People in Pirates: Become stronger from joining the navy.

Chapter 546 Ye Luo's Inauguration Ceremony

After Fujitora defeated Gion, it was the battle between Green Bull and Kake. The two of them fought less gently than before, especially Green Bull. After learning about the strength of the Sixth Form of the Navy from the battle on Sky Island, he has been studying it non-stop. In addition, his physical skills are strong, and the Sixth Form of the Navy is much more vigorous.

And Jiaji's strength cannot be underestimated. Although his presence in the headquarters is not high, no one can ignore his existence. There is a powerful force in his small body.

The battle between the two was very fierce. If it wasn't for Ye Luo watching from the side, and the two of them had no intention of fighting to the death, Marin Fando would have been destroyed by the two of them.

In the end, the Green Bull won the battle slightly by relying on the super defense and recovery capabilities of the animal-type fruit, which brought the battle to an end.

"How is it? Do you two need to rest? If not, you have to accept the test from the general!" Ye Luo asked, looking at the fighting spirit of Lv Niu and Fujitora.

"No need to rest, I didn't consume much just now, and this is not a real life-and-death battle!" Fujitora shook his head and said.

Ye Luo turned his head to the side, and gave Sakaski a look. Sakaski didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the middle of the square. He met Fujitora.

This time even Sengoku and Garp sat up straight, and they were also very concerned about the battle between the two.

With the sound of Ye Luo, Sakaski's arm directly turned into magma, and he attacked with all his strength, knowing Fujitora's strength, so Sakaski had no intention of releasing water.

Fujitora didn't dare to be careless, and immediately added gravity to Sakalski, but the effect seemed not as good as expected. Sakalski's use of domineering taught Gion a lesson, teaching him how to deal with this superhuman weird ability.

The battle king who was watching the battle was also amazed. He couldn't understand many of Ye Luo's battles, but he could understand the battle between Sakaski and Fujitora now. It was just right for him to learn how to use domineering, so he watched it very seriously.

Many generals at the scene are domineering, but neither the use of domineering nor the intensity of domineering is very strong, so watching the battle between Sakaski and Fujitora touched them very much.

"Gravity Knife Tiger Slash!" Fujitora repeated his old trick, this Tiger Slash was his common skill, so he used it easily.

"Devil Dog!" Sakaski was not to be outdone, and he used a move of "Devil Dog", which is his common melee move.

Fighting against a swordsman is better at close quarters. He is also a physical master, but his fruit ability is very developed, so people think that he is relying on his fruit ability to fight.

"It's such a powerful force!" Fujitora sighed. Although his slash smashed the dog just now, he could still feel that it was not the strongest force of the opponent.

Fujitora was originally a swordsman. Although he also practiced the six styles after joining the navy, he did not focus on the learning and evolution of the six styles like Green Bull. He still practiced direct swordsmanship and integrated his own abilities into swordsmanship.

The fighting movements of the two are not fast, because of Fujitora's ability, it can be regarded as suppressing part of Sakaski's speed, but as a swordsman, he is not a speed player like Foil Vista, so his speed is not very fast.

"That's right, Lieutenant General Fujitora really has the strength of a general!" On the high platform, Sengoku nodded and said.

"Then do we need to end the battle? After all, the purpose of this battle is to show Fujitora's strength. If the fight continues, it will be bad if someone is injured!" Granny Crane said with a smile.

"Wahahaha wait a minute, most people still can't see Fujitora's strength, and this ending won't satisfy them!" Garp said with a big smile, stopping Granny Drinking.

Sengoku and Grandma Crane looked at the navy's phalanx at the same time. Sure enough, even many generals were watching carefully. It seemed that they didn't see the specific strength of Fujitora at all, only that they were both very powerful.

"Dog Eating Red Lotus" Sakaski's entire arm turned into magma, which was already the biggest move he could use when he was not fighting desperately.

Fujitora on the opposite side was still unhurried, with a series of slashes and gravity, successfully resisting Sakaski's attack, but there was no way to hurt the opponent.

It's not that they don't have more powerful moves, but that's beyond the meaning of fighting, so neither of them used it. Finally, seeing that Fujitora's performance is almost the same, Sengoku stood up to stop the battle, and said that Fujitora's strength is obvious to all, and he is qualified for the position of general.

Ordinary soldiers only think that Fujitora can draw with Akainu Sakaski, so he must have the combat power of a general, but the generals can see more, they know that neither of them used their big moves, but the strength shown by Fujitora is still a bit amazing, so they shut up and didn't speak.

Next is the battle between the yellow ape Polusalino and the green bull. To be honest, Polusalino is better at fighting than sparring, so theoretically speaking, the green bull is at a disadvantage, but he doesn't mind. Fighting with the strong can improve himself better. He is a man who aims at Ye Luo, and he is never afraid of any challenges and battles.

