People in Pirates: Become stronger from joining the navy.

Chapter 525 The Green Bull's Determination

"Go to hell!" Ace tried his best, the flames were burning on his fist, and he punched the fleeing Wulaoxing in the back.


This punch directly hit the back of the opponent. Although it didn't penetrate the opponent, the opponent also spurted out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with some internal organs.

"You still want to escape?" Foil Bista stood in front of the opponent and stabbed with his sword.

Wu Laoxing, with long straight white hair, managed to dodge Vista's stabbing sword, but was caught up by the captain of the [-]th division and kicked him back.

The other Wulaoxing and Pittis found out what had happened here, and rushed towards this side as much as possible, but because the distance was a bit far, the long straight-haired Wulaoxing who was kicked back was already a little desperate.

"Die!" Sure enough, the captain of the seventh team, Krayo, who had been waiting there for a long time, pierced the heart of Wulaoxing directly with the long sword in his hand, and killed the opponent before everyone's rescue came.

"Bastard!" Although Pittis came as fast as he could, he was still a step late, and could only vent his anger on the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.


Diamond Qiaoz helped his companion, the captain of the seventh team, Clayo, block Pitis's attack, and his whole body was directly blown away, but he is a diamond capable person, so the injury was not that serious.

Ye Luo, who was following closely, didn't let Pitis mess around, and directly entangled him, and Ace also promptly asked his companions to retreat to besiege the other five old stars.

Pittis had no choice but to ask Winters to help him. He fought Ye Luo alone. Although he would be suppressed by Ye Luo, but with his eternal vitality, he could hold Ye Luo back.

Although one of the five old stars was lost on the battlefield, the addition of Winters made the situation even more tense. The white beard pirate team leaders who had freed up their hands took over Shanks' opponents, two five old stars, and the vacant Shanks found Winters.

Over there, Fujitora, Green Bull, and Sabo had already overwhelmed their opponents without the slightest counterattack power. Seeing the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates fighting against the two five veterans, Sabo took Ivankov and Lightning to support them.

With the support of the three of them, the scene was considered balanced.

But Pettis had no hope of killing Ye Luo at all. Originally, he planned to kill Ye Luo first. As long as Ye Luo died, the balance of victory would immediately favor them, but he didn't expect Wulaoxing to be killed by a group of pirates, so he fought Ye Luo even more fiercely in anger.

"You have no chance of winning! As long as I hold you back, they will kill your subordinates one by one. Even if you have eternal vitality, I don't believe you can't be killed!" Ye Luo dodged Pitis's attack and began to harass him verbally.

There's no way, the other party is really a bit shameless, Ye Luo fought hard to get hurt, and pierced the other party's heart with one finger, but what about the other party?After coughing a few times, spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, he rushed up again like a normal person!

It was even more difficult to deal with than Kaido. When Ye Luo and Kaido fought before, the opponent also had abnormal recovery ability, but anyway, there was still time, and after being injured, he would become weaker, so Ye Luo would have enough time to trap the opponent, and then gradually make the opponent lose the power to resist.

But what about Prophet Pettis?It seems that it doesn't take time at all. After being injured, he is recovering quickly. Before you can cause the next injury, he has fully recovered from the last injury.

In addition, Pittis is not a weak person, he has a combat power that is close to the peak of the emperor's level. If Ye Luo did not break through, he might not be able to suppress the opponent.

Maybe after Ye Luo opened up all the acupuncture points on his body, he could beat Pitis like Kaido, but now, he had to admit that even if he was himself, he could only entangle Pitis, and he couldn't even prevent him from escaping.

Unless there is another combat power of his own level, the two of them can join forces to trap Pitis.

"Hahahaha did you find out? You can't beat me at all, right? That's right, I am an invincible existence, even if you broke through to the emperor level, so what? As long as I want to leave, you can't stop me. When I return to the sky king Uranus, it will be your death!" Pitis obviously knew that Ye Luo had no other choice, and said with a loud smile.

"No, you must not let the other party leave, just smile! Kill him! I will cooperate with you!" Green Bull saw that the only person using weapons was fighting fiercely among Standing and Wulaoxing, so he stepped forward to intervene in the battle, and said to Fujitora.

"What are you going to do? The opponent's combat power is stronger than mine!" Fujitora is basically fighting against Wu Laoxing alone, so he understands the opponent's strength very well.

It seems that there is not much difference between himself and the opponent, but only the two sides in the battle know that Fujitora is slightly defeated, but it is not obvious. It is basically impossible for the two to decide the winner without more than three days.

The green cow stretched out and gestured to Fujitora, and remembered that Fujitora couldn't see at all, so he whispered: "Execute the ZS plan!"

"No! That's too dangerous!" Fujitora shook his head immediately after hearing that.

"There's no time to hesitate now, I'll go first!" The green bull, regardless of Fujitora's willingness or not, directly transformed into a cow form, one foot on the ground, and went straight to the five old stars holding the sword.

"Looking for death!" The bald Wulaoxing with glasses swung the long sword in his hand, and came straight to the green bull with a slash.

But Fujitora didn't make a move, but was gathering momentum aside, the purple devil fruit energy on his body was entwining around the bamboo sword.

"Hey, I'm an animal-type devil fruit capable person, and a phantom beast. How can it be so easy to die! Old man, wake up!" The green bull did not avoid Wu Laoxing's slash, but used his body to block it, and then took advantage of the distance between the two sides, regardless of the blood loss in the chest, let out a roar, directly stunned Wu Laoxing on the opposite side.

This is the most powerful ability of his ability to change into a cow. Using the energy of sound waves, he can stun the surrounding targets, but he rarely uses it because this ability requires too much energy and the conditions are very harsh, but at this time, he has already ignored those.

Although Wulaoxing who was stunned woke up soon, the green bull was already close to him, and Wulaoxing was wrapped around Wulaoxing with one leg, preventing him from moving.

Fujitora, who had already gathered his momentum over there, aimed a sword at this side.

Before the slash came, the incomparably strong gravity pressed the Green Bull and Wulaoxing into the ground.

"Gravity Knife Tiger Tiger Hell Brigade" At this time, Fujitora's move was called out.

In addition to the gravity on the two people, the slash also directly hit the two people who fell into the ground, and there was a huge shadow falling above their heads. It turned out to be some small meteorites that Fujitora pulled down from outer space using gravity, and the destination was naturally the location of the green bull and the five old stars.

"Hey, are you crazy, is this?" Everyone who was fighting around them was frightened by Fujitora's big move, this is desperate!And in his moves, there is also Vice Admiral Green Bull in it!

Ye Luo naturally also noticed the battle over there. Although he wanted to go to the rescue, Pitis entangled Ye Luo with a strange smile and exchanged a five old star for his life. He didn't think it was worthless at all, even though the five old star was actually stronger than the green bull.

"Boom boom boom~~~~" The meteorite fell, and the area was completely turned into a sea of ​​flames. Fujitora didn't care about expending a lot of physical strength, and went straight to the very center of the meteorite, where his important comrades-in-arms were.

"It's really troublesome!" While resisting Winters' attack, Shanks distractedly looked at the situation there, his knowledge and knowledge had neither the breath of the five old stars nor the breath of the green bull.

When the smoke cleared, Fujitora dragged two people out of the sea of ​​flames, and the ship doctor of the red-haired pirates over there immediately stepped forward to check.

"Shouldn't be dead, I'll take my move at the last moment!" Fujitora said as he handed the green bull on his right hand to the ship doctor of the red-haired pirates.

"Ahem! Next time, you'll be the bait!" Green Bull, whose life was on the verge of collapse, still jokingly said to Fujitora.

"Okay!" Fujitora just nodded seriously, and didn't speak any more.

The five old stars in the other hand over there have not lost their vitality at this time, at least the strong people present can sense it.

So the other three remaining five old stars rushed over like crazy, even if they were injured, as long as they could grab someone to limit Pitis' ability, it would be very easy to save them.

"Puff!" But before they could move, Fujitora, who always believed in benevolence and kindness, stabbed back with his bamboo sword, and directly pierced through the defenseless bald five old stars.

This already somewhat violated his principles of life, but the serious injury of the green bull forced him to make such an action, because it was the result of his comrades in exchange for their lives, and he dared not waste it!

"Asshole!" Wearing a black suit, white curly hair, fluffy white beard, wearing a flat hat, and a scar on the left cheek, Wu Laoxing saw Fujitora's movements and yelled through gritted teeth.

The five of them have been known as the Five Old Stars for many years. Although there are quarrels and conflicts of interest between them, it cannot be denied that they also have feelings. Now that the five of them have left the second one, the remaining three are naturally very angry.

"My lord, do you want to evacuate?" Merdir Bird took the opportunity to come to Pettis. To be honest, he was actually a little scared. Two of the five old stars who were stronger than him died, and Bindu Allen, who was similar in strength to him, was the first to die. Don't think about it, the probability of his death must be 100%.

It's not without reason that he was so scared. He was fighting against Admiral Huang Yuan, and it was only the Vice Admiral who broke out just now!If his opponent, the general Huang Yuan, had an outburst like this, wouldn't he be sure to die?That's why he took advantage of this time when everyone stopped, and came to Pettis to ask.

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