People in Pirates: Become stronger from joining the navy.

Chapter 405 The Red Hair Pirates Appeared

"My lord, are we waiting here?" On the third island, Ain and Binz asked Ye Luo after they had dealt with the pirates stationed there.

"No, the two of you take him back, I'll just wait here alone, remember to hide the Huaxia, if found out, maybe those pirates will attack you, be careful yourself! Really not, just take these three out, Shanks will not ignore his subordinates!" Ye Luo shook his head and said.

Ain and Binz nodded, and left directly with the unconscious pirate. As for Ye Luo, he found a hotel in the small town to stay.

Although everyone in the town knew about the man who had just defeated the red-haired pirates, they didn't dare to drive Ye Luo away, they could only meet Ye Luo's request, for fear that Ye Luo would attack the people in the town.

Three days later, when the Red Foss of the Red Hair Pirates appeared at the port, Ye Luo knew that the person he was waiting for was coming.

"Bastard, who on earth dares to come to our territory to cause trouble?" the fat cadre, Lagi Lu, yelled dissatisfiedly while eating the meat.

"Okay, since the opponent can break through three small islands in a row, I don't think their strength is too bad, and if they dare to wait here, it is clear that they are coming here for the boss! Could it be that Luffy is at the same time? Those guys are very active in the new world now!" Vice-captain Ben Beckman said with a smile.

"Are you talking about Joelle Bonnie, who sneaked into Qiao Maria and rescued the bear? That guy is also a ruthless person! But the navy doesn't seem to be doing anything?" Sniper Jesus Bu also said with a smile.

"Okay, I seem to feel a familiar smell, it seems that an old friend is coming!" Shanks waved his hand and said.

In the distance, Ye Luo rushed towards the port slowly, and when he sensed the pirate ship, Ye Luo had already come out of the hotel.

"Admiral Zilong? Navy?" When Ye Luo appeared, the cadres of the red-haired pirates all put on a fighting stance. Ye Luo's name could not help them be careless.

"Yo~ Long time no see, everyone!" Ye Luo greeted familiarly.

"Navy, what are you doing here? Want to fight our pirates?" Ben Beckman said with a frown.

Ye Luo shook his head and said, "Don't be so nervous, I just wanted to chat with you, but your subordinates didn't want to inform you, so I can only do this! Don't worry, everyone is alive, I didn't do anything cruel!"

"Looking for me? What's the matter?" Shanks looked at Ye Luo and suddenly asked with a smile.

"Have a drink together?" Ye Luo didn't say directly, but instead extended an invitation.

Shanks is not a timid person either, he walked directly towards the town and said, "However, this is also my territory, since you want to ask me for a drink, then don't be polite!"

Seeing this, the members of the red-haired pirates also put away their weapons, followed behind Shanks, and walked towards the town. Ye Luo didn't care, and turned around to join the pirates.

In the small town, because of the red-haired Shanks and Ye Luo, there are no people on the street. I am afraid that they will fight here and bring disaster to the fish in the pond.

"Boss, serve all the good wine!" Pushing open the door of the tavern, Lagi Lu shouted loudly after entering the tavern.

This is where their red-haired pirates belong, and it's not yet Ye Luo's turn to give orders.

The tavern owner looked at the group of uncles, his face turned green, but he didn't dare to pretend to be dead. He immediately used the fastest speed to move out all the good wine in the store, and he didn't dare to mention the money, so he immediately hid.

"Tell me, what do you want from me!" Shanks didn't care, opened a barrel of fine wine, and drank it first.

"The main reason is that you guys have been making a lot of noise recently, and I want to ask your purpose!" Ye Luo was not polite, and also opened a bucket of fine wine, and drank from a cup.

The rest of the red-haired pirates ignored the two of them, drinking and chatting, Lagi Lu even got the boss out again and asked him to prepare food.

"Our purpose? No matter what we do, it seems that we don't need to report to your navy, right?" Ben Beckman reclined slightly lazily on his seat, glanced at Ye Luo, and said directly.

Ye Luo nodded and said, "Indeed, you don't need to tell me what you want to do! But Blackbeard Tiqi is also very active recently. I guess he has obtained a means to deprive ability users of their abilities. Now he is hunting for ability users to enrich his own strength, so we plan to restrain him!"

"Huh? Deprive the abilities of those who have abilities?" Shanks frowned. Although it is almost impossible to become a top powerhouse just by relying on fruits, if the backbone of a pirate group is all abilities, then the combat power of this pirate group is definitely very strong.

Just look at Kaido, why does he want artificial fruit?It's nothing more than wanting to form an army of capable people. If Blackbeard Tiqi really masters this method, he must be on guard.

"Don't look at me like that, the navy has enough news to prove it!" Seeing all the pirates looking at him, Ye Luo waved his hand to show that he wasn't exaggerating.

"If this is the case, it will be really troublesome!" Shanks said with a headache after swallowing a mouthful of wine.

"That's why I'm here to make sure if you've cooperated with him. If not, then when our navy controls Blackbeard, we don't ask you for help, we just ask you not to make trouble!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

"Want to cooperate with us? Hey, we are pirates! How can we do things that are not beneficial? The matter of Blackbeard Tiki has nothing to do with us. If your navy dares to intervene in what we are going to do, we will naturally give you some suffering!" Jesus Bu on the side interrupted while drinking.

But Ye Luo ignored him, but looked at Shanks.

"Tichi, I have other things to do now, and I don't want to get involved in your affairs. Your navy wants to do something to Tiki, I don't care! But I advise you to prepare for the worst! Kaido and BIGMOM will not choose to turn a blind eye!" Shanks pondered for a while, and said directly.

"Really? If that's the case, then I'll take my leave first! Your subordinates, I'll let them go back!" Ye Luo smiled, stood up and said.

The members of the red-haired pirates watched Ye Luo leave without stopping or moving. They didn't burst out laughing until Ye Luo left completely.

"Boss, this admiral is not an ordinary person!" Deputy Captain Ben Beckman said with a smile.

"It is indeed an unusual person, but our purpose is not something he can stop!" Shanks said with a smile.

"Forget it, it's rare to come here today, so let's take a break, boss, take out all your wine, and have a banquet!" Lagi Lu said with a big smile.

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