The two of them went straight to the heat at the beginning, and the yellow ape didn't mean to be soft-hearted, and the green bull also transformed directly, showing 100% of its strength.

"Speed ​​is power. Have you ever been kicked by a light speed ball?!" The yellow ape wearing sunglasses had a wretched look on his face. The green bull had just finished transforming, and his feet had already reached the opponent's waist.

"Iron block!" The green cow smiled slightly, and the part of the waist that was about to be kicked by the yellow ape became extremely hard, but the rest of the place did not change at all.


The yellow ape's foot hit the green bull, but the green bull seemed to be uninjured except for sliding a few meters.

"Ouch~~ the young people of today are really scary!" Huang Yuan said slowly retracting his legs.

"Really? There's something even more terrifying!" After the green cow finished speaking, it disappeared from the spot. Even Zhan Guo and Granny He on the high platform were surprised, because they could barely see an afterimage running towards the yellow ape.

"Have you ever been kicked by a cow?" The voice of the green cow rang in the yellow ape's ear.

However, the green bull's kick was empty, because the yellow ape first elementalized the place where the medicine was kicked, and then canceled the element of that part of the body.

So it seems that the green bull kicked the yellow ape through the body, but the yellow ape didn't suffer any injuries at all.

This is a common move of the natural department when facing domineering enemies. As a general, Huang Yuan is naturally very familiar with it.

"His six styles are very strong!" Said Zhan Guo, sitting on the high platform with a serious face.

"Didn't that kid Ye Luo tell you? There is a guy among the Tianlong people who can display the combat power of the emperor with the sixth naval style!" Garp said with a smile while watching.

"What? Is this true?" Warring States asked in surprise.

He didn't understand why Ye Luo didn't announce such important news.

In the navy, only Karp and Sengoku are the only ones with imperial combat power. The three generals are a little bit behind.

There has never been anyone in the navy who can display emperor-level combat effectiveness purely by relying on the six naval styles!Even Garp is because of physical skills, not simply six styles.

But the move of the green bull's part of the iron body just now has never appeared in the navy, and it is definitely his own creation.

What does this mean?It shows that the green bull has a high attainment in the six styles!And the shaving of the green bull just now is also a little different, although the principle should be the same, but the moving speed is more than doubled!

The battle on the field is still going on, and the green bull can continue to use the six-style after transforming into a bull. Although this is not particularly surprising, his improvement of the six-style has to surprise many admirals on the scene.

"That bastard is hiding his clumsiness!" Kake the teafish stood beside Momotu Gion, gritted his teeth in a low voice.

Anyone who encounters such a situation will be more angry, and it is useless to beat himself with all his strength. Is this underestimating himself?As long as you are a person with a strong mentality, you will not feel uncomfortable.

"Who told you not to practice normally? Look at Ye Luo, what strength was he back then? What strength is he now? He can beat you with one hand! I don't know how to work hard!" Gion pouted and said.

In fact, she still didn't say a word, fearing that it would hurt her.

Jia Ji was silent for a while, and originally wanted to turn around and leave, but in order to better watch the green bull, he still didn't leave.

He is not a small person, and he is also a famous genius in the navy. One day, he will surpass these people and let them know that he is the most powerful person.

"Yakata mirror!" Regarding the fast movement of the green bull, Huang Yuan didn't panic at all. He was not afraid of the speed of the wheel, even if Ye Luo came. As a natural-type Shining fruit ability user, speed is his strongest point.

However, the Green Bull also fully demonstrated the strength of the Sixth Form of the Navy. Although the speed is not as fast as that of the Yellow Ape, whether it is the iron block with defensive power, or the finger gun and haze foot with offensive power, they are all used by him superbly.

"What a difficult guy!" After avoiding the green bull's attack again, the yellow ape turned into a light and appeared not far away.

The green bull grinned and said, "If you fight a protracted battle, Mr. Polusalino, you may make mistakes!"

Speaking of which, the green cow whose upper body has turned into a human form shouted loudly: "Return your life!"

The stamina consumed by the battle just now recovered again, and his aura was even stronger than before.

"I have to get old! What a guy! Then I will take it seriously!" Polusalino said with his eyes narrowed.

Originally, he thought it was something that could be solved easily, but he didn't expect that the opponent's strength was beyond his expectation.

However, the Warring States stood up to prevent their subsequent battles. It was just a discussion. If the fight continued, someone would be injured. The six naval styles displayed by the Green Bull must have given the admirals present a very good inspiration.

Because in the navy, there are quite a few generals who focus on the six styles, and the green bull will be busy in the future.

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