"Bang Bang Bang~~~"


The battle between Ye Luo and Prophet Pitis became more and more intense. The battle between the two of them had been completely separated from the others. Otherwise, the aftermath of their battle would have an impact on other people's battles.

"Ahem, ahem, I didn't expect that other than that old guy, Baloric Redfield, there would be someone who could break through the bottleneck of the imperial rank. It's really surprising!" Pitis wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

Strictly speaking, his strength is still at the imperial level, but he is already at the top imperial level.

"Baloric Redfield?" Ye Luo was a little surprised. It turned out that someone had broken through to the imperial level before, but he didn't seem to have heard of this name.

"Yeah, Baloric Redfield, you probably haven't heard of his name? That stinky bat sucks blood everywhere. Maybe he got tired of this kind of life, and maybe he found a place to commit suicide by himself!" Pitis said with a big laugh.

That person is really very strong, and he is the only one who can threaten him, but fortunately, the other person does not have the ambition to subvert the world, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

When Pettis said this, Ye Luo suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Bat fruit, a vampire-like ability user?"

"Oh? Kid, you're pretty cool, you even know this!" Peter was taken aback, he didn't expect Ye Luo to know this person.

"It turned out to be him, but don't worry, I'll let you see what power beyond the imperial level is!" Ye Luo smiled, and the internal force in his body began to circulate rapidly.

"Dragon grabber!" Ye Luo chose close combat this time. He wanted to see if he could rely on the characteristics of the Beiming Divine Art to suck away the endless life force of the opponent. After all, the Beiming Divine Art can absorb even internal energy.

In the past, Ye Luo rarely used this method of absorbing their power to fight, because he was afraid that the power in his body would be too mixed, but now the opponent he was facing was basically an unsolvable existence that couldn't be killed, so Ye Luo couldn't care less.

"Bastard, what are you doing?" After dodging a few times, Pitis was still caught by Ye Luo, and then he felt that his power was rapidly draining, which made him a little terrified.

"Is it really not possible?" Although Ye Luo was absorbing Pitis's energy, the energy was not life force, but the arrogance that Pitis cultivated himself.

"My lord!" Seeing that Pitis was caught by Ye Luo, it seemed that the other party used some despicable means, and the prophet Pitis was in a state of being unable to resist.

"Boom!" Winters took the Green Bull's kick and Sabo's punch, and with this force, he ignored them and went straight to Ye Luo.

Seeing Winters approaching quickly, the corners of Ye Luo's mouth twitched slightly. Although it didn't suck away the life force of Pitis, attracting Winters was a good harvest.

"Go to hell!" After getting close to Ye Luo, Winters punched Ye Luo directly, because he found that not only the prophet Pitis could not move, but the other party also seemed unable to move.

It should be some secret method used by the navy to make both of them unable to move.

But he doesn't care about these things, and nothing that threatens Pittis' safety can happen.

"Hey" Ye Luo's mouth curled up slightly, and just when Winters was about to attack him, Ye Luo let go of Pittis, and dodged to come behind Winters, first hit Winters with Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon on the back of the heart, and then turned back and kicked him away.

Ye Luo didn't care about the blood sprinkled by the opponent in the air, and continued to move with his fingers. The Six Meridians Excalibur fired six swords in a row, and the sword hit the opponent.

"Boom, boom, boom~~~~~~~" After the six-veined sword penetrated the opponent's body, it caused a huge explosion. Winters was thrown away by the aftermath of the explosion like a piece of rag.

This series of changes made everyone stop at the same time, Tianlongren and Wulaoxing quickly returned to Pitis to check his injuries.

"I didn't expect the bastard to almost capsize in your gutter, it's so good!" Pittis looked at Ye Luo angrily, and shouted.

"Seeing that you still have energy, you should be able to continue fighting, right? How about it? Keep playing?" Ye Luo said with a light smile.

Shanks and the others also gathered towards Ye Luo at this time. As for Bindu Allen, who was seriously injured before, he was being carried by the demon king Ivankov, and the other party was already unconscious.

"It's a pity, that person was rescued by them, but after being treated so savagely by you, Ye Luo, the lightest thing is to lose his fighting power!" The Shemale King said with a smile while holding Bindu Allen.

"Hey, speak normally, I didn't do anything strange! But the opponent probably doesn't have the ability to continue fighting!" Ye Luo said with a chuckle.

"What a pervert! That's a character with imperial combat power. You beat him to the point of losing his combat power just by meeting him. You are really getting more and more terrifying now!" Ivankov glanced at Ye Luo and said in a complicated way.

