Originally, after Ye Luo talked to them so much, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates were a little moved, but considering Ace's mood, Marco and the others still rejected Ye Luo.

Although Ace said that no matter what, he will be with everyone, whether it is the pirate group or the adventure group, he can do it.

But Marco said to Ye Luo and the other captains: "Other pirates might choose to become an adventure group, but I believe that Ace will never want the pirates to disappear from the bottom of his heart! Because this era of great pirates was started by his father, Pirate King Gol D. Roger!"

Since then, Ye Luo has never persuaded Marco and the others. He just kept giving them some privileges, and even used his status as a navy to quietly tell them the coordinates of some wealthy pirates nearby who had robbed Ping's property.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates knew it, but Ace didn't. This was why they stood by Ye Luo's side without hesitation after Ye Luo launched the crusade against the Tianlong people.

Now the pattern of the world has been rewritten. As long as Ye Luo kills the prophet, the Tianlong people will definitely be finished. The revolutionary army and the navy will cooperate, and the history of the world will be rewritten from then on. So what should these people do?

These days on the Straw Hat Pirates' ship, the Red Hair Pirates are discussing their future lives. Although many people are also worried, but with Shanks, they have a backbone.

Regarding those discussions, although the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates occasionally participated, as long as they saw Ace, they shut up and pretended not to say anything.

Ace naturally knew these things, and while feeling a little bitter in his heart, he was also a little moved.

So when Shanks found him and asked him what he thought about losing his pirate identity, he was speechless at all, because he couldn't make the right choice in his heart.

Looking at the silent Ace, Shanks leaned on the ship's side, looked at the distant sea, and said softly: "I followed the captain to the final island, but Bucky and I didn't land on the island. Do you know why?"

"Huh? You didn't go up?" Ace was taken aback and asked in surprise.

"That's right, I was sick on the day I landed on the island! And Bucky is responsible for staying and taking care of me!" Shanks replied with a smile.

"Sick, what a coincidence?" Ace asked with a frown.

"Yes! Because the day before the island, I learned from the captain's identity! The identity of the Tianlong people!" Xiangx seemed to be in the meeting and continued to look at the sea in the distance, saying, "The captain is a very attractive person. Even if I give me up everything now, I am also willing to continue becoming the crew of the captain. Proud of identity! Because that's the glory of the captain! But do you know why I announced the identity of the pirate as soon as possible? "

Shanks said, turning his head to look at Ace.

"Why?" Ace asked after a moment of silence.

"Because the captain said that companions are the most important thing!" Shanks grinned and said, "Although the captain started the era of great pirates, I know that he did it to deal with the dragons, using pirates to eat the foundations of the dragons, and when the world is corrupted to the extreme, it will usher in a big change! Isn't this going to change?
In other words, although the dragons of the revolutionary army and the captain chose differently, they all had the same goal, and Ye Luo!It seems to be the result of these changes, isn't it?

This is the will of the captain!He is such a warm person, if he knows that there will be no more pirates in the future, he will be very happy!Because although he opened the era of great pirates and used pirates to accomplish his goals, it is undeniable that many pirates have brought pain to this world, so canceling the pirates must be what the captain wants to see most!Because his purpose is about to be completed!Pirates no longer need to exist!What do you think? "

After Shanks finished speaking, he smiled at Ace and left. Ace needed to figure out the rest directly. He just told Ace what he thought, and he didn't plan to intervene, and he had no reason to intervene.

Ace stared blankly at Shanks who left. What he just said made him see the meaning of canceling pirates from another angle, so he fell into deep thought for a while.

On the other side, Winters, who was fleeing towards God's Continent, was close to exhaustion, and Ye Luo kept approaching behind him. He was not as fast as Ye Luo, and now he brought Prophet Pitis. If Yuebu was not more proficient in using Ye Luo, Ye Luo had already caught up with him at this time.

"Idiot, go find a small island with people! That guy doesn't dare to attack civilians!" Peters, who did not know why he was sober, said to Winters with difficulty.

"My lord! Are you awake? Are you all right?" Winters was shocked when he heard Peter's voice, and asked in surprise.

