspect it too? And didn't someone go up to confirm it for you? I think one day, the lamp of Shandora will be lit again, and the world will finally return the glory that the great explorer Wenbula Rolando deserves!" Ye Luo stood up, glanced at the back of Kulikai's house, and left with a smile.

After Ye Luo left, an orangutan and a gorilla came out from the place he had just glanced at. Both of them had already burst into tears, but because of Ye Luo's relationship, they kept hiding behind and dared not come out.

"My lord, is what you said just now true? Is that big talk explorer Wenbula Rolando really that great?" Lena asked with some doubts.

"I don't know if he is great or not, but the golden city of Sandora does exist, because many people have already unlocked the secret of the golden right eye!" Ye Luo replied with a smile.

Because the terrain of the entire Gaya looks like a skull on the map, but it lacks the right eye alone. The position of the right eye is actually Mount Dora washed up on the Baibai Sea.

"Sort out the bounty offenders in the town, and then let's go. They've all been chased here. If you still can't find Blackbeard, you'll be in trouble!" Ye Luo looked at the sky, always feeling that he couldn't change the plot at all, and there was something somewhere that was pulling the plot back to the right path.

A few days later, after searching all the nearby islands, Ye Luo finally gave up on looking for Blackbeard, and there seemed to be signs of contact between Whitebeard and Redhead in the New World, which made the navy nervous for a while.

"Go, go to the new world and find White Beard!" Finally, Ye Luo made up his mind to solve this matter according to his own ideas.

"My lord? Let's go find Whitebeard?" Lena suspected that she had heard wrongly. The Whitebeard, the head of the Four Emperors, was not something they, a warship, could resist.

"It's okay, do as I say!" Ye Luo replied.

So the warship changed direction and headed towards the Chambord Islands, which is the only place that connects the new world and the great sea route, so going there is the fastest way.

"Go to the craftsmen to coat the warship first, and then we'll go to Fishman Island. I have some things to do now, so I'll come back to you later!" Ye Luo told the soldiers on board.

"My lord, where are we going now?" Lena asked after Ye Luo followed.

"Go and meet the legendary person!" Ye Luo replied with a slight smile.

Lena blinked curiously, but Ye Luo didn't continue to explain, which made Lena even more curious. After all, she just re-acquainted with the "Liar" Wenbula Rolando not long ago, so she was very curious about who she was going to meet this time.

But from Ye Luo's point of view, if he didn't want to meet Pluto Rayleigh, he would never have landed on the Chambord Islands. If he met the damn Tianlongren, Ye Luo wasn't sure that he would hold back.

Soon, Ye Luo and the two arrived at the destination of the trip, "Aunt Xia's Ripping Bar".

"My lord, who is the person inside?" Lena couldn't help but ask out of curiosity after all.

Ye Luo didn't answer, but directly smiled and stepped forward to knock on the door.

"Please come in!" A female voice came from inside the door, and Ye Luo led Lena inside.

"What do you want to drink, brother?" A slender middle-aged woman asked with a smile.

"White water! Aunt Xia's food is a bit expensive, I don't have that much money to drink good food!" Ye Luo replied with a smile.

And Lena, who was following Ye Luo, also sat on the sofa under Ye Luo's suggestion.

"Oh? Brother looks very unfamiliar?" Aunt Xia smiled, brought two glasses of white water, and said.

"I'm here to meet Mr. Lei Li, and I hope to learn arrogance from Mr. Lei Li!" Ye Luo said directly without talking nonsense.

Aunt Xia looked at Ye Luo like she was an idiot. After confirming that Ye Luo was not joking, she lit a cigarette and asked, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Of course!" Ye Luo nodded, and replied, "This is where Aunt Xia sells information, right? You and Mr. Pluto, Mr. Rayleigh, live in seclusion here, and our navy doesn't bother you too much!"

"Pluto Leili?" Hearing Ye Luo's words, Lena couldn't help but exclaimed.

If it was really that "Pluto" Rayleigh, then he could indeed be regarded as a legendary figure.

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