"Hehehe, it's not that the fruit ability is not good, it's that you haven't developed a stronger power!" Lafitte, who has transformed into a birdman, said with a smile while staring at Ye Luo, as if he was a little afraid that Ye Luo would violently hurt others.

"Hey Captain Papa, there seems to be a small fish biting me here!" San Juan Dire Wolf suddenly jumped out from the bottom of the sea, grabbed a sea king in one hand, threw it directly at Ye Luo, and said to Tiqi with a simple and honest smile.

"It seems that you are really planning to keep me today?" Ye Luo kicked away the sea kings, and then came to the giant dragon Huoyan.

At this time, the flames had stopped the injury. Although the wings could still fly, the speed must have been greatly reduced.

"Roar~~" Flame stared at Shiliu full of hatred, and roared at him.

"The blood of the giant dragon is really delicious!" Xiliu licked his tongue, stared at the flames, and said pervertedly.

He used a slash just now, and his saber itself did not hit the flame, but his movement seemed to be licking the blood of the flame, which made the flame, who was a giant dragon, subconsciously retreat a little.

"Everyone, don't hold back, everyone should be aware of his strength! Get rid of him, and we will be able to run wild in the sea!" Blackbeard did not lift off, but stood on the deck with his fists raised, looking at the surrounded Ye Luo.

"Bang~" "Bang~~"

Following Blackbeard's movements, two transparent energy clusters appeared in his hands, which were the ability of the Whitebeard's Vibrating Fruit that he had seized.

"Old buddy, don't let people underestimate you today! Six Meridians Excalibur!" Ye Luo stood on the flame, avoiding the attacks of Xiliu and others, while pointing at Tiqi.



First, there was the sound of glass shattering in front of Ye Luo, and then Ye Luo was directly knocked into the air, from the body of the giant dragon Huo Yan.

On the other side, Tiki was also hit in the arm by Ye Luo's Six-veined Excalibur, causing him to roll over and over on the deck in pain.

"I didn't expect that your strength is so strong. You have used your father's ability to perfection!" Ye Luo avoided the bullet of the sniper Fan Aoka, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said to Tiqi.

Just now, the ability of the shaking fruit exploded directly in front of him, and Ye Luo was injured in one blow.

"Roar~~" The flame directly used the dragon's breath, and sprayed it at the pirate ship below, but on the contrary, the attack of Xiliu and others also hit it again.

The Huaxia, which was originally entangled by the pirate ship, took the opportunity to break through the blockade and fled directly into the distance.

"Okay, Huo Huo, your mission is complete, go back and have a good rest!" Ye Luo saw that the dragon Huo Huo had been hit several times, and the dragon's blood was scattered on the sea like rain, and with a wave of his hand, the flame turned into a white light and disappeared.

"Hahaha, you don't have the power of a giant dragon, Ye Luo, you can't escape this time!" Blackbeard Tiqi stood up from the deck and said to Ye Luo with a smile.

"Who told you that I'm going to run away? Hit the dog with the stick and fight the dog!" Ye Luozhu swung the stick, not only enclosing the surrounding flying ability users into the battle circle, but also enclosing Shilieu of the Rain and Lafayette who were separated by a little distance.



"Hehehe, I said that it's not that the fruit ability is not good, it's that you haven't cultivated well, right?"

Ye Luo didn't notice during the battle, and was directly hit in the back by the invisible Shiliu, and blood burst out immediately, while Lafayette on the other side was smiling all over his face.

"Cough, cough, invisible fruit? It's really troublesome!" Ye Luo coughed a few times and spat out a mouthful of blood.

If he used all his strength, even if Xiliu was invisible, as long as he moved or made a move, Ye Luo would be able to spot him immediately, but during the battle, he didn't have so much energy to pay attention to these things, so he was directly attacked by Xiliu.

The ability user army under Tiqi is not Kaido's man-made fruit, but a serious devil fruit ability, and the strength is not weak, Ye Luo, who is surrounded, has to cheer up to face it.

In addition to the army of capable people entangled Ye Luo and Xi Liu's sneak attack, the sniper Fan Oka's sniper attacks from time to time also forced Ye Luo to pay a little attention, and Tiqi who was watching eagerly made Ye Luo have to defend with all his strength.

Even with a dog-beating stick suitable for group battles, Ye Luo can only stay on the defensive!
But the so-called long-term defense will lead to loss, if it continues, Ye Luo will only have the path of defeat.

So while defending, Ye Luo began to think about the way out.

"Devil dog!" Just when Ye Luo was at a loss, suddenly a dog's head formed from a mass of magma went straight to Blackbeard.

"Thieves hahaha I didn't expect there to be an admiral here!" Blackbeard is no longer the blackbeard he used to be. He punched easily and used the ability of the shaking fruit to defeat Akainu Kasarsky's signature move.

That's right, it was one of the admirals, Akainu Kasarsky, who appeared on the battlefield.

"Hmph! It's shameful to be ambushed by pirates. General Zilong, you haven't fought for too long. Have you forgotten how to deal with pirates?" Kasarsky reprimanded Ye Luo directly with a serious face.

"Bastard, I just want to test their abilities. Who asked you to intervene?" Because of Kasarsky's appearance, there was a hole in the encirclement, so Ye Luo took the opportunity to break through directly.

The members of the Blackbeard Pirates didn't chase after him, allowing Ye Luo to meet up with Kasarsky smoothly.

"Didn't we already get rid of this annoying red dog? Why did we find it so soon?" Lafitte put away his smile and slowly landed beside Tiki, asking unwillingly.

They only need a little more time to surround and kill Ye Luo, but it's a pity that Red Dog came too soon.

It turned out that after Blackbeard's general situation was dispatched, Kasarsky set off quietly and began to monitor Blackbeard's actions, but because the other party's whereabouts were uncertain, even Akainu often followed him.

Today I also lost everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates, so Akainu didn't care, and planned to find a small island to resupply, and happened to meet the Blackbeard Pirates who were ambushing Ye Luo here.

In fact, he didn't know that if he didn't turn around and continued to follow the Blackbeard Pirates, Bacchus Choate would be waiting for him in the sea ahead, in order to restrain Akainu and prevent him from disturbing the battle over there.

It's a pity that Akainu didn't want to continue chasing today, so he missed Bacchus Choate and came directly to the small island here, met Ye Luo who was fighting, and rescued him who was ambushed by accident.

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