"It's okay! That bastard! When I go back, I will smash him to ashes, turn him into a slave, and torture him for the rest of his life!" Pitis said through clenched teeth.

As his consciousness recovered, Pittis' combat strength also recovered. Although he was unconscious before, his vitality had already recovered his body. Now that he woke up, he was basically fine.

But now Winters' state is very poor, and he has no choice but to start to add vitality to Winters.

"Where are we now? We have to find a small island with people. As long as there are people, that guy will not dare to attack with all his strength!" Peters had already recovered, so he started to escape with Winters.

"I don't know. When I fled with my lord, I didn't know the direction at all. I chose a random direction and kept running away!" Winters said bitterly.

"Master Pittis, since he recovered, why not fight again? There are two of you, and I only have one!" Ye Luo shouted loudly after realizing that Pittis had recovered.

"Bastard, don't be too complacent, I'll kill you sooner or later!" Pitis said through gritted teeth.

He knew that Ye Luo had already discovered the secret of his vitality. Although he claimed to have eternal vitality, it was actually not infinite. Time would consume part of his vitality. Every time he was fatally injured in a battle, he needed to use his vitality to recover. His ability to help others recover from injuries also required him to use his own vitality to activate.

After burning energy before, when he was attacked by Ye Luo, his vitality was consumed even more. The loss in this battle was already equivalent to using the Heavenly King once, so he was in a very bad mood at this time.

"Don't think about using those civilians to blackmail me! It's useless, I will attack you immediately! Even in the Navy headquarters, you know, if you don't die, the world will be over! So I won't be soft!" Naturally, Ye Luo heard Peter's words before, so she said with a smile.

And what Ye Luo said was true, he really didn't intend to be blackmailed by Pittis, because Pittis must die!
Speaking out now might dispel the other party's idea, so that Ye Luo wouldn't have to feel guilty.

"Really? You don't think I really believe it, do you?" Pittis smiled slightly, and after recovering Winters' injury, he said, "You and I separate, go to find an island with people, and see how our Admiral will choose!"

He spoke very loudly, deliberately let Ye Luo hear it, it was up to Ye Luo to choose.

"Looking for death!" Ye Luo's speed suddenly accelerated again, startling the two who were running away.

"My lord, you go back to God's Continent, and I'll slaughter the civilians! General Zilong, if you don't want a large number of civilians to be slaughtered, you'd better come to me! Otherwise, I will kill everyone I see! You know I have the strength!" Winters saw Ye Luo getting closer, and changed direction as soon as she gritted her teeth. He might be caught up by Ye Luo before he could go to the next island, but as long as Ye Luo chased him, Pitis would definitely be able to escape.

Although the three of them have been using the moon step to travel, the moon step can't be used all the time, which is also a great consumption of physical strength. As long as Ye Luo chases him, he will lose Pitis's whereabouts, and Pitis can return to God's Continent safely.

Ye Luo only hesitated for a moment, and chose Winters' side. He couldn't watch Winters massacre civilians. As long as he killed the opponent, he would immediately go to find Peters.

Moreover, Luffy and Fujitora, who have already set off, are aiming at the energy room of the king of heaven, and now we can only place our hopes on them!

Seeing that Ye Luo really went after Winters, Prophet Pitis chuckled and scolded for being stupid, and then ran away immediately. He had wasted too much life energy this time, so he had to go back and take a good rest. Although he couldn't make up for it, he could plan to train the next surgery fruit ability user, as long as he had one surgery before his eternal vitality was exhausted.

This kind of idea was already in his mind when he used Tianwang for the first time, but it also has very high requirements for those who have the fruit ability of surgery. That kind of surgery can only be used after the fruit is awakened, and after possessing that kind of strength, it is rare to spend life to use this kind of power for others.

While thinking about the follow-up plan, Pittis quickly searched for the small island. Although he was powerful, it was obviously unreliable to move by moon steps like this. Therefore, he had to find a small island with people first, then determine his location, and then get a boat to move towards the land of the gods, which is the direction of Uranus, the king of heaven.

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