"Winters!" Pittis took over Winters who was seriously injured and still vomiting blood from a member of the secret team, hating Ye Luo even more.

But in front of Ye Luo, Pitis showed his ability.

"ROOM!" A transparent cover appeared beside Pittis, enveloping Winters.

"How is it possible? The ability of the fruit of surgery? Could it be that Luo is already dead?" Seeing this familiar ability, Ye Luo was really surprised.

"No, Luffy told me before that Luo has been with him all the time. After the Sky Island incident, the other party left. It should be to snatch the territory of the Four Emperors!" Ace shook his head and said.

"But how could such a thing happen? It is impossible to have two fruits with the same ability at the same time!" Ye Luo said in disbelief.

"Return your life!" Pitis ignored Ye Luo, and put a hand directly on Winters' body.

A powerful vitality erupted in his palm, and Winters' injury recovered visibly with the naked eye.

"What a fucking ability!" Ye Luo was a little speechless.

"Then there's no need to stay with this person!" Ivankov whispered, looking at the unconscious Bindu Allen beside him.

"Kill him thoroughly, or the other party will make him recover his combat power, and he will be in trouble!" Ye Luo nodded and said.

Without Ivankov's action, a naval general came over soon and dragged Bindu Allen to the back. As for how to deal with Ye Luo, I didn't ask. In short, in the perception of knowledge, a vitality disappeared soon.

"The opponent saved a person, and the vitality didn't even fluctuate, so there's no way to fight!" Shanks said with a headache when he sensed the opponent's vitality and found that there was no fluctuation at all.

"No matter how difficult it is, we must keep him here, otherwise our plan will not be realized!" Ye Luo's expression became serious, such a person with endless vitality and the ability to continuously restore blood to his teammates is simply a bug in the world of One Piece!
"Thank you, my lord!" Winters actually recovered from his injuries after accepting Pitis's vitality, and said, standing up and saluting to Pitis.

"Five Old Stars, together with Merdir Bird, stop those people, Winters, you and me, deal with that navy!" Pittis gritted his teeth and said, "Be careful not to be caught by him, he has a strange ability that can absorb our energy!"

"Yes, my lord! This time he won't succeed easily!" Winters nodded, looked at Ye Luo, and said.

"Before they use the Heavenly King, you give priority to killing that group of people. I'll hold them back here. In the end, if we go together, there should be some results. As long as we kill some of his life force, then he won't be able to activate the Heavenly King. Our goal has also been achieved!" Ye Luo didn't have a good solution for a while, so he could only order.

"My lord, let's fight together! There's no need to pretend now!" the King of War said to Ye Luo when he came out of the mountains at some point.

"It's up to you to fight alone! Your clansmen should stay in the mountains, or those who are resting, help bring our wounded soldiers back to the mountains!" Ye Luo said after thinking for a while.

After the arrangements were made on both sides, the battle broke out again, and this time the fight was even more intense. Although Pitis was sucked away by Ye Luo, he recovered quite quickly with his endless vitality, but he didn't show the ability similar to the fruit of surgery in the battle.

"Boom!" A Wulaoxing who was fighting with Shanks finally had his arm cut off by Shanks when it was getting dark, which attracted the attention of everyone on the battlefield.

"What a waste!" Pittis said angrily when he saw the retreating Wu Laoxing.

But even though he said that, the person was still moving towards that side quickly. Seeing this, Ye Luo wanted to go over and interrupt him, but was entangled tightly by Winters.

Sure enough, with the help of Pitis, the five old stars who recovered their arms recovered again, and even seemed to have no sequelae at all, so they returned to the battlefield again, and fought Shanks again with another five old stars.

"I can't go on like this! Everyone, you have to kill your opponents if you take a shot, even if you are seriously injured, or make them unable to join that guy, otherwise it will be too bad for us to fight like this!" Shanks said while besieging a five-old star with his comrades.

"No, with our current strength, except for the boss who can kill the opponent in an instant, no one has such ability, unless we are injured! But if we are injured ourselves and have not been able to kill the opponent, then our advantage will be lost slowly, and it will be even more difficult at that time!" Jesus Bu immediately put forward different opinions.

"Damn it, they keep two people suppressing the boss all the time, and none of us can go to support it!" Lagi Lu's chubby body is quite flexible, but in this kind of battle between strong men, he still can't do whatever he wants.

"Fire Fist Great Yandi!" Over there, Ace has started to use ranged attacks frequently, in order to help his comrades create opportunities, but at this time, whether it is Wu Laoxing or Merdir Bird, they are quite cautious, so although there are many people here, they can't find good opportunities for a while